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The other air pump is just way superior in every way. I'm telling you its night and day.

You will see. That thin metal diaphragm will start to crack in under a year and airflow will drop. And there are no parts for that hunk of shit.

The pondmaster on the other hand. The sell an entire rebuild kit for $15. Includes all the seals,flapppers, o rings. Quality kit. Plus the first time ypu plug it in you will this thing on? It's that quiet

One more thing, your running DWC so you NEED to run benies.

Sterile is a pipe dream and the plants do WAY better with weekly tea. happy plants are heavy plants.
@legallyflying Ok you sold me on the air pump. Ordered w/spare rebuild kit. 54 db should be zero db in my sound box and only a slight drop in output plus easier on the res chiller. Still need to learn more about tea in hydro. Any linky or suggestions appreciated.
The water here sucks big time!
Been using this for years
IMG_0285.JPG IMG_0286.JPG
For growing these
50tank3-14-11 008.jpg
So why not for these? :leaf::leaf::leaf:
The foundation for happy plants :weed:
Tip: Hang your small air pumps on a bungee for whisper free service. You'll only hear the bubbles :clap:
Ive personally used those noisy air pumps for years and ive never had too hot of res. although I have noticed they do get very warm and ive herd of many people having issues with that. For me noise has never been a concern and they really crank out some air. The other pump interests me though as you can repair it.

I'm also curious about some examples of some tea's. I've read about the advantages but would like to hear some real people suggestions
Ive personally used those noisy air pumps for years and ive never had too hot of res. although I have noticed they do get very warm and ive herd of many people having issues with that. For me noise has never been a concern and they really crank out some air. The other pump interests me though as you can repair it.

I'm also curious about some examples of some tea's. I've read about the advantages but would like to hear some real people suggestions

@gmanguy I'm hoping someone will chime in on the tea with some real world HYDRO experience. I've found random stuff on the tube as well as a few thing here but now I'm more confused :wall: as for the noise I'm trying to keep this as low key as possible. Even though I'm legal I have kids and nosy neighbors so mum's the word.
Love the aquatic plants...what are they..? Sorry, the set up is boss as well, I'm a bit of a plant geek. ATB!

@SupaM Thanks man, I really don't remember all of those freshwater aquatic plant names (all have scientific names ), but I do know the 2 hobbies (weed & fish) have a lot in common. Water quality, Co2, nutrients, proper lighting, temps, PH, etc. I learned a lot working on planted tanks. 004.jpg I currently have a 280 gallon that I will be setting up soon.

Hey if your into planted tanks check out some of the beauties here.
@SupaM Thanks man, I really don't remember all of those freshwater aquatic plant names (all have scientific names ), but I do know the 2 hobbies (weed & fish) have a lot in common. Water quality, Co2, nutrients, proper lighting, temps, PH, etc. I learned a lot working on planted tanks. View attachment 3338375 I currently have a 280 gallon that I will be setting up soon.

Hey if your into planted tanks check out some of the beauties here.
Thanks, helps to know they are fresh water plants, and thanks for the link.....I just got hooked on a show 'Fish Tanks Kings' they do Outrageous Tanks! ATB!
Ok, I'm the interest of time I'm going to distill about 7 years of hydro experience on you in about three paragraphs.

Oh post about the pump when it arrives, you are going to be very very impressed.

So the hydro thing...Sterile rez sounds great on paper. I mean you add your sterilization (h2o2,bleach, hydro sparkle, that dutch master shit) whatever, and it's supposed to be cool and the gang.

And depending on where you live and what your water is like..and if you have well water...beware, you can get bacteria in your water. It's a cyanobacteria that doesn't need light, it doesnt need air, the shit is nasty. And if you scrub your buckets with scotch bright, bacteria can live in those scratches and I have read peer reviewed journal articles that found that bacteria firmly attached to substrates can withstand 6x the usual disenfectent.

Once I got this stuff I tried EVERY FUCK ING THING. Everything. From bleach to physian name it. all the while there are plenty of folks saying "yeah dude, h2o2 is all you need".

finally I came across a thread on beneficial bacteria. There are several but there is a huge one here. Heisenburg tea. I tried it and wow! I mean wow. I had plants on the brink of death and after about a week they were fucking exploding!

I spent many many many hours researching this shit and I have subscriptions to several online journals (environmental science related). It has been shown time and time again that beneficials ward of disease, increase uptake and increase yield.

They won't reproduce in water, but they do live about a week.
It's simple really, a little molassis, a handful or two of ancient forest, and a scoop of myco powder. Bubble the fuck out of it... with your POS pump, and add to the rez. Once a week

In terms of the mycorhizal powder there are all.kinds available. Hands down the best by a long shot is ogbiowar. Get it..biological warefare. bio war was started by a biologist and grower over at thc farmer. He ordered the spores and mixed it himself. thc farmer makes rhis place look like a CFL grow in terms of the depth of knowledge. Anyways.. people were buying it by messaging him and the results were awesome. So much he started an ebay website...and BOOM His business exploded. Now it is in retail stores.

You can buy it directly from his website. Google og biowar. (whispering) use the code thc farmer at check out and you get it damn near wholesale.

Follow the instructions on his website. It's kind of a pain in the ass but whatever. It WORKS. I have pictures but I'm too lazy to dig them up.

If you Google beneficial tea or he sine burg tea you will find scores of people that are high fiving each other over this stuff.

Oh yeah ...notch that water down a couple 67 Degrees :)

Happy growing mate. Serious clean and professional looking setup. Very very nice
Got the Humidifier and dehumidifier dialed in finally. Need humi during the day and de-humi at night. The Humi is on a timer and the de-humi works with the grow controller at night.
@legallyflying Ok got my tea a brewing. This ain't no fuckin' Earl Grey and scones that's for sure. I made due with some bat shit, EWC, Subculture B I had already, and some Extreme brand AZOS and MYKOS a friend gave to me. Added some Grandma's molasses to kick it off. Like I said making due till I get my Biowar. Like the name of that shit, sounds like it'll kill zombies and Taliban. I hope my fly by tea works for now.


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The more I study these compost / micro tea the less I understand.
So much confusing / contradicting info on the WWW. So many recipes. Like meatloaf every body loves their mom's but are super critical of other peeps recipes. Nevertheless so many growers can't be wrong. So I want a big plate full of meatloaf-tea with a side of mashed potatoes and gravy. Hope my intern recipe will help feed my roots.
Added this to my res. It bumped the DO level up from 8.0 to 9.3 scored of the bay for $14. Well worth it. Keeps nutes well mixed and shreds the bubbles into micro-bubbles to make them more effective in producing DO. No air, no mixer DO is 6.7 so this gotta be good for my plants.
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@Alienwidow I'm cooling the res with a 1/10hp eco-plus chiller (I know piece of shit but its working for now) I got off CL for $50. I run it thru a closed loop stainless steel tube in the res. It's kept on the other side of the wall in the garage as is my air pump (both throw off unwanted heat and noise) . The mixer above is submerged at the bottom of my res and runs on a timer to coincide with the ebb and flow as is the air-pump to mega bubble the buckets. I also have a one way filtered & vented fresh air inlet going to there. Posted pics a few posts back. Soon to be replacing the ecoplus 7 air pump as it is too hot and raises my water temps 2-6 deg. I'll keep it as a utility pump for tea and stuff.
Tea time! Been brewing this funky shit for about 44 hours.
Time to add to res for a couple feedings left today. Also scored this awesome Thomas air pump off the bay for $47! This mofo kicks out the air for the soup, errr tea.

I love suds (beer) but hope my plant's roots like this funky brew.
My nectarine tree is loving the res dumps!

Bottoms up! Let the fun begin!