Will you buy irradiated medicine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 109 86.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Bye bye tushie.... Feel proud you are the first person to ever make it on my ignore list. You are the stupidest waste of skin. Anyway have fun with that jagged pipe that is shoved so far up your ass chuck tastes it when you kiss him good night. Have fun talking to yourself tosh o tool.....
he's my first too...

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Bye bye tushie.... Feel proud you are the first person to ever make it on my ignore list. You are the stupidest waste of skin. Anyway have fun with that jagged pipe that is shoved so far up your ass chuck tastes it when you kiss him good night. Have fun talking to yourself tosh o tool.....
Is that moron still here...I've been ignoring him too....many here do
TWEED RELEASES 1 MORE DIRTY IRRADIATED GREENHOUSE STRAIN. Super Lemon Haze. Further proof that THE WHOLE GREENHOUSE IS A FAILED CONTAMINATED CROP. Like I said before they are holding back this GREENHOUSE crop because IT ALL FAILED. ALL IRRADIADED. The whole greenhouse crop. What a disaster. All who have ears, listen clearly. If your food had mold in it.. Would you throw it away? Would you sell it to your sick neighbour? Throw it away. Love your neighbour.


Well-Known Member
TWEED RELEASES 1 MORE DIRTY IRRADIATED GREENHOUSE STRAIN. Super Lemon Haze. Further proof that THE WHOLE GREENHOUSE IS A FAILED CONTAMINATED CROP. Like I said before they are holding back this GREENHOUSE crop because IT ALL FAILED. ALL IRRADIADED. The whole greenhouse crop. What a disaster. All who have ears, listen clearly. If your food had mold in it.. Would you throw it away? Would you sell it to your sick neighbour? Throw it away. Love your neighbour.
I told you that from the get go and you had a hissy fit and defended Tweed. You are in fact a NOOB.
I said Tweed has Sour Diesel 21.6% for $12 and it is for those who enjoy the finer things in life. Interpret that as you will. I see the CLEAN AND THE DIRTY BATCHES and deduce from that what happened. This is very important information knowing the greenhouse was a COMPLETE FAILURE and FAST TRACKED? If TWEED CAN PRODUCE CLEAN BATCHES then why allow the sale of DIRTY TEST CROPS in the GREENHOUSE AT TWEED FARMS? New LPs TEST FIRST 2 CROPS? What is going on here? TWEED FARMS IS NOT TWEED. Different License. THROW AWAY THE DIRTY GREENHOUSE CROPS. Does anyone care about the health of these patients? What's going on HEALTH CANADA?


Well-Known Member
whats with all the yelling...easy buddy....your gonna have a heart attack...or a stoke..
maybe a time out is in order...fella


Well-Known Member
I said Tweed has Sour Diesel 21.6% for $12 and it is for those who enjoy the finer things in life. Interpret that as you will. I see the CLEAN AND THE DIRTY BATCHES and deduce from that what happened. This is very important information knowing the greenhouse was a COMPLETE FAILURE and FAST TRACKED? If TWEED CAN PRODUCE CLEAN BATCHES then why allow the sale of DIRTY TEST CROPS in the GREENHOUSE AT TWEED FARMS? New LPs TEST FIRST 2 CROPS? What is going on here? TWEED FARMS IS NOT TWEED. Different License. THROW AWAY THE DIRTY GREENHOUSE CROPS. Does anyone care about the health of these patients? What's going on HEALTH CANADA?
This is medicine.. Not a luxury. Or a finer thing in life. This is about keeping me well so I can be there for my kids, letting me live a normal life without the need for liver destroying pharmaceutical medications. And my condition is minor compared to most people on here. People need this shit to function. Its their life line. Not a "Finer thing in life". You don't know anything about anything. I'd like to meet the doctor who signed your prescription. Lol.
This is medicine.. Not a luxury. Or a finer thing in life. This is about keeping me well so I can be there for my kids, letting me live a normal life without the need for liver destroying pharmaceutical medications. And my condition is minor compared to most people on here. People need this shit to function. Its their life line. Not a "Finer thing in life". You don't know anything about anything. I'd like to meet the doctor who signed your prescription. Lol.
NSBUDS... If you want a doctor, Come to Toronto. Some won't even charge a fee because a friend of mine has gone and told them it is illegal to do so while collecting Ontario Health Insurance.
You crying about Tweed's Finer things in life pricing is powerful considering you are the smallest perscription of 1 gram per day and you still are not able to afford it.
Imagine the MANY PATIENTS WITH 250 GRAM PER DAY Scripts.
HEALTH CANADA TOTALLY SUPPORTS THEM with endorsment signatures.
Welcome to the big boys world.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Someone had to yell it's all crickets in here. Oh and toshie is a bellend
The best part is he doesn't know how many people don't even hear what he say''s beautiful really.
Kind of like when the neighbor with the malfunctioning car alarm finally moves away. I picture him on a cliff...yelling at nobody.....lmfao
I see his name and nothing else...sweet deal


Well-Known Member
NSBUDS... If you want a doctor, Come to Toronto. Some won't even charge a fee because a friend of mine has gone and told them it is illegal to do so while collecting Ontario Health Insurance.
You crying about Tweed's Finer things in life pricing is powerful considering you are the smallest perscription of 1 gram per day and you still are not able to afford it.
Imagine the MANY PATIENTS WITH 250 GRAM PER DAY Scripts.
HEALTH CANADA TOTALLY SUPPORTS THEM with endorsment signatures.
Welcome to the big boys world.
The average MMPR script is between 1-5 gs because nobody can afford that shit. Its not like I'm alone in this. All you just did was support my statement. You're exactly right. There are huge scripts.. And how the fuck are people suppose to afford them?

My script costs me the equivalent of two Bell bills a month. Why would I get a huge script that I could never fill? Nobody in the MMPR has a 250g/day script. Considering it would cost 250-400$/day. You have probs buddy. Major lack of common sense . also do you know that half the people on here have you blocked and you're talking to thin air 50% of the time? Yeah forgive me for having two kids, a wife on maternity leave, bills to pay and not being able to drop 400$ a month on 12$ garbage that Chuck probably flossed his taint with. That's where the sour comes from.. Spoiled rich people like tosh here who paid for a script they don't need and feel entitled enough to shit on those who actually need it and can't afford love bitch.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
The average MMPR script is between 1-5 gs because nobody can afford that shit. Its not like I'm alone in this. All you just did was support my statement. You're exactly right. There are huge scripts.. And how the fuck are people suppose to afford them?

My script costs me the equivalent of two Bell bills a month. Why would I get a huge script that I could never fill? Nobody in the MMPR has a 250g/day script. Considering it would cost 250-400$/day. You have probs buddy. Major lack of common sense . also do you know that half the people on here have you blocked and you're talking to thin air 50% of the time? Yeah forgive me for having two kids, a wife on maternity leave, bills to pay and not being able to drop 400$ a month on 12$ garbage that Chuck probably flossed his taint with. That's where the sour comes from.. Spoiled rich people like tosh here who paid for a script they don't need and feel entitled enough to shit on those who actually need it and can't afford love bitch.
I wouldn't let him annoy you NS. He's a planted turd who is paid to annoy you. Ignore him as he has nothing of use to say.
He's ole broken He should stop smoking the twood products as they have obviously messed up his thinking.