Cut Fan Leaves



Please help, I need a little information on what type of situation I got myself into. I knew there was some type of way leaves could be cut, the method is I think trimming or something like that, well anyways I cut the fan leaves off. I just wanted to know what situation have I created for myself I am kinda pressed for time and was hoping to be finished at the end of feb. I am like a little more than 2 weeks into flowering. what type of situation have I created and will my grow have to go longer now and if so could someone tell me how much longer or at least give me an estimate. There are still a good amount of leaves left, hoping I have enough left to keep the plants growing good.



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Well-Known Member
"fan" leaves are the sun catchers for your plant. Even if a fan leaf is causing shade to a bud sight, the plant is still using the light it absorbs to feed that bud site...

Bottom line, until the last week or so of flower, and barring any pest control extremes... leave the leaves alone...

Like cuttin off only 6 of your fingers n saying "its ok, hes still got enough to eat with"

Give it an extra week or 2 in veg, it will replace them....

(If you are purposely TRYING to stunt the growth for training or cab grows etc, ur on the right track, re-clip when they look like they previously did again)


I also forgot to add I am feeding them flora micro,gro, and bloom, will that make up for some of the lost leaves and I am in flower so I can't veg any longer unless I put it back in veg hoping I'm not in a situation where I have to try to make up for anything, kinda pressed for time.


Well-Known Member
ya I use those same nutes. if you want any chance at being done by the end of feb, just keep it in flower.


Active Member
U say they've been in flowering about 2 weeks. Depending on strain u could have 5 to 10 wks till harvest. The pics look predom indica so probably like 6 weeks to go. Do you know what strains they are? As for taking sun leaves, sun leaves are the power plant/solor panels needed to convert the food into charbs that the plant needs. Some strains get so thick that I have to thin SOME sun leaves out of the middle to let light and AIR get through the plant. The last 2 weeks I start pulling more sun leaves out, especially the last week. Getting stickier and smellier is the plants defense if it thinks it being attacked by a insect. The last week I'll tear some sun leaves in half to fool the plant into thinking it is being attacked so that she will put on more sticky n more stink. Good luck with your venture. Be happy!


Well-Known Member
Your plant look really overwatered. Also leaves are the direct result of bigger buds. Buds don't absorb light the leaves do. The leaves absorb light, utilize the nutrients provided and store the energy. When the plant starts flowering the leaves give the buds the energy to grow larger. Don't cut any leaves, your plant knows when to discard them, not you.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
as mentioned, you have other issues more pressing than leaf trimming. i trim all the way through early flower, and have no probs. you don't want to go crazy though. if you can't tuck it, pluck it!


is it posible to overwater a hydro plant I just always make sure that it has water in it didn't think about maybe it might be overwatered I am goin to look in to that and see what I can come up with on overwatering hydro plants. This is a seed I got from someone pretty sure its reg, I have a CR+ seed thats flowering rght next to it and is kinda the reason I cut the fan leaves to because it seemed like the fan fan leaves might have been taking some light from the cr plant, but my cr plant didn't have any leaves cut from it its still in perfect shape. Thanks for the replys yea I hope they finish in the time frame I need them to, thanks again for the replies fellas


ran into a major problem, plant looks like it is dying, I think there was just enough oxygen where the plant was growing and I think by removing the leaves I may have decreased the oxygen for the plant, anyways I need immediate advice I have emptied all the water and put fresh water in just in case it was a fertilization problem but this only happened when I cut the leaves.


how the roots look pic 1 that's a small air pump
Here are a pic of the roots and the plant and the plant itself looks like it is going down, don't really know what you are askin, are u asking how do the roots look to the plant and also if that is a air pump in the first pic? I have had a plant look like this once before that I saved, forgot to water and when I watered everything fluffed back up and I have seen around on the internet that plants can get like this and be revived, I hope someone can help me to revive this one don't know quite really whats wrong didn't start acting up till I cut the fan leaves



Well-Known Member
no the holes are not covered do they need to be will that fix my problem?, and did the root rot come from cutting the fan leaves.
smell the root ball does it stink like old fish pond ? also what nutes are u running ppm or ec if u can what ml rate are u running ph of water also lights and temps love how people say u have a issue without asking the basics first ;)


Well-Known Member
Here are a pic of the roots and the plant and the plant itself looks like it is going down, don't really know what you are askin, are u asking how do the roots look to the plant and also if that is a air pump in the first pic? I have had a plant look like this once before that I saved, forgot to water and when I watered everything fluffed back up and I have seen around on the internet that plants can get like this and be revived, I hope someone can help me to revive this one don't know quite really whats wrong didn't start acting up till I cut the fan leaves
gunna have to say it looks like some sort of deff with some heat issues but till u get back to me with ur specs i have no idea just taking a stab


I could be wrong but there seemed to be just the perfect setting and I cut the fan leaves and I have seen that fan leaves hold oxygen so I'm thinking that me cutting the fan leaves might have been like putting the plant in a room a little smaller than its in, it seems like the room its in is just enough oxygen and air flow. I am not sure what everything is I have set up like specs meaning ph and stuff dont have a thermometer to take room temp. I am using a 1000 watt ballast that has settings of 50%, 75%, 100%, and 125%, it is set at 125. The plants are located in my bathroom with window closed, I can feel a little heat when I enter the room but it doesn't seem to be to much my other plant is doing very weel flowering it is gettin huge this one was doing very good also till I cut the leaves 2 days ago.


oh yeah
smell the root ball does it stink like old fish pond ? also what nutes are u running ppm or ec if u can what ml rate are u running ph of water also lights and temps love how people say u have a issue without asking the basics first ;)
I forgot to add that I just smelled the roots smell exactly how you just asked me did they smell an old fish pond, I looked up root rot and it seems like that might be maybe what the problem is, because the roots look brown, I had a plant that was flowering alongside this one and died a week ago I thought it died because it was not getting enough light because it was a little smaller than this one and I figured that it probably overshadowed the smaller one and took the light that it needed to survive now I'm thinking it might have been root rot took a chance and seperated some of the roots hoping that I didn't damage them and got the air bubbler seeming to be working a lot better then it was seems the roots where covering it, trying to do everything possible to save this plant.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah

I forgot to add that I just smelled the roots smell exactly how you just asked me did they smell an old fish pond, I looked up root rot and it seems like that might be maybe what the problem is, because the roots look brown, I had a plant that was flowering alongside this one and died a week ago I thought it died because it was not getting enough light because it was a little smaller than this one and I figured that it probably overshadowed the smaller one and took the light that it needed to survive now I'm thinking it might have been root rot took a chance and seperated some of the roots hoping that I didn't damage them and got the air bubbler seeming to be working a lot better then it was seems the roots where covering it, trying to do everything possible to save this plant.
pick up hydroguard to save other plants make sure light don't get in res.
or try tea
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