giving defoliation during flower a try

rps20150122_125951.jpg This is an old school pic of my 36 site sog table buds. Come to think about it, I did quite a bit of defoliating with the amount of plants in the 3.5x3.5 tables to get these buds to fit properly and fill out. This is a defoliated bud I pulled up from the deep down hard drive of the long long ago... Before I realized I was defoliating.. Kush...Buds were dried to the size of my arm.
I didn't want to have to go to these lengths to find my old pics, but defoliation does work and there is a time and place for the technique. Now hopefully the doubters can see the truth. And no I don't have side by side tests from these flood tables because I didn't document everything back then, but I also don't want to hear "then it didn't happen" because it did and it worked for years in my system.
Well I guess we can forget about reaching page 200 then.... there you have it, the proof "it works", go ahead and lock this thread mods.

Obviously nobody can argue with a cola like that, something never grown with leaves in the history of cannabis.
Lol, it did have like 2 or 3 leaves for each cola, I never took them all off, but it was impossible to leave the leaves on in my system, they were pretty much sealed rooms just packed with 72 clones each room (2 tables), no veg time, maybe just a few days veg time, most leaves were plucked during the stretch (no time to defoliate prior since there was no veg). The end product were 72 buds the size of my arm and it took me maybe a few hours to trim 4 lbs. Like I tried to say, it's strain dependent. These were tangerine kush
I'll see if I can find some pics of the table filled up but not sure if I can, when I was raided a while ago they took all my memory cards :( :finger::finger:
Lol, it did have like 2 or 3 leaves for each cola, I never took them all off, but it was impossible to leave the leaves on in my system, they were pretty much sealed rooms just packed with 72 clones each room (2 tables), no veg time, maybe just a few days veg time, most leaves were plucked during the stretch (no time to defoliate prior since there was no veg). The end product were 72 buds the size of my arm and it took me maybe a few hours to trim 4 lbs. Like I tried to say, it's strain dependent. These were tangerine kush
probably could have done even better if you would have shoved a sharpened Popsicle stick into the main stem. cervantes has a video on it.:lol:
probably could have done even better if you would have shoved a sharpened Popsicle stick into the main stem. cervantes has a video on it.:lol:
I know some people that do that, but I just let them finish naturally indoors. Outdoors would be a better application for the method as sativied said, I wouldn't think it would be needed in states like cali where the fall months never get too cold, so the need to finish the plants early is kind of redundant, but back in NY people did this A LOT and it does seem to work. I've done it a few times but I usually forgot to do it and maybe stabbed only a few dozen plants in my life :p

Great pics sativied, it looks so brutal lol - like the pin doll I got a laugh out of that one lol
What's the science behind cracking open a plant's trunk? Seems to me the inside would callous over thereby reducing the amount of cell tissue conducting fluids/solids/salts.
What's the science behind cracking open a plant's trunk? Seems to me the inside would callous over thereby reducing the amount of cell tissue conducting fluids/solids/salts.
Not as common as flushing and defoliating, but it's an oldie that just won't die. While there are quite a few who do it, even in the smaller dutch forums they usually get ridiculed for doing it.

Those who do it claim that the science behind it is that restricting nutrient and water uptake ==> stress ==> more THC.

Usually done around the same time the same folks start flushing or stop feeding (same thing for many), so 2 weeks or so before harvest... it's like giving a PK booster around the same time the buds normally swell up too, or removing leaves and 'see' more bud.

It's supposedly a technique from south east asia, I haven't found any dutch reliable agriculture resources that mention it and seems to be an advanced mj growing technique only if you know what I mean.

The outdoor scenario to which the myth is typically contributed is too largely perception. For many (forum and bro-science) growers in NL a yellow cannabis plant is a ripe cannabis plant, yellow/brown/dying = ripe, so causing premature yellowing is perceived as premature maturing/riping. Hence the voodoo doll, it's voodoo, not science.
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Not as common as flushing and defoliating, but it's an oldie that just won't die. While there are quite a few who do it, even in the smaller dutch forums they usually get ridiculed for doing it.

Those who do it claim that the science behind it is that creating restricting nutrient and water uptake ==> stress ==> more THC.

Usually done around the same time the same folks start flushing or stop feeding (same thing for many), so 2 weeks or so before harvest... it's like giving a PK booster around the same time the buds normally swell up too, or removing leaves and 'see' more bud.

It's supposedly a technique from south east asia, I haven't found any dutch reliable agriculture resources that mention it and seems to be an advanced mj growing technique only if you know what I mean.

The outdoor scenario to which the myth is typically contributed is too largely perception. For many (forum and bro-science) growers in NL a yellow cannabis plant is a ripe cannabis plant, yellow/brown/dying = ripe, so causing premature yellowing is perceived as premature maturing/riping. Hence the voodoo doll, it's voodoo, not science.
it probably only works on certain strains and you have to do it right, or it doesn't work.
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Just in case those results actually in some messed up way looks convincing to some readers now or in the future, I will add there's not a single pro grower I've seen it do, just people desperate for a few more grams of bud, often in their first or second grow.

Those test results go with the 4th pic in the list of example pics, from 2008 already, and that thread is probably one of the reasons it keeps popping up in that same forum. The test itself isn't properly conducted and documented, the picture above means absolutely nothing.
Just in case those results actually in some messed up way looks convincing to some readers now or in the future, I will add there's not a single pro grower I've seen it do, just people desperate for a few more grams of bud, often in their first or second grow.

Those test results go with the 4th pic in the list of example pics, from 2008 already, and that thread is probably one of the reasons it keeps popping up in that same forum. The test itself isn't properly conducted and documented, the picture above means absolutely nothing.
I'm kinda confused now, By that pic, it makes bigger buds? but I thought it stressed it for more resin production.
I'm kinda confused now, By that pic, it makes bigger buds? but I thought it stressed it for more resin production.
Now you know why I'm not active in dutch grow forums, shit's confusing lol.

The supposed benefits vary from more thc to harder buds and finishing early to larger buds. It's multifunctional voodoo.
Defoliation is just plain necessary if you grow vertically. Different times and places for different techniques.
Defoliation is just plain necessary if you grow vertically. Different times and places for different techniques.

depending on the amount of leaves a given pheno makes and the growth structure removing some leaves
helps open things up a little, but there are always alternatives to achieve the same goal IMO

removing leaves is a compensation for leafy plants and poor spacing/plant structure / organisation
with the right phenos and good organisation defoliation is not necessary at all
keeping as many leaves as possible in direct light is the best possible outcome for any plant

think of it like chopping your foot off because you have gangrene of the big toe
