Here we first grow


Alright this is finally it, my first grow. I'm using the SuperCloset Deluxe LED 3.0. I dropped 4 different strains which are Dark Angel, White Widow, Hash Plant, and Early Vixen. I ended up with one of each kind making it.

Let me say now that until a month ago I knew next to nothing about growing and have never grown anything in my life. I do however have an electrical engineering degree so in my bold confidence I figured this should be easy. Well it would be if I wasn't a stoner with no O and I travel for work as well and have to rely on my buddy to come check on them while I'm gone and I'm pretty sure he knows less than I do.

My first round of seeds I germinated and put in rock wool, put them in the germination station and made the mistake of not turning on the damn light. I'll post a pic of how ugly that gets to kill my ego and show the consequences. I turned the light on for a 24 hr cycle as soon as I found my error but they had started to sprout on Monday and I didn't get the light on til Friday. I ended up saving one out of this round, that's currently struggling, and dropped my last 7 seeds. Out of the 7 only 4 popped and then only 3 of those spouted. So now I have my 4 babies. This put my to last Sunday 1/18/15. I left for work for a few days on Monday.

When I got home I noticed that they really hadn't grown any and the leaves were turning up on a couple of them. I thought maybe they were too close to the light or they were getting too much light. I had them on the 24 hr cycle all week. But then I believe I found the real problem, the PH. I made the fatal error of not PH adjusting the distilled water I used for the rock wool and the water in the germination station. When I checked it, it was 8.2. I checked the jug I was using and the water was at 7.7 in it. At this point you can imagine how great I'm feeling about my capability in all this...

I was reading another grow journal and saw where someone else had plants as small as mine already in a DWC system, so I decided that I would put them in the big tub. I filled the tub with distilled water then adjusted the PH to 5.8. Put down a single layer of grow rock, set the cubes on top, then covered completely with rocks. I left water run through the top feed for about a half hour to flush out the cubes. Covered the extra holes with aluminum foil over the top of the tub. Added 1/4 strength of Root 66 and Sugar Daddy. Checked and adjusted PH to 5.8.

Spoke with someone who works at SuperCloset and they suggested that I bring the nutes to 1/2 stength so I did so and adjusted PH to 5.8. My PPM is super low though. Right now its only at 140. Not sure what I can do to bring it up some without adding any nutes. I don't want to burn these things they are already fragile enough. Just gonna leave them alone for a couple days and just monitor the PH. I have seen some slight improvement since the transplant but not much. Hoping to see some positive signs, like growth, in the next couple days.

If anyone has any suggestions or advice I have no issue with feedback. Totally new to the site and growing in general so all is much appreciated. IMG_2271[1].JPGIMG_2272[1].JPG IMG_2273[1].JPG IMG_2274[1].JPG IMG_2277[1].JPG IMG_2278[1].JPG IMG_2280[1].JPG IMG_2281[1].JPG IMG_2282[1].JPG IMG_2271[1].JPG IMG_2272[1].JPG IMG_2273[1].JPG IMG_2274[1].JPG IMG_2277[1].JPG IMG_2278[1].JPG IMG_2280[1].JPG IMG_2281[1].JPG IMG_2282[1].JPG IMG_2283[1].JPG


I forgot to mention that I'm trying to use the Kind LED for veg. I have it about 3 feet away. Anyone know if this is ok? It's supposed to be a 12 spectrum light so it's got everything needed and more. I have some T5s I just thought why not?


Well-Known Member
Alright this is finally it, my first grow. I'm using the SuperCloset Deluxe LED 3.0. I dropped 4 different strains which are Dark Angel, White Widow, Hash Plant, and Early Vixen. I ended up with one of each kind making it.

Let me say now that until a month ago I knew next to nothing about growing and have never grown anything in my life. I do however have an electrical engineering degree so in my bold confidence I figured this should be easy. Well it would be if I wasn't a stoner with no O and I travel for work as well and have to rely on my buddy to come check on them while I'm gone and I'm pretty sure he knows less than I do.

My first round of seeds I germinated and put in rock wool, put them in the germination station and made the mistake of not turning on the damn light. I'll post a pic of how ugly that gets to kill my ego and show the consequences. I turned the light on for a 24 hr cycle as soon as I found my error but they had started to sprout on Monday and I didn't get the light on til Friday. I ended up saving one out of this round, that's currently struggling, and dropped my last 7 seeds. Out of the 7 only 4 popped and then only 3 of those spouted. So now I have my 4 babies. This put my to last Sunday 1/18/15. I left for work for a few days on Monday.

When I got home I noticed that they really hadn't grown any and the leaves were turning up on a couple of them. I thought maybe they were too close to the light or they were getting too much light. I had them on the 24 hr cycle all week. But then I believe I found the real problem, the PH. I made the fatal error of not PH adjusting the distilled water I used for the rock wool and the water in the germination station. When I checked it, it was 8.2. I checked the jug I was using and the water was at 7.7 in it. At this point you can imagine how great I'm feeling about my capability in all this...

I was reading another grow journal and saw where someone else had plants as small as mine already in a DWC system, so I decided that I would put them in the big tub. I filled the tub with distilled water then adjusted the PH to 5.8. Put down a single layer of grow rock, set the cubes on top, then covered completely with rocks. I left water run through the top feed for about a half hour to flush out the cubes. Covered the extra holes with aluminum foil over the top of the tub. Added 1/4 strength of Root 66 and Sugar Daddy. Checked and adjusted PH to 5.8.

Spoke with someone who works at SuperCloset and they suggested that I bring the nutes to 1/2 stength so I did so and adjusted PH to 5.8. My PPM is super low though. Right now its only at 140. Not sure what I can do to bring it up some without adding any nutes. I don't want to burn these things they are already fragile enough. Just gonna leave them alone for a couple days and just monitor the PH. I have seen some slight improvement since the transplant but not much. Hoping to see some positive signs, like growth, in the next couple days.

If anyone has any suggestions or advice I have no issue with feedback. Totally new to the site and growing in general so all is much appreciated. View attachment 3337566View attachment 3337567 View attachment 3337568 View attachment 3337569 View attachment 3337570 View attachment 3337571 View attachment 3337572 View attachment 3337573 View attachment 3337574 View attachment 3337566 View attachment 3337567 View attachment 3337568 View attachment 3337569 View attachment 3337570 View attachment 3337571 View attachment 3337572 View attachment 3337573 View attachment 3337574 View attachment 3337578
Uggggh. So you shell out all the dough to get nice grow stuff and you opt to ghetto it up with a DIY storage container and cover it with aluminum foil. Typical. Oh it might work, just have to wait and see and I wish you the best of luck.

Otherwise looking good. Same advice for all newbies. Don't overfeed, but give her what she needs and let her do the thing she's meant to. Grow.

Happy trails.


Uggggh. So you shell out all the dough to get nice grow stuff and you opt to ghetto it up with a DIY storage container and cover it with aluminum foil. Typical. Oh it might work, just have to wait and see and I wish you the best of luck.

Otherwise looking good. Same advice for all newbies. Don't overfeed, but give her what she needs and let her do the thing she's meant to. Grow.

Happy trails.
That's actually the tub that came with it. I put the foil over it to keep light out of the water. I'm looking for feedback from positive people not someone trying to be condescending. Like I said it's my first time and I didn't prepare enough. The cabinet comes with no info but they do offer grow support. I just don't like using my phone to call and talk about this because I'm a paranoid fucker. The only change I made to the cabinet was removing the shelf. There's not gonna be adequate space if I didn't. I need to build another smaller cabinet to use for veg so I can have mothers and do clones.


Well-Known Member
That's actually the tub that came with it. I put the foil over it to keep light out of the water. I'm looking for feedback from positive people not someone trying to be condescending. Like I said it's my first time and I didn't prepare enough. The cabinet comes with no info but they do offer grow support. I just don't like using my phone to call and talk about this because I'm a paranoid fucker. The only change I made to the cabinet was removing the shelf. There's not gonna be adequate space if I didn't. I need to build another smaller cabinet to use for veg so I can have mothers and do clones.
I apologize. After rereading my post I did come across as being negative. The aluminum foil will def keep light out.

At the end of the day it's weed and it really isn't that hard to grow. I think most that have problems tend overthink it and subsequently over do. And wind up killing it with love. There may be issues and I am sure others will gladly chime in with good advice and some not so good.

My advice is always KISS and let it do its thing. Don't overthink and over do it and you will be fine.

Man I wish you the best of luck.


I apologize. After rereading my post I did come across as being negative. The aluminum foil will def keep light out.

At the end of the day it's weed and it really isn't that hard to grow. I think most that have problems tend overthink it and subsequently over do. And wind up killing it with love. There may be issues and I am sure others will gladly chime in with good advice and some not so good.

My advice is always KISS and let it do its thing. Don't overthink and over do it and you will be fine.

Man I wish you the best of luck.
I appreciate it man. Over thinking is def a problem for me.


New Member
I forgot to mention that I'm trying to use the Kind LED for veg. I have it about 3 feet away. Anyone know if this is ok? It's supposed to be a 12 spectrum light so it's got everything needed and more. I have some T5s I just thought why not?

U have a kind led one of the most expensive LEDs and your set up looks like that really ? Good luck with that spend some time and upgrade your garden buddy


By the way if I can get some likes that would be great so that I m
U have a kind led one of the most expensive LEDs and your set up looks like that really ? Good luck with that spend some time and upgrade your garden buddy
What is wrong with the setup? Instead of popping in and trying to put someone down why don't u offer some advice and positive support?! If u have a suggestion say something. Otherwise just stay the fuck off my grow journal people. If u can't offer anything positive then keep on moving!


Well-Known Member
By the way if I can get some likes that would be great so that I m

What is wrong with the setup? Instead of popping in and trying to put someone down why don't u offer some advice and positive support?! If u have a suggestion say something. Otherwise just stay the fuck off my grow journal people. If u can't offer anything positive then keep on moving!
You got a nice rig man. Just that tin foil ghettoes it up ALOT. Lots of noobs come around here and fuck up perfectly good ganja babies with ghetto crap. Plus RIU is a tough crowd. Can't wear your feelings on your sleeve. Gotta learn how to bitch slap a mofo.


You got a nice rig man. Just that tin foil ghettoes it up ALOT. Lots of noobs come around here and fuck up perfectly good ganja babies with ghetto crap. Plus RIU is a tough crowd. Can't wear your feelings on your sleeve. Gotta learn how to bitch slap a mofo.
Any suggestions on something that would be better for keeping light out of the water? I've read the foil can cause hot spots but haven't seen any real alternatives.


Well-Known Member
Any suggestions on something that would be better for keeping light out of the water? I've read the foil can cause hot spots but haven't seen any real alternatives.
Actually I think your fine. Supercloset seems like a reputable company and I would hope you don't even need it and are merely using it as a precaution. Your set up looks top notch to me. Don't know much about it really.

First growers tend to be overly attentive and yes I was too. Just relax and let it do its thing. Look at other peeps stuff on RIU. Looking good to me.

I'm also a micro grower and compared to you my stuff is ghetto. I do Hempy method in plain ole buckets with generic Chinese and CFL, although thinking about getting a 150 HPS for down the road. I'm all about the cheap and easy these days. And after you get maybe 2 under your belt you won't worry as much.

Also I have a thing about DIY DWC in storage containers. Seems like every other day a noob comes needing help because they built crap and end up with root rot after 5 weeks or something like that. I'm all about buying decent stuff and have done DWC/Drip in a General Hydro Powergrower. Yeah I buy what I need to do it right. I do ghetto too, but some stuff just let the "engineers" do it. Ya know.


You got a nice rig man. Just that tin foil ghettoes it up ALOT. Lots of noobs come around here and fuck up perfectly good ganja babies with ghetto crap. Plus RIU is a tough crowd. Can't wear your feelings on your sleeve. Gotta learn how to bitch slap a mofo.
And it's not I can't slap a bitch. I'm just pointing out that the guys post was a waste of time and energy. He told me that I bought one of the most expensive led on the market, no shit I bought it retard. I would rather try to engage people into a positive direction rather than bicker like bitches. We are a bunch a stoners can we get a little community in this bitch!


Actually I think your fine. Supercloset seems like a reputable company and I would hope you don't even need it and are merely using it as a precaution. Your set up looks top notch to me. Don't know much about it really.

First growers tend to be overly attentive and yes I was too. Just relax and let it do its thing. Look at other peeps stuff on RIU. Looking good to me.

I'm also a micro grower and compared to you my stuff is ghetto. I do Hempy method in plain ole buckets with generic Chinese and CFL, although thinking about getting a 150 HPS for down the road. I'm all about the cheap and easy these days. And after you get maybe 2 under your belt you won't worry as much.

Also I have a thing about DIY DWC in storage containers. Seems like every other day a noob comes needing help because they built crap and end up with root rot after 5 weeks or something like that. I'm all about buying decent stuff and have done DWC/Drip in a General Hydro Powergrower. Yeah I buy what I need to do it right. I do ghetto too, but some stuff just let the "engineers" do it. Ya know.
Ya the foil is strictly precautionary. I only have 4 babies and the tub has 16 holes in it for cups. So I had to put something to cover the unused ones. I guess I could just fill the other cups with rock. Right?


Well-Known Member
Ya the foil is strictly precautionary. I only have 4 babies and the tub has 16 holes in it for cups. So I had to put something to cover the unused ones. I guess I could just fill the other cups with rock. Right?
Yep. The powergrower I got the whole thing is like one giant net pot and uses lots of hydroton. Keep an eye on your water temps. I never had any prob, have central and keep it around 70-75. You already know about light. Take it easy on the Nutes. It's not that hard really. Check your PH and adjust at least once a day. Mine crept up every single day and I had to get it back down. Here is where attention to detail comes in handy.

Take a look at my set up.

I do hempy now because although you use the same nutes you use much less. And it's just easy. Who knows what ill do next. DWC or even Miracle Grow. It works and done it before ya know.


Well-Known Member
I've been there brother and have done some stupid things in the last few years learning how to grow the good stuff.
I use soil because it is much more forgiving of my fuck ups. I just started using rock wool for my clones and after reading a ton have great success now.
Get rid of the tin foil. You are not trying to bake your plants, yet.
Read, read, read and watch youtube vids from Jorge Cervantes and other growers who grow 10 lb plants and have been doing it for 40 years.
Dont make mistakes others have already made, it is a science at first but then becomes an art. Good luck, and always start with clones if you can, saves mucho time and risk!
Rip Tits


Yep. The powergrower I got the whole thing is like one giant net pot and uses lots of hydroton. Keep an eye on your water temps. I never had any prob, have central and keep it around 70-75. You already know about light. Take it easy on the Nutes. It's not that hard really. Check your PH and adjust at least once a day. Mine crept up every single day and I had to get it back down. Here is where attention to detail comes in handy.

Take a look at my set up.

I do hempy now because although you use the same nutes you use much less. And it's just easy. Who knows what ill do next. DWC or even Miracle Grow. It works and done it before ya know.
That's pretty slick. I went with the cab because I know someone who works for supercloset. Plus it's nice and concealed.


Well-Known Member
Hi fly high and welcome to the Forum mate

Nice set up

Looks like you have spent the money now it's time to let it do its things

Now first thing first your plants are to young to have food and this is why they look a little sad for them selfs I did the same thing on my first grow and one of the clones didn't make it thanks to over feeding I have never done a dwc grow so I will leave that to someone else

the rockwool in the last photo with all the seedlings makes me cry

Just having a small light over them vwould of stopped them from stretching that much you might still Be able to save some

Just get some solo cups and put them in perlite or some soil as deep as you can also if you want to get rid of the foil just fill the other pots up with clay and that will keep the light out

Like people have said the hardest thing when your new is over caring we can say don't but we have all been there and we all make mistakes that's how we learn when we all join together and help one another out things would be so much easier but sadly no matter where you go there are always going to be assholes that think there better and think there shit don't stink and pick on others to make there shit life seem better but don't let people like that get you down as that's what gets them off best thing is to ignore them and just repond to the people trying to help

You got balls starting with dwc I myself use coco a little more forgiving

The led light might be a little strong for them girls if you could maybe put a t5 light up till they recover and get a coupe of nodes on them you will be good to go really looking forward to this grow I think once you get the hang of this set up you will be able to grow some great weed all the best with the grow and keep us up to date all the best


Alright I took some advice and did a redo of the cabinet. I took the LED out for now and put 2 T5s on the trolley. Removed the foil and added rocks into the spare cups. I have seen little to no growth in the last couple days but 2 of the 4 look like they are going to rebound without issue. The other 2 look pretty shitty in my opinion but I wouldn't know what is possible to save. Here's some pics of what it is now. PH has been coming up slightly each night. It was at 6.4 and I brought it down to 5.7. Hoping this change has a positive effect in the next couple days. Now that they aren't get too much of anything I'm hoping that they'll start to come back.IMG_2284[1].JPGIMG_2285[1].JPG IMG_2286[1].JPG IMG_2287[1].JPG IMG_2288[1].JPG