When to harvest CBD rich plants


New Member
I keep reading from different sources that the later I harvest, the more THC will turn into CBD, I have also read the opposite, saying CBD's turn into THC if you dont harvest early. I have also read that this information is old and THC actually "degrades" into CBD? my strain is acdc, my trichomes are currently white/milky. Everyone I'v asked who should know says I should wait for amber, but then no one has experience or information specifically relating to high CBD strains. Some people are saying you should harvest 2 weeks earlier than other strains, but dont mention trichome color. If I wait til they turn amber, or willl my CBD degrade to THC?. I am trying to have minimal THC and maximum CBD. I dont trust any sources I read on the internet anymore so I figured I would askhere and see what people had to say. There is a lot of confusing and i think misinformation on this subject, and it would be great to hear from someone who has some real information and/or experience and test results, which I plan to collect in the future, but I would rather not just be guessing when were talking about experimental grow cycles and harvest times and expesive lab tests.
Thanks for any and all help
I have wondered this same thing. I bet drolove is right. I think the later harvest turns to more CBD & cbn I could be wrong tho. I've tried CBD oil that was also rich in cbn from dispensaries that worked much better for me than just pure CBD oil.. But I suppose it all depends what you are using it for. Best of luck either way.

Actually come to think of it, I remember learning at a seminar here in Colorado that it's like a 3 stage process. The first stage of later harvest starts by degrading to CBD, then CBN, then CBG if I rememer correctly. I could be wrong on the order of that tho so don't quote me.
It's a common misconception that THC degrades to CBD.

CBG converts to THC and... THC degrades to CBN.

There's not much info online about harvesting CBD plants. CBD crew says their CBD enriched crops take longer from start to finish than normal THC plants. This book about SATIVEX production from GW pharma details harvest dates and light schedules for maximum CBD production. It's around page 130:

https://archive.org/stream/CANNABIS...IVA AS A PHYTOPHARMACEUTICAL#page/n1/mode/2up
i believe it degrades into CBN not CBD. i would imagine a CBD rich plant should be harvested just like a THC rich plant.
this is correct. but a plant left to flower long and gone amber will give you a similar effect to some high CBD strains, less stoney and more sleepy.
Thanks for all the infos, especially "primalhaze" for providing some solid documentatioj. what does anyone know, if anything about the trichome colors? mine are still mostly milky white, i t hink i see traces of orange but i dont have the best magnifier. but the red hairs have curled up, they look like they are ready. unless anyone can tell me otherwise about the trichomes. from what I understand i thought the red hairs curling up was a good sign to harvest, but then theres the trichomes. Which should I go by?
Hi JimBob, How many weeks has the AC/DC been in flower?

Some people harvest when the majority of pistils have withered up and the calyxes swell, some people go by the % of amber trichomes.

I think in that link I posted above it says that the thc will increase during the finals days/week and the cbd remains stable. But I may have just made that up... I did just smoke 2 bombers of mango haze.

haha, yeah i have been flushing the last couple days, they have been in flower over 8 weeks which is much longer than I had expectected, because the first info I was told, was that you better cut them early at 6 weeks or so, or your cbd will start turning into thc. But I cant find any iinfo of the sort. and they didnt look anywhere near ready. one of them has turned purple and black in the last weeks :) not sure why just one of them did, same phenotype, just not everone turns purple i guess. If you look at pics of ACDC on the internet you will find green ones and purple/black ones
this is correct. but a plant left to flower long and gone amber will give you a similar effect to some high CBD strains, less stoney and more sleepy.
I hate to be negative Nancy but that is bullshit. A late harvest mat make you more sleepy, but that's about it, and sleepy ISN'T a thing associated with CBD. The fact is, other than very slight pain relief, a CBN Heavy late harvest won't replicate ANY of the medicinal benefits of CBD. This chart should emphasize my point.
^^Medicianlly speaking that's 100% correct. But subjectively speaking a CBN rich high is a lot more mellow then an all THC one. I've found CBN to give a nice sense of well being, anti-anxiety, and sleepiness. Unfortunately it also gives a little dizziness in higher doses. I think those benefits of CBN are what dude was saying, not that CBN would help with seizures or cancer or anything like CBD does. Alot of people like CBD weed because of how it counteracts THC psychologically and such. That's why I like it. IT's all I really want to smoke anymore. 1:1 ratios or thereabouts.
I hate to be negative Nancy but that is bullshit. A late harvest mat make you more sleepy, but that's about it, and sleepy ISN'T a thing associated with CBD. The fact is, other than very slight pain relief, a CBN Heavy late harvest won't replicate ANY of the medicinal benefits of CBD. This chart should emphasize my point.
View attachment 3335797
your chart greatly exaggerates the medicinal effects of cbd., AND CANNABIS IN GENERAL
noone should be using cannabis to help with blood sugar or bacterial infections, that's just ridiculous.
your chart greatly exaggerates the medicinal effects of cbd., AND CANNABIS IN GENERAL
noone should be using cannabis to help with blood sugar or bacterial infections, that's just ridiculous.

Helps my blood sugar a lot. Cannabidiol in studies with rats almost completely prevented the destruction of islet cells responsible for insulin production which are destroyed in type 1 diabetics.
your chart greatly exaggerates the medicinal effects of cbd., AND CANNABIS IN GENERAL
noone should be using cannabis to help with blood sugar or bacterial infections, that's just ridiculous.

"Objectives: In this study, we have investigated the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on myocardial dysfunction, inflammation,
oxidative/nitrative stress, cell death, and interrelated signaling pathways, using a mouse model of type I diabetic
cardiomyopathy and primary human cardiomyocytes exposed to high glucose.
Results: Diabetic cardiomyopathy was characterized by declined diastolic and systolic myocardial performance associated
with increased oxidative-nitrative stress, nuclear factor-B and mitogen-activated protein kinase (c-Jun N-terminal kinase,
p-38, p38) activation, enhanced expression of adhesion molecules (intercellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular
cell adhesion molecule-1), tumor necrosis factor-, markers of fibrosis (transforming growth factor-, connective tissue
growth factor, fibronectin, collagen-1, matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9), enhanced cell death (caspase 3/7 and
poly[adenosine diphosphate-ribose] polymerase activity, chromatin fragmentation, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl
transferase dUTP nick end labeling), and diminished Akt phosphorylation. Remarkably, CBD attenuated myocardial
dysfunction, cardiac fibrosis, oxidative/nitrative stress, inflammation, cell death, and interrelated signaling pathways.
Furthermore, CBD also attenuated the high glucose-induced increased reactive oxygen species generation, nuclear
factor-B activation, and cell death in primary human cardiomyocytes.
(http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= )"

What study is YOUR opinion based on?
"Objectives: In this study, we have investigated the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on myocardial dysfunction, inflammation,
oxidative/nitrative stress, cell death, and interrelated signaling pathways, using a mouse model of type I diabetic
cardiomyopathy and primary human cardiomyocytes exposed to high glucose.
Results: Diabetic cardiomyopathy was characterized by declined diastolic and systolic myocardial performance associated
with increased oxidative-nitrative stress, nuclear factor-B and mitogen-activated protein kinase (c-Jun N-terminal kinase,
p-38, p38) activation, enhanced expression of adhesion molecules (intercellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular
cell adhesion molecule-1), tumor necrosis factor-, markers of fibrosis (transforming growth factor-, connective tissue
growth factor, fibronectin, collagen-1, matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9), enhanced cell death (caspase 3/7 and
poly[adenosine diphosphate-ribose] polymerase activity, chromatin fragmentation, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl
transferase dUTP nick end labeling), and diminished Akt phosphorylation. It is better to buy in HighTHC Shop ready-made set than to sneeze from what is bad burning Remarkably, CBD attenuated myocardial
dysfunction, cardiac fibrosis, oxidative/nitrative stress, inflammation, cell death, and interrelated signaling pathways.
Furthermore, CBD also attenuated the high glucose-induced increased reactive oxygen species generation, nuclear
factor-B activation, and cell death in primary human cardiomyocytes.
(http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= )"

What study is YOUR opinion based on?
There are situations when a joint burns unevenly no matter what. This means either, again, under-dried weed, or it is poorly cured (it may have fertilizer residue in it, which is even worse). It's important to remember that you should never buy raw marijuana, because the payment is for moisture, which will evaporate later anyway.
I go by trichs since I grow different strains of sativa dominant plants. When trichs are at their peak- they turn cloudy and the plant is still producing resin.

at this time, CBD levels are low and stable. Terpene production also peaks now in the floral clusters (buds). Most tend to harvest at this time for the THC levels. And the heady and more speedy high. CBD and CBN levels are low.

Harvest time also depends on strains and phenotypes and can vary from a few days to a few weeks when comparing sativa vs. indica.

In these pics I show the diff between mostly cloudy and up to 40 or 50% amber and dark trichs for Super Lemon Haze............ Cloudy with the green buds and dark with the brown buds

It is also the diff in about 10 days in waiting to harvest. The longer I waited after all were cloudy, the browner the buds became.................... and the high changed from heady to sedating........ later harvest gave me gooeyer buds but they turned brown and it made a big diff in effect.

I sure learned by it


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There are situations when a joint burns unevenly no matter what. This means either, again, under-dried weed, or it is poorly cured (it may have fertilizer residue in it, which is even worse). It's important to remember that you should never buy raw marijuana, because the payment is for moisture, which will evaporate later anyway.