RIP Dumbass


Well-Known Member
Should I test to see if I'm more powerful than a locomotive or faster than a speeding bullet? I can't decide I guess i'll flip a coin. locomotive it is :dunce: Either way he would have bought the farm. He should have tried jumping over the building in a single bound then he would know he can't do what superman does.


Well-Known Member
here is another story about dumbasses and trains, we were dispatched for a pedestrain that was run over by a train.
about a mile or so out of the rail yard, a drunk was leaving a bar on foot, and while crossing the tracks, he decided to lay down and take a nap between the rails.

the train wasnt going fast yet, but apx 10 rail cars had passed over him before it stopped.

i am walking looking under the rail cars for him and there he was.... the lucky SOB had been lying long ways between the tracks and not across them and was still passed out cold.


Well-Known Member
My pops always said it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round..... .but as of late it apparently takes way fewer dumbass's than it once did . Now that tells me 2 things
#1 mother nature is culling the dumbass population or #2 there is as of yet an unidentified newer class of possibly dumber people that haven't made their appearance or claimed their 15 minuets of fame but only time will tell !
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Well-Known Member
They're biding their time...and when the numbers are sufficient for a revolution of morons we'll have one. Imagine 4 million dumb and dumber and ridiculously stupid people trolling the streets like a zombie apocalypse all looking for a reality tv show to watch because their power went out. Its the future.
#2 there is as of yet an unidentified newer class of possibly dumber people that haven't made their appearance or claimed their 15 minuets of fame but only time will tell !


Well-Known Member
Just sat down this afternoon it is 4:00 Thursday to watch the early news and what was the lead Amtrack train headed to NYC from Savannah Ga. Struck and killed two N.C. dumb shits who failed to get off the tracks.. .......and I just don't understand just how fucked up you need to be not to realize that a TRAIN is bearing down on your Aerosmith said "The train kept a rolling all night long....... !


Well-Known Member
.as Aerosmith said "The train kept a rolling all night long....... !

"was going for action shot" - sounds like he got it. Then they make the superman comparison to make the article as fucked up as possible for such a lame story. I feel bad for his family, and the guy that was driving the train. He was probably really late to where he needed to go, and he probably had to talk to cops for a long time.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
Me and my brothers found a train bridge in Canada to jump off of once... It was long and right over the water, probably at least 80ft up... We walked right to the middle of it and were dropping rocks off the side and counting how many seconds they'd fall when the train came.

This bridge was long as fuck, and high as fuck, and narrow as fuck. We were stoned as fuck and thought we were fucked.

As soon as that train came chugging into sight we just about died right there on the spot. My oldest bro and I grabbed our towels and things and jumped immediately. My other brother literally dropped all his shit and started running.

I distinctly remember hearing the *flip flip flip* of him running in flip flops as I threw myself off the bridge.

I hit the water wrong and had the largest hematoma of my life and got water up my ass.

My brother did outrun the train, but lost a flip flop in the process. Fair trade.

Good times, good memories. Thanks for reading lol


Well-Known Member
Me and my brothers found a train bridge in Canada to jump off of once... It was long and right over the water, probably at least 80ft up... We walked right to the middle of it and were dropping rocks off the side and counting how many seconds they'd fall when the train came.

This bridge was long as fuck, and high as fuck, and narrow as fuck. We were stoned as fuck and thought we were fucked.

As soon as that train came chugging into sight we just about died right there on the spot. My oldest bro and I grabbed our towels and things and jumped immediately. My other brother literally dropped all his shit and started running.

I distinctly remember hearing the *flip flip flip* of him running in flip flops as I threw myself off the bridge.

I hit the water wrong and had the largest hematoma of my life and got water up my ass.

My brother did outrun the train, but lost a flip flop in the process. Fair trade.

Good times, good memories. Thanks for reading lol
Are you sure you didn't just see it in a movie


Well-Known Member
there is as of yet an unidentified newer class of possibly dumber people that haven't made their appearance or claimed their 15 minuets of fame but only time will tell !
They seem to be getting dumber by the generation , i still insist that the movie " Idiocracy " is prophetic with the dumbing down of America .


Well-Known Member
This accident happened just a few
blocks from me and I hate to say it but those guys are
a dime a dozen in Burbank!
Brawn before brains.