Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
OMFG that is awesome.

edit: a friend of mine from back in college litter trained his rabbit and let him have full run of the house. it was a very happy bunny.
yeah im little training him/her
theres like a little litter pan and you like put little wood litter pellets in it ..and a hayrack up top since rabbits apparently naturally poop and eat at the same time
its neat and less messy


Well-Known Member
yeah im little training him/her
theres like a little litter pan and you like put little wood litter pellets in it ..and a hayrack up top since rabbits apparently naturally poop and eat at the same time
its neat and less messy
You haven't sexed it yet?


Staff member
You haven't sexed it yet?
the lady at the store said she was unaware of the sex because he bunny is such a baby
ive been giving him/her space being moved into a new home so no i havent because we havent bonded enough and rabbits can get scared really easy due to being prey animals


Well-Known Member
Hand feed it some apples you will bond quick. They fucking love apples. All the females we have come running out when they see me coming out and love to petted. Is petted a word? Anyway..the male is the only one who never really warmed up. He's always jumpy.


Staff member
Hand feed it some apples you will bond quick. They fucking love apples. All the females we have come running out when they see me coming out and love to petted. Is petted a word? Anyway..the male is the only one who never really warmed up. He's always jumpy.
yup been giving apples and other little treats ^_^ being in a new home im sure can be scary!


Staff member
what i loved about my hamster is that anything i ate pretty much he could eat too, so same thing for the bunny.. :)
always fresh fruits and veggies in my house so the animals always get fresh fruits and veggies!
even thor LOVES veggies

I give him a doggie salad everyday (not as a meal replacement) but as a treat


Well-Known Member
@sunni I didn't even know about Hempy. Sounds like you had him/her for many years? I've considered getting a rabbit, but how trainable are they really? Heard they chew through any and all electrical cords.

Cute new baby BTW. Name it Corn.


Well-Known Member
drawf they said yeah only 2-3 months old not sure how accurate they are on the breed
apparently he wont get any bigger
Most rabbits sold as pets are of a dwarf variety so probably correct there. New Zealand and California's are popular along with lionheads.


Staff member
@sunni I didn't even know about Hempy. Sounds like you had him/her for many years? I've considered getting a rabbit, but how trainable are they really? Heard they chew through any and all electrical cords.

Cute new baby BTW. Name it Corn.
yeah hempy was old like 3-5 year old range they only live for liek 2 years so i say he lived a good life.
from what ive read they can be pretty trainable i have him in a room with nothing thats plugged in and pretty bunny proof, right now im not giving too much roam around of course when i do he will be supervised, they need a lot of space to run and hop everyday "floor time"
they are a lot of work and energy required and can live up to 15 years
Most rabbits sold as pets are of a dwarf variety so probably correct there. New Zealand and California's are popular along with lionheads.
the Rex's are popular here im not really sure what exact breed makes it a little harder considering the rabbit itself is an albino and is still a baby we will probably see later on in life when he/she has more distinct features