Weird bumps on stem and leaves


New Member
So I have a white widow mother that I've had for a while. And now she is developing bumps all up her stem and on some leaves. They wipe off and have a strong Oder to them. Also there is sap coming out the stem and dripping down as well. Don't know what it is or if it's bad. Any advice will help thanks.
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Just mechanically remove them from the stems and you'll disrupt their lifecycle and they'll stop coming back. I used a paper towel with some alcohol on it when they infested my house plants.
Get an alcohol pad. Wipe them off. You have soft-shell scale as a few guys indicated. The insect lives permanently under the shell and is impervious to many insecticides.
The alcohol won't affect the plant at all. Since you have a pretty heavy infestation you'll need to do it weekly.
Your plants would make an excellent show and tell for many growers, both new and advanced because not only is it a good example of soft-shell scale but if you look carefully with a magnifying glass you'll see the whole life cycle of the insect from egg to crawler to adult all on one plant.
Scale exude a sticky, gummy substance called honeydew. The honeydew attracts ants if outdoors and a secondary infection called sooty mold. Its black and unattractive but doesnt harm the plant.
Don't use any insecticides as they aren't really effective and not necessary in your case.