The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
These are the ones we get..View attachment 3335500 ever try these yogurts from the polish shopsView attachment 3335501 n that brand does a flavoured condensed milk like thing that u squeeze out the tube (like those toothpaste)'s really sweet like thick condensed milk haha..they (the Polish)also do nice pickled soft cheese ting View attachment 3335502
I don't like those yogurts, taste funny to me.

The Mrs has that brand soft cheese on toast with chives and radish for breakfast though.

Weird these continental types. :lol:


Well-Known Member

finally sorted a tatic out, n it works!!! i aint even needed to cheat (that much) lol

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aint tried it on any other teams yet but its deffo working for spurs mate, ive smashed fergie now in the hall of fame lmao


Well-Known Member
Haha Irish ur spoilt for choice man. How do you forget about that in the fridge lol
Fckn just totally 4 got wen on a bit of a mad 1 for about 2 days on it me fckn lungs was it bits so i fckd it in fridge and forgot ha :) fckn hotspoonin is prob not best but fuk it ha


Well-Known Member
Just checked the seeds I popped the other day and I must of put one in upside down just a tap root sticking out the top lolol....I've got a mutant Jakes dream as well the first 2 leaves are well out and there's just like a ball of foliage in the middle hope its a girl cuz the leaves smell really nice and its tiny