Super hot chili- Carolina Reaper-Ghost Chili-Trinidad Scorpion

subbed :)

love the chilles , got some crinkly leafs on one , someone said it was cal def ..... All good :)

iv heard an extra dose of mag is the secret to more heat ....... Anyone heard this ?
I have heard of sulfur adding heat. Also cutting back on the water definitely helps with my peppers. I live in PNW and can get habaneros with no heat if they finish in cool weather with a lot of water.
good with proper spice blends , i can post a few chillie recioes if people want :)

iv got a fucking killer Mexican cherry wood smoked chillie bbq sauce recipe......its got 25 ingredents........ The dogs bollocks mate :)

ill post some tommorrrow if that's ok critty :)
good with proper spice blends , i can post a few chillie recioes if people want :)

iv got a fucking killer Mexican cherry wood smoked chillie bbq sauce recipe......its got 25 ingredents........ The dogs bollocks mate :)

ill post some tommorrrow if that's ok critty :)
yeah mate of course
good with proper spice blends , i can post a few chillie recioes if people want :)

iv got a fucking killer Mexican cherry wood smoked chillie bbq sauce recipe......its got 25 ingredents........ The dogs bollocks mate :)

ill post some tommorrrow if that's ok critty :)
please post the recipes esp that one
My pepper tips....
I start them in a very light moistened seed starter mix. I plant a couple seeds in each cell of a propogation tray 1/4 inch deep. Then I place the tray on a warming seed mat with humidity dome to aid germination. After the seeds sprout I remove the humidity dome for fresh air.
This last run I was able to get 85-90 percent of seeds to germinate. I start to feed them a little cal mag and 1/4 grow nutrients at about 3 weeks old. They love LED light, however when I move them into the sun they explode!