HELP! Need to pass a drug test!


Well-Known Member
hello guys, i have a really good job opportunity and need to pass this Drug Test... I'm 19 and this jobs paying 15 a hr so thats pretty damn good. I need to pass the drug test and need some advice on how it can be done in a short period of time. I last smoked 2 days ago and my drug test is on Thursday.
Ive passed this way: get a package of your favorite flavor of jello. Mix it in 32 oz of water and chug it 1-2 hrs before test. You have a 2hr window after its all consumed. Go ahead and drink water all the way up till you drink you jello, start early in the mornin well before test. To feel secure, stop by walmart or a drug store and pick up a over the counter piss test kit, and check before you go to test. It works, Ive smoked that very day even;)
edit: fore warning, you will have a uncomfortably full bladder for hours...enjoy:P
So I couldn't resist my urge to smoke last night and I have 5 days until my drug test. here are the options i'm considering.

Vitamin B Complex
Plenty Of Water & Tea & I'll try the jello.

Do you think I will pass in 4 days?
So I couldn't resist my urge to smoke last night and I have 5 days until my drug test. here are the options i'm considering.

Vitamin B Complex
Plenty Of Water & Tea & I'll try the jello.

Do you think I will pass in 4 days?

you need to stop smoking, unfortunately since it isnt legal everywhere and you really want the job you need to set up your priorities and stop smoking.
good luck i hope you do pass, if you do not, than you will know for next time
I weigh 130 pounds and have little to no body fat. Assuming around 10% max. I'm really toned and lift weights everyday. So if i do brutal workouts this week and drink a lot and continue to diet healthy do you think i'll be ok?
WHat state do you live in? I find it hard to believe you cant find some Synthetic Urine....WHat about a novelty shop or a sex shop...
Find a iv bag have a friend pee in it grab some hand warmers and a thermostat should be good i seen some ppl use hand sanatizer bottles to

watch a youtube video about it to give u confidence lol
Stop smoking now.

Day of test, Carbload, this starts the system storing fat and not metabolising the existing fat that has THC metabolites stored away. So basically chug carbs about 4 hours before the test, and keep it up. Pee once at 1 hour in and then be tested in next 3 hours.
That makes no sense what is 2 days going to do. I have 5 days and i'm pretty sure there is 7 days in a week.

your original post was friday and you stated you hadn't smoked for two days. you said you had until thursday to take the test--that would have given you at least a week to abstain...
Gotta always be prepared man....but sometimes you my job, they will come to your work and piss ya right htere on the spot. That is why I need to get out of that career.

Over night some syntetic urine from Japan
Stop smoking now.

Day of test, Carbload, this starts the system storing fat and not metabolising the existing fat that has THC metabolites stored away. So basically chug carbs about 4 hours before the test, and keep it up. Pee once at 1 hour in and then be tested in next 3 hours.

Thanks I will add this to the list of things I will be doing. Here is what I have for the drug test.

Creatine Supplements (To Mask Excessive Liquid Intake)
Tums (For Specific Gravity)
Aspirin (For EMIT Interference)
Certo Pectin (the toxins bind to your fat cells, your fat cells bind to the bile, and the bile binds to the pectin, which can’t be released through urine.)

If I had done my research and maintain my freakishly un-human workout routine you think I'll be ok? My body fat percent is below 10%