Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

Good for you. I hope you are not a pill popper either.

newp..and you cant even do that in florida if you tried..we have/had the pill mills here, so they're using a new statewide software..can't come here from out of state and doc shop..they shut them down.

no matter what procedure you have done they will give you 5mg 15 percs and you're on your own..if you ask for the 10 mg or a specific narcotic they fuck with you and do shit to your script..making pharmacy call them..because "that's what the state is telling them to do..treat all patients as potential".

don't even think about asking for brand..the police show.

fleorgia has taken over as the meth capital.
I promise I will when you do.

And let's make this clear. I AM discriminated against is not the same as I HAVE BEEN. You are trying to make a claim I'm not making.
are you discriminate against ? Have you been discriminated against ? Give example of both or
Ignoring the motivation, "affirmative action" is a clear case of discrimination against the white guy; if it wasn't, it would serve no other purpose.
Just evening the playing field, which any non white person knows it was skewed in favor of white boys.( and I mean boy's, not women) College educated women, white or black, are still fucked. They still are on the same level as a black man (if he has a job), as far as pay goes. Firewomen, Policewoman, Dr. Woman, that is the reason affirmative action is still needed. I'll bet you are a white boy? Am I right?
newp..and you cant even do that in florida if you tried..we have/had the pill mills here, so they're using a new statewide software..can't come here from out of state and doc shop..they shut them down.

no matter what procedure you have done they will give you 5mg 15 percs and you're on your own..if you ask for the 10 mg or a specific narcotic they fuck with you and do shit to your script..making pharmacy call them..because "that's what the state is telling them to do..treat all patients as potential".

don't even think about asking for brand..the police show.

florgia has taken over as the meth capital.
you talk as from experience.
are you discriminate against ? Have you been discriminated against ? Give example of both or

I have been, it's rare so I wouldn't say I am.. understand the difference?

I'm actually a bit taken aback that you refuse to believe this, demand I provide examples, yet have danced around every question directed toward you.

Let me give you an easy one. If you follow the NBA you know how bad my Pistons were to start the year but lately (post Josh Smith) they are the second hottest team in the NBA behind ATL (post Josh Smith). Do the Pistons set an all time franchise record today for their 8th consecutive road win? (Think about that, THIS team can beat Chauncey and Isiah's teams).
I have been, it's rare so I wouldn't say I am.. understand the difference?

I'm actually a bit taken aback that you refuse to believe this, demand I provide examples, yet have danced around every question directed toward you.

Let me give you an easy one. If you follow the NBA you know how bad my Pistons were to start the year but lately (post Josh Smith) they are the second hottest team in the NBA behind ATL (post Josh Smith). Do the Pistons set an all time franchise record today for their 8th consecutive road win? (Think about that, THIS team can beat Chauncey and Isiah's teams).
You are out you mind comparing these Pistons to Bi bi BILLUPS or Zeke era.

You know why you can't share with me how you are discriminated against as a white man in America ;)
You are out you mind comparing these Pistons to Bi bi BILLUPS or Zeke era.

You know why you can't share with me how you are discriminated against as a white man in America ;)

Damn you have reading trouble. THIS team goes for the record today they currently share with THOSE teams. That's the comparison. They make this attempt against ATL and I asked if you think they will or not. You can't even answer that....

I CAN share, I HAVE shared some, there is plenty more just as trivial, I just refuse to cooperate anymore until you answer a little. This is too one sided.

Do you suffer from discrimination all the time or just some of the time?
Is your experience the same for all blacks?
Is my experience the same for all whites?
Just evening the playing field, which any non white person knows it was skewed in favor of white boys.( and I mean boy's, not women) College educated women, white or black, are still fucked. They still are on the same level as a black man (if he has a job), as far as pay goes. Firewomen, Policewoman, Dr. Woman, that is the reason affirmative action is still needed. I'll bet you are a white boy? Am I right?

You and London are responding to the motivation ... not the how. London was inquiring about the "how".

When it came to admission policies at institutions of higher learning, the policy was extremely biased against "asian" as well as "white" males.

Affirmative Action is nothing more than a form of racial/gender bias for some "perceived" good.

I'm sure fair and unbiased people, such as you fellows, wouldn't wish that type of bias on your fellow man ... correct?

Keep betting ...
You are out you mind comparing these Pistons to Bi bi BILLUPS or Zeke era.

You know why you can't share with me how you are discriminated against as a white man in America ;)
Straight up question.

Do you think it's possible for white people to be discriminated against?