Who tried the new Barneys Farm Cookies Kush?

anything that has to tag itself as a think tank just makes me wonder. i mean do they lay in a tank and think, or do they think and feel a tank is the only solution.

I remember when I was younger and first heard the term think tank. I was under the assumption that all they did was research and develope policy ideas. Wasn't long after I learned most have a bias and many publish information to confirm with their bias. Usually they are made up of political has beens.

It's one thing to have a bias, and admit the bias when doing research. Particularly when one has financial backers desire a particular stance to a position or ideology.

Not all think tanks are necessarily terrible, some do carry out important research, research the includes methodology, and citations. The organizations such as AEI are hacks who basically write terrible op eds.

Just look at their page and tell me anything even close to objective is being carried out there:

Any right wing ideologue could write for that nonsense.

Now the left isn't excused from such nonsense either. I wouldn't be quoting from the Center of American Progress. While not as egregious as some of the right wing think tanks, they certainly are sloppy. At least they believe in positions based on reality such as climate change but I'd be hesitant based on their record of using them as a source. Plus the political members would draw pause as well.


Now more respectable groups, which still have bias but have a history of avoiding specific policies or necessarily being overtly involved in politics include:

http://www.aspeninstitute.org/about whice focuses on fostering leadership and nonpartisan ideas.

The Brookings Institute, what can be considered center left but is an organization that definitely does their home work.

http://www.pewresearch.org/about/ Probably one of the best think tanks out there as far as think tanks go. They are non partisan, and really do cutting edge research on demographics, ah fuck it they say it best:
"Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. See leadership and staff."
NIce pics, TY - which one had anything to do w/ Shariah law ?

Oh, I'm sorry - have you decided you can't defend your position - again? [ no shariah in Europe, in case you didn't run away fast enough ]

No, there is no sharia law in Europe. I'm posting the American equivalent, the Christian Taliban.

Again, learn to fucking read. There is no sharia law in Europe just as erroneously making the claim that Dearborn was years ago by your "news channel".

Another source, learn to read and comprehend instead of looking like a dumbass.
unless of course you enjoy going through life being a know nothing, and holding erroneous beliefs.
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No they just string up gays on fence posts, lynch black people, and shoot abortion doctors in the church no less.

How dense are you? Seriously are you capable of critical thinking?
Hey Amos, i don't want to get in the middle of your argument here but you should be careful with your sources. The Sun and the Daily Express are a little.... let's say.... controversial.

Apparently he never learned how to weight the trustworthiness of sources. Again I posted critical statements against his nonesense, you think he even bothered to read? Nope, he cherry picks his info to conform with his hate based ideology.
Hey can someone explain to me what 'cookie' strains even are? I live in a box, so in addition to not being up on vaginal hygiene, I'm not real familiar w/ cannabis hype either. What makes a strain 'cookie'ish ? Where does it come from...how come all the gs cookie pics I've seen look like they don't yield very much? Might just be me, but uh...
Hey can someone explain to me what 'cookie' strains even are. I live in a box, so in addition to not being up on vaginal hygiene, I'm not real familiar w/ cannabis hype either. What makes a strain 'cookie'ish ? Where does it come from...how come all the cookie pics I've seen look like they don't yield very much? Might just be me, but uh...

Check out the clone only strain. Specifically @kgp as he explains it well.
Eh, there is no point anymore.

Amos is who he is and I'm simply wasting time. Getting paid while doing it but surely I can find more engaging individuals to converse with.

He is either a great troll (not really as he can get people going but really believes it) or is a dunce.
Eh, there is no point anymore.

Amos is who he is and I'm simply wasting time. Getting paid while doing it but surely I can find more engaging individuals to converse with.

He is either a great troll (not really as he can get people going but really believes it) or is a dunce.

Really? Let's examine 'dunce'

No they just string up gays on fence posts, lynch black people, and shoot abortion doctors in the church no less.

How dense are you? Seriously are you capable of critical thinking?

Please post recent pics of these marauding gangs of Christians and the strung up gays on fenceposts.

As I've posted several pics of beheadings - which look to have been taken down - then surely you have an equal amount of gays on fenceposts to support your argument - right?

If not, that would make you a B/S artist, and not a very good one at that - but I'll give you the opportunity before calling you a 'dunce'.

BTW - post the recent pics of the black lynchings - you can do that, right?

Twelve free speech cartoonists were killed a few days ago - you have a matching amount of abortion doctors killed in 'churches, no less' ?

Let me save you the time - you can't do it, and you know you can't.

So move along to your next strawman position, as you've yet to defend even your first point - no sharia in Europe. Why.....in fact, you're talking about anything but that.

Ain'tcha/? LOL.

Haven't tried it yet, I don't think I will get around to it either. Barneys Farm has done me dirty in the past and so I can't justify spending money on their gear. If I were to get a freebie I don't think I would be able to pop it and I would gladly give it to someone who appreciates their stuff. I think they are more suited towards outdoor growing.
Hey homies, i got an awesome video for you. I didn't actually watch it or listen, just kinda saw it sitting there next to barneys cookie kush on their site. One thing I did notice is the guy in glasses has an awesome shirt I think you'd all enjoy. Really sweet logo on it:

I recently tried Barneys again , NOT ONE SEED POPPED OUT OF TEN!!! what do you expect from a bunch of wankers who allow sharia law to flourish in their midst , pussies all of these euro trash seed banks , they have exploited us long enough , fuck the European seed banks , buy American!!

Yeah, Barney's sucks. ;-)