Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
You said it was racist to even mention white privilege.
it is racist to hold the belief that all white people must experience privilege
you hold this belief, you are a racist

The correct answer is all races are capable of discrimination and all races can experience privilege

You believe only white people can discriminate and experience privilege this is a racist position to adopt


Well-Known Member
it is racist to hold the belief that all white people must experience privilege
you hold this belief, you are a racist
You're the one with the intense desire to hear black women lament that they weren't born white. You're the one who clearly conveyed in more than one post that mere mention of white privilege is racist. Then you complained about how the Indian shop owners wouldn't hire you.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Coming from a guy who describes having to sell things to black people as similar to rape, I'll just nod and wave.
Except I never said that. I said people should not be forced to interact, as long as they agree to leave other people alone.
Also, I've explained numerous times, I wouldn't force you or anyone to interact with anybody. Nor would I prevent you from interacting with anybody....unless you were trying to force them to fund your life with their labor. I'd have a problem with that if you did it to me.

The rape comparison was to compare the methods applied in both rape and other forms of force used against otherwise peaceful people.

When a person "has to" do anything under threat of force, pay for an internet neck beard to travel the globe or if you are forced to engage in nonconsensual sex, FORCE is the thing that is common in both, hence the comparison of force is relevant.

BTW - When you distort things like that, it doesn't speak highly of your ability to defend your position. Except your position seems to move around some depending on the benefit you hope to derive. So, I see the problem that presents to you when confronted with your own hypocrisy.

I wish you well and hope you can put down the gun and overcome your addiction to coercive government cheese.


Well-Known Member
You're the one with the intense desire to hear black women lament that they weren't born white. You're the one who clearly conveyed in more than one post that mere mention of white privilege is racist. Then you complained about how the Indian shop owners wouldn't hire you.
No matter how you twist my words you will still be incorrect

are you willing to finally concede that not ALL white people experience privilege ?
are you also willing to accept that if white privilege exists then black privilege must exist too

until you are willing to submit to the facts instead of your extremist view of the world (all black people are victims) (all white people are "privileged")
i will continue to point out your errors and invalid arguments

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'll find the post where you made exactly that comparison. I'm not sure how to use the search function but I remember it.
Did you even read the post I just submitted?

So rape ISN'T force? Making people interact on a non-consensual basis ISN'T force? Well I guess you're going to provide a new and improved definition of force? Is taking a persons labor against their will NOT FORCE also?

When you can address those questions honestly, you will be on the right track.

I realize you are stumbling around desperate for relief from the exposure of your hypocrisy, but please don't make the nice lady get another job to fund your government cheese okay?


Well-Known Member
You are not stupid i take it ^^, you can see the walls of the box you have placed your self in , you are unable to admit you are wrong
if you accept that black people or Indians or any race can discriminate, then you would also be conceding that white privilege could not exist for every white person

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You probably want to add that both parties should be of legal age too, cause, well, you know... :lol:
If lil Uncle Buck and the Bad Man make a consensual deal, I might be repulsed by that, but it won't mean the interaction wasn't consensual will it? :lol::lol:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It's just so hilarious when you compare having to sell things to black people with rape and taxation to an act of war, please never go sane.

When you "have to" do anything under threat of force if you are an otherwise peaceful person, the method, INITIATED FORCE, is the same method isn't it?

Making a person fund you against their will, making a person touch you or labor on your behalf all use the same MEANS don't they?

I feel bad even talking to you anymore about your blatant hypocrisy in the face of the simultaneous ass kicking you are getting from skunkDoc.

So you think it's okay to take money from people that isn't yours and also to make people interact with others using a similar means as a rapist? I'd say that's self evident. Sane? I'll stay peaceful thank you.