Organigram meds look like utter shwag.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Funny, I saw a pic of their mongolian dried buds on Facebook and I commented saying that it was barely trimmed and that people would complain. They inboxed me saying that they would take care of it. This reviewer said that the mongolian wasn't trimmed well enough. Wanted to work at organigram.. Glad I don't. I'd be embarrassed to send that to a patient.


Well-Known Member
The real kicker is that the reviewer was AmeriCanadians, a married couple who has dual citizenship and reviews strains professionally. They have scripts with every lp I'm pretty sure and have reviewed a ton of MMPR strains. Obviously the LP'S know who the meds are going to so you would assume that they would send them the best looking product possible. If they sent that to a professional, world renowned pot critic, imagine what they would send me?