no crystals at 6 weeks flowering


Well-Known Member
So another update. Looks like I was wrong. Needed to look closer for the crystals. lol.

Next sunday it will be 2 months in flowering. Ofcourse she doesnt look like some of the other "icy" plants here. Hope she picks up.

Pics below.

Hmm so 10 pics are max per post...



Well-Known Member
Ok here are the rest. First 4 pics have something i havent seen before. neither in my previous grows or online. any idea whats up? Its img_8819 - img_8822.

Then there is the whole plant standing tall at 24". The dead /dying leaves i feel are cal def. hope thats fixed.

Then there is my cab. Really cramped in there. Was hoping this would be an indica but thats what you get from random seeds gathered from here and there, not complaining. lol

Edit: By the way, she looks like she is leaning to the left thats coz she is . 3 of the colas are heavy. had to spike her and do some stem supports.



Well-Known Member
What is the significance of foxtailing? Is it a second burst of new flower, or a natural occurrence for some strains?
If the former, should you let the new growth finish too, or concider it 'bonus growth' and crop when the bulk of the cola is ready?


Well-Known Member
What is the significance of foxtailing? Is it a second burst of new flower, or a natural occurrence for some strains?
If the former, should you let the new growth finish too, or concider it 'bonus growth' and crop when the bulk of the cola is ready?
Can be natural, can be caused by excessive heat. Happens naturally in strains with a Thai influence and should be ignored with regard to harvest


Well-Known Member
Yea the heat thing is for sure. These buds are too big for my cab so they are already touching the LED's. Good thing these are LED's or else everything would have brunt to a crisp.

Hmm learnt something new today. Thanks RM3
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foxtailing is more from excessive light, than heat. I have had weird sativas that wouldn't flower properly because of minor light leaks that went unnoticed and didn't affect the hybrids.


Well-Known Member
foxtailing is more from excessive light, than heat. I have had weird sativas that wouldn't flower properly because of minor light leaks that went unnoticed and didn't affect the hybrids.
Wrong, wrong and wrong, I get foxtails in pretty much every grow and I flower with T5's, I'm pretty sure my light is not excessive, I do however run my canopy at 92 LOL Light leaks don't affect anything, all the forum hype about it is pure crap, My garden is wide open in my basement and I have light leaks that you can read by LOL Some Sats are just finicky about flowering and foxtail naturally, hell most have multiple harvest windows.

It is no wonder that new growers here are always so confused with all the bad info that gets spread


Well-Known Member
Wrong, wrong and wrong, I get foxtails in pretty much every grow and I flower with T5's, I'm pretty sure my light is not excessive, I do however run my canopy at 92 LOL Light leaks don't affect anything, all the forum hype about it is pure crap, My garden is wide open in my basement and I have light leaks that you can read by LOL Some Sats are just finicky about flowering and foxtail naturally, hell most have multiple harvest windows.

It is no wonder that new growers here are always so confused with all the bad info that gets spread
Flower in pure darkness during the dark cycle for a couple weeks, then start making light leaks happen, probably gonna get some herms. These plants respond to environmental cues, stress. If you have light leaks from the beginning ( it's not completely dark outside under a full moon), the plants will call it good and not stress. That's what they know as dark as long as it's under a certain amount of lumens it won't be an issue. I have friends that go in on a dark cycle, flip on the lights and do their work and leave, the plants are fine as long as you do that from the beginning. Wait until halfway into flower and that's a whole other story. Could be wrong about the light leaks and sativas, but that was my experience. i do have limited experience with full on sativas. I stop getting foxtails when I raise my lights, they are air cooled and the canopy never gets above 83 degrees on a hot day. Also have noticed more foxtails with cal/mag problems T5 might be too bright if it sits on the plant or strains could be prone to that. The problem with people being confused is too much conjecture and anecdotal evidence. I may be wrong about those foxtails as well, so I'm gonna find some sources with data to back my opinion up. You got any sources for your assertions?
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Well-Known Member
Flower in pure darkness for a couple weeks, then start making light leaks happen, probably gonna get some herms. These plants respond to environmental cues, stress. If you have light leaks from the beginning ( it's not completely dark outside under a full moon), the plants will call it good and not stress. That's what they know as dark as long as it's under a certain amount of lumens it won't be an issue. I have friends that go in on a dark cycle, flip on the lights and do their work and leave, the plants are fine as long as you do that from the beginning. Wait until halfway into flower and that's a whole other story. Could be wrong about the light leaks and sativas, but that was my experience. i do have limited experience with full on sativas. I stop getting foxtails when I raise my lights, they are air cooled and the canopy never gets above 83 degrees on a hot day. Also have noticed more foxtails with cal/mag problems T5 might be too bright if it sits on the plant or strains could be prone to that. The problem with people being confused is too much conjecture and anecdotal evidence. I may be wrong about those foxtails as well, so I'm gonna find some sources with data to back my opinion up. You got any sources for your assertions?
I'm sorry, you don't know me and I don't know you So please allow me to introduce myself, I used to be here as Riddleme, I had over 6000 post, I was banned here because I started my own site, that was 4 years ago. I came back here as RM3 to help out new growers cause I can or maybe I was bored? I am a breeder and my gear is growing all over the world, I have been growing for over 40 years. I have written a book on it and am working on the 2nd one now. Most that know me would tell you I have forgotten more about this plant than most people know. I have grown land race sats and in fact have several going at the moment. Please feel free to click my sig links and check out my plants. Oh and I like to keep my T5's 2 feet off my canopy, doesn't always work out, sometimes the plants just grow into it LOL

And I do have to asK,,,, Why would I flower plants in total darkness for a couple of weeks ???


Well-Known Member
Could be a heat issue with the foxtailing. I could've misinterpreted that for myself. But most things I have read said it could be high heat, too much light, high humidity or just plain genetics.

EDIT: If foxtailing is thought of as bolting like vegetables do. Then my lettuce does that when too hot, my cilantro does that when too hot, my basil does that when too cold, etc...
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Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, you don't know me and I don't know you So please allow me to introduce myself, I used to be here as Riddleme, I had over 6000 post, I was banned here because I started my own site, that was 4 years ago. I came back here as RM3 to help out new growers cause I can or maybe I was bored? I am a breeder and my gear is growing all over the world, I have been growing for over 40 years. I have written a book on it and am working on the 2nd one now. Most that know me would tell you I have forgotten more about this plant than most people know. I have grown land race sats and in fact have several going at the moment. Please feel free to click my sig links and check out my plants. Oh and I like to keep my T5's 2 feet off my canopy, doesn't always work out, sometimes the plants just grow into it LOL

And I do have to asK,,,, Why would I flower plants in total darkness for a couple of weeks ???
Just to get a sense of who I am. I think everyone's wisdom is relative to their own experience and everyone has value and their own unique insight. Where I come from, people that speak in all or nothing statements with only opinion and no facts raise my eyebrows a little. Realizing of course my first post here was pretty definitive and without facts. Human nature to simplify and compartmentalize and with all the variables growing this plant, easy to be confused.
Also if someone is trying to sell me on who they are or what they've got, my eyebrows go up. I prefer cold hard facts and could give a shit about professed experience, a person's knowledge and respect gets proven. Met way too many stubborn old guys and way too many open minded insightful young ones to realize you don't argue the person but you can argue the science. And I've learned to appreciate being proven wrong because fuck man that just makes my wisdom greater. I'll check out your biz tho, I'm sure you've got knowledge to drop. I'll be turning down the heat next time I see a foxtail, see what happens. Pleased to meet ya.
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Well-Known Member
Just to get a sense of who I am. I think everyone's wisdom is relative to their own experience and everyone has value and their own unique insight. Where I come from, people that speak in all or nothing statements with only opinion and no facts raise my eyebrows a little. Realizing of course my first post here was pretty definitive and without facts. Human nature to simplify and compartmentalize and with all the variables growing this plant, easy to be confused.
Also if someone is trying to sell me on who they are or what they've got, my eyebrows go up. I prefer cold hard facts and could give a shit about professed experience, a person's knowledge and respect gets proven. Met way too many stubborn old guys and way too many open minded insightful young ones to realize you don't argue the person but you can argue the science. And I've learned to appreciate being proven wrong because fuck man that just makes my wisdom greater. I'll check out your biz tho, I'm sure you've got knowledge to drop. I'll be turning down the heat next time I see a foxtail, see what happens. Pleased to meet ya.
Likewise !!! I try not to argue (doesn't always work) and I try not to come off as a know it all. Mostly I put the info out there and let folks decide for themselves what to do with it. My eyebrows raise a lot so I totally get that, I also shake my head a lot LOL

Here is my journal,

Between that and my sig links I think you'll enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
Wrong, wrong and wrong, I get foxtails in pretty much every grow and I flower with T5's, I'm pretty sure my light is not excessive, I do however run my canopy at 92 LOL Light leaks don't affect anything, all the forum hype about it is pure crap, My garden is wide open in my basement and I have light leaks that you can read by LOL Some Sats are just finicky about flowering and foxtail naturally, hell most have multiple harvest windows.

It is no wonder that new growers here are always so confused with all the bad info that gets spread
Not to beat a dead horse here, but have you seen no foxtails with cooler temps? Reason I ask is just because I have run into too many people that make too many assumptions and conjecture without fully understanding what's going on. It's all relative to that specific environment and often wrong conclusions. Your statement about light leaks being crap is limited to your experience, and like I said based on the plant adapting to dark cycle and flower. That's my experience. I do what I can to avoid too much stress. If your plants are up in that T5 by the end, then it's no longer 2 feet away when those fox tails happen. I just read some of your stuff and was skeptical about those T5's, in my experience they are slower for veg. What's your veg time? But with that warmer canopy and happy roots I could see increased transpiration and faster growth. Fucking A I could see that working if it's dialed. But again one persons high quality could be another's mediocre. Wouldn't flower with those temps, as I have seen looser bud compared to same strain with cooler temps. Boiling water on the roots sounds a bit like overkill, but I might give it a try. Not sure what exactly it's supposed to do. Doesn't seem necessary as all those other factors add up to quality before this stage. I have pondered on just how long that plant is alive after chopping and the last minute processes. I have noticed frostier bud when I leave a plant in the dark before chopping. But again that's a subjective opinion not backed up by measurements. I have been doing this for over 12 years and that doesn't mean I learned a damn thing. Ha! By all means though let's yell at each other and put each other down, we can feel better about our limited awareness and not improve our styles. :mrgreen:
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Not to beat a dead horse here, but have you seen no foxtails with cooler temps? Reason I ask is just because I have run into too many people that make too many assumptions and conjecture without fully understanding what's going on. It's all relative to that specific environment and often wrong conclusions. Your statement about light leaks being crap is limited to your experience, and like I said based on the plant adapting to dark cycle and flower. That's my experience. I do what I can to avoid too much stress. If your plants are up in that T5 by the end, then it's no longer 2 feet away when those fox tails happen. I just read some of your stuff and was skeptical about those T5's, in my experience they are slower for veg. What's your veg time? But with that warmer canopy and happy roots I could see increased transpiration and faster growth. Fucking A I could see that working if it's dialed. But again one persons high quality could be another's mediocre. Wouldn't flower with those temps, as I have seen looser bud compared to same strain with cooler temps. Boiling water on the roots sounds a bit like overkill, but I might give it a try. Not sure what exactly it's supposed to do. Doesn't seem necessary as all those other factors add up to quality before this stage. I have pondered on just how long that plant is alive after chopping and the last minute processes. I have noticed frostier bud when I leave a plant in the dark before chopping. But again that's a subjective opinion not backed up by measurements. I have been doing this for over 12 years and that doesn't mean I learned a damn thing. Ha! By all means though let's yell at each other and put each other down, we can feel better about our limited awareness and not improve our styles. :mrgreen:
Aw Come On Beatin Dead Horses is Fun :bigjoint:

Actually if ya go back there are some pics in the Are They Done thread of a Durban with foxtails, this happened during a below zero single digit cold snap we had, my temps dropped into the 60's my canopy dropped from 92 to 87 and most of my garden turned purple. I fired up the space heater and humidifier LOL brought it back up to low 70's, So to answer your question, Yes I have seen foxtails with cooler temps.

My average veg time is 5 weeks, I normally veg em to around 20 inches before flippin.

I have never had a loose or airy bud with the T5's

The boilin roots thing simply speeds up the fade and cure makes a better product faster.

The light leak thing is what it is, I am not the only old grower that feels the way I do about it. I talk to old growers everyday, hell we're planning a convention/party for this comin summer. I do understand how experience affects perception :)

If we're keep doin this we should move it to one of my threads LOL


Well-Known Member
Maybe ill add some input here.

I dont have any light leaks. Pretty damn sure of that. so much so I even turned on the camera on my phone and recorded a 1 minute video just to be sure. So no light leaks

Too much light. definitely.

Too much heat. Yea could be as the buds in question are bang right against the led glass panel.

Not too sure on the boiling water bit. Since I am growing for absolute personal consumption i dont wanna experiment too much. Just want some good or even better bud to chill to after i get back home from a grueling day at work browsing 9gag.

Over all I am pretty stoked that I have a sativa growing (mediocre perhaps but bud nonetheless).


Well-Known Member
Maybe ill add some input here.

I dont have any light leaks. Pretty damn sure of that. so much so I even turned on the camera on my phone and recorded a 1 minute video just to be sure. So no light leaks

Too much light. definitely.

Too much heat. Yea could be as the buds in question are bang right against the led glass panel.

Not too sure on the boiling water bit. Since I am growing for absolute personal consumption i dont wanna experiment too much. Just want some good or even better bud to chill to after i get back home from a grueling day at work browsing 9gag.

Over all I am pretty stoked that I have a sativa growing (mediocre perhaps but bud nonetheless).
Sorry for the thread jack !