The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lol I remember that one time in the bar mate when that geeza was givin us some grief with us sitting down and him standing over us, it nearly kicked off but he fuked off, afterwards I said to you we nearly did him what were u goin for lol, I was gonna punch his fukin nuts and you were gonna do summin else ha ha not pretty lol, im 2 bottles red in and chugging cano lem


Well-Known Member
lol I remember that one time in the bar mate when that geeza was givin us some grief with us sitting down and him standing over us, it nearly kicked off but he fuked off, afterwards I said to you we nearly did him what were u goin for lol, I was gonna punch his fukin nuts and you were gonna do summin else ha ha not pretty lol, im 2 bottles red in and chugging cano lem
he wasnt to be fucked with Z it needed a tool if it came to it, the cunt is a mongo nowdays tho still a lump mind but he was mainlining meow meow n od'd went brain dead n all that shit, see him the other day fucking dodgy cunt.
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Well-Known Member
fuck off WD your the nicest bloke in the thread aslong you got a smoke lolol if no smoke im hiding and im 100s of miles away lol
Hahaha, I know, but I was feeling left out , & it's "as long as I've got a cookie , don't smoke these days, apart from harvest festival times when I have a pipe or 3 of me produce. Me insides r fucked enough without tobacco m8.


Well-Known Member
everyone bleeds lmao fucking love it mate i say that all the time, im a complete whuss unless taken the piss outa i dont like fighting at all but needs must sometimes.
I can take a lot more shit now than I used to be able too, maybe it's gettin older, just seem a bit more tolerant nowadays lol, but as u say if someone's takin the piss or it's about family or shit then needs must, everyone bleeds lol


Well-Known Member
I can take a lot more shit now than I used to be able too, maybe it's gettin older, just seem a bit more tolerant nowadays lol, but as u say if someone's takin the piss or it's about family or shit then needs must, everyone bleeds lol

its just life n society nowday mate, u aint gotta be no hardman but unless u stand for your shit with violence then your fucked, i dont like it but its all so many will understand and no cunt is taking a penny outa my pocket.