My Girlfriend ..


Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning and I wanted to go to that new 'The Dark Knight' movie tbecause I read that it was very very good. (Thanks for that thread on here btw :)) so I get into my car and start heading out. I was thinking about calling my girlfriend, but she ddin't like these 'type' of movies so I didn't bother. I go to the theater and buy my ticket or what ever, and just go to A&W for something quick to eat and a drink. But I see my girlfriend walking by, around the mal with a guy. I was thinking no big deal, it was her friend. So I get up and I'm going to go up to them, but then he kisses her..for a decent amount of time..I wanted to go right up there and just punch the guy in the face.. But I don't want to jump to conclusions, even though this seems fairly straight forwards..

I just can't believe that she would do that considering I just got a new place (Only an apartment, but..) she was moving in with me, I THOUGHT we had a great time all the time, with minimul fights. I gave her as much as I could.. But now I'm just not sure on what to do. Should I go straight up to her and confrunt her? Should I go up to her boyfriend and just fucking fight him? (I know, sounds childish but it seemed like the best option at the time..) what the hell should I do, I'm freaking out here. 6 days from my birthday, atleast I found out ..

(By the way, the movie blew me away and the pencil part was amazing)


Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning and I wanted to go to that new 'The Dark Knight' movie tbecause I read that it was very very good. (Thanks for that thread on here btw :)) so I get into my car and start heading out. I was thinking about calling my girlfriend, but she ddin't like these 'type' of movies so I didn't bother. I go to the theater and buy my ticket or what ever, and just go to A&W for something quick to eat and a drink. But I see my girlfriend walking by, around the mal with a guy. I was thinking no big deal, it was her friend. So I get up and I'm going to go up to them, but then he kisses her..for a decent amount of time..I wanted to go right up there and just punch the guy in the face.. But I don't want to jump to conclusions, even though this seems fairly straight forwards..

I just can't believe that she would do that considering I just got a new place (Only an apartment, but..) she was moving in with me, I THOUGHT we had a great time all the time, with minimul fights. I gave her as much as I could.. But now I'm just not sure on what to do. Should I go straight up to her and confrunt her? Should I go up to her boyfriend and just fucking fight him? (I know, sounds childish but it seemed like the best option at the time..) what the hell should I do, I'm freaking out here. 6 days from my birthday, atleast I found out ..

(By the way, the movie blew me away and the pencil part was amazing)
you didn't walk right up to her ??

damn, you should of walked up to her and told her to look for some place to sleep, cause she aint gettin anywhere near your apartment.
and yes you should have punched him in the face.

kissing you gf = punch in the face


Well-Known Member
Oh man its just a girl kick her to the curb and go find another one...One that only wants to kiss you..I feel for you though thats gotta be tough to watch....


Well-Known Member
damn man. im sorry, but yes you should definitely bring this shit to her attention and ask her what the fuck. i doubt theres a good excuse but if by some chance there is she should be able to explain...if that dude wasnt her brother or any other part of her family, id have to tell her to kick rocks.


DTB and never do it again.
No point to be dating, so stop it.

I feel so bad for everyone who can't listen to Tom Leykis.


Active Member
dude dont fight man. im a modern day hippie but i believe in the just kind of fighting. believe me dude the movie had to have been more worth it than your girl sorry to say. but trust me i know from expierience you can do better. confront her but be calm thats all i gotta say. oh and you should find a new roomate lol.


New Member
Yea fuck that you need a new girlie im sorry dude that blows...... but you should straight up confront her about it first then break up with her....dont keep her around she will do it again


Well-Known Member
No don't confront her, or him. Treat her as bad as you want to, cum on her face everytime, spend minimal amounts of money on her, treat her as if you have nothing to lose, cuz you don't, cuz she is making out with another guy. At least you are still getting pussy whenever you want from her w/o all the boyfriend duties. And of course cheat on her while still hooking up w/ her so when she finds out just bring up that story. Peace!


Well-Known Member
No don't confront her, or him. Treat her as bad as you want to, cum on her face everytime, spend minimal amounts of money on her, treat her as if you have nothing to lose, cuz you don't, cuz she is making out with another guy. At least you are still getting pussy whenever you want from her w/o all the boyfriend duties. And of course cheat on her while still hooking up w/ her so when she finds out just bring up that story. Peace!
I'm not that much of an ass, I'm not going to stoop down to her pathetic level..

So I'm for sure going to kick her out she's at work today, I just took today off. So i'm wondering if I should just phone her and tell her to not come back and her shit will be on the curb or just wait till she gets home..


Well-Known Member
put it in her butt then dump her. lol :)
I second that! I don't know why ppl always want to fight the "guy" You'd have alot of freaking guys to fight with this mentality, alot easier to grab the bull by the horns and rid yourself of the problem. I also think you should have walked right up there. Caught red handed, and if she told dude she was single he would quickly have seen her for what she is and she would be out 2 boyfriends. If it the opposite and he knew of you well then there is you justification for a beating on him as well.
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I'm not that much of an ass, I'm not going to stoop down to her pathetic level..

So I'm for sure going to kick her out she's at work today, I just took today off. So i'm wondering if I should just phone her and tell her to not come back and her shit will be on the curb or just wait till she gets home..
Seriously dude...

There's no reason to even talk to her again. Let what she did sink in without you saying anything.

Put her shit outside, change the locks, and change your phone number.

All of that will take 2 hours total. After that's done... Stay out of the new apt. for a bit.

Learn from your mistake and stop dating women.

Hump n dump


Well-Known Member
Its not the other guys fault that she had a boyfriend......Pay your sister to kick her ass....


Well-Known Member
I'm not that much of an ass, I'm not going to stoop down to her pathetic level..

So I'm for sure going to kick her out she's at work today, I just took today off. So i'm wondering if I should just phone her and tell her to not come back and her shit will be on the curb or just wait till she gets home..
I would pack her stuff all into one corner and tell her when it's cool for her to pick it up. When I broke up with my ex g/f for the same reason I decided to leave our appt. she was at work so i came up with a plan so when she got home the place was virtually empty cause most of the stuff was mine. The look on her face was almost worth the shit she put me thu.


Well-Known Member
Dude any word on what happened? I feel for ya..

Did it seem like you could trust her 100% before n now your blown away?

Seriously bro, what are you feelin right now, this must hurt....


Well-Known Member
doink her in the butt
cum on her face
fight the other guy.

pack her shit and put outside
block her cell phone number
never talk to her again.


Well-Known Member
Gentlemen please the only time it would be an acceptable time to punch the guy with your GF in the face is well if he KNEW you and her were together, if it is some random guy WTF are the chances she told him hey I have a BF but im cheating on him with you and if she is cheating how do you know she was not dating him before you hence making you the guy who "should be punched in the face" please it is not the guys fault it the bitchs fault