Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.

This verse, chapter 9 verse 5, is often used as evidence that Islam allows killing of non-Muslims, but what is not recognized is the context and history behind these verses. The history of this verse is that when Prophet Muhammadsa began preaching the unity of God he was persecuted for 13 years, much as Prophets Abraham and Jesus were. Since Muslims who are being persecuted are encouraged to leave for safer areas, rather than create disorder, Muhammadsa and his followers migrated to Medina. After they left, the Meccans attacked them in Medina on and off for a period of nine years until Chapter 9 was revealed.

Looking at the context of the verses, it becomes obvious that the commandment of this verse only relates to those tribes who continued hostilities against the Muslims even after they had migrated. In particular, reference is made to 5 tribes (‘Banu Khuza’ah, Banu Mudlij, Banu Bakr, Banu Damrah, and Banu Sulaiim) that did not honor the treaties they made with Muslims. It is also important to remember that the preceding verses give these people respite for 4 months to reconsider their behavior and cease hostilities. Sadly after 4 months passed, the enemies of Islam continued their hostilities against the Muslims. Only then was Prophet Muhammad commanded by God to meet them in battle to defend Muslims and the religion of Islam.

Even in this situation the Quran states that if the enemies repent of their behavior and promise to fulfill their treaties, it becomes incumbent on Muslims to cease military action and forgive them. Unfortunately those who take this specific verse out of context fail to see that as the title Al-Taubah suggests, the main subject matter of the chapter is forgiveness and repentance.
Point made. Read Osama's "Letter to America", explaining why jihad was declared by al Qaida on the US in the 1st place It was because of Palestine, and other perceived abuses against Muslims. It was in the letter saying essentially we Muslims are tired of being fucked with by the west and Israel, so here we come. That's the impression that I got, because that is what it said. I feel sympathetic to their concerns, but a small portion of that religion, is insane, and they have hijacked the religion. What do you do about that? I know what we can do, and will do, is print more cartoons, just to let them know who's the real boss. It really is to late to say we are sorry and didn't really mean any fucking harm. Isn't it.

The worse kind of fool is the one who believes the enemy in wartime.
It is not understanding. Do you understand bullies? Did you cower or fight back? I fought back physically and snitched them out at every turn, insisted to be taken the Principal's Office about it, slapped the ever living shit out out of them and all kinds of dirty tricks. By 9th grade the bullies were cowering from me.
So, you are an Israeli troll (your silence is deafening), that from the age of 14 ( you were probably 16)was already abusing the abusers. That felt good, right?
Who is this fellow, that I might have a chance to read and see for myself that he supports the killing of Arabs in general?

See the bald lying that goes on. We take exception to what happens and now we are just sick Christians out to kill all Muslims. Buck is Jihad.

Are you glad that France did not call this work place violence?
You think Muslims are fucking weird?

Yes and No...But She is strangely Hot!?!?!?!
So, you are an Israeli troll (your silence is deafening), that from the age of 14 ( you were probably 16)was already abusing the abusers. That felt good, right?

What is wrong with you except you need a heavy fist to jaw?

You would not say this to my face. So, you are a coward and hide.
You defend the way Muslims treat women. You're the fucking idiot here, asshole.

show this asshole idiot one post where i have defended the way some muslims treat women, murdoch.

if you can do that, i will leave the site forever. when you fail to do that, you will have called yourself a liar.
See the bald lying that goes on. We take exception to what happens and now we are just sick Christians out to kill all Muslims. Buck is Jihad.

Are you glad that France did not call this work place violence?
So is Israel an enemy of islam?
See the bald lying that goes on. We take exception to what happens and now we are just sick Christians out to kill all Muslims. Buck is Jihad.

Are you glad that France did not call this work place violence?

i have not seen you condemn big easy for saying he was "glad" to have the "opportunity" to "get some trigger time in" on "arabs" who he "hates".

by your own standard against muslims, that makes you every bit as extremist, racist, and homicidal as he is.
i have not seen you condemn big easy for saying he was "glad" to have the "opportunity" to "get some trigger time in" on "arabs" who he "hates".

by your own standard against muslims, that makes you every bit as extremist, racist, and homicidal as he is.

no, because he does NOT act on the desire..that's the difference.