my watering cycle is day one nutes, day two water only, day 3 no water or nutes then repeat and is it better for high phosphorus or potassium
Does your soil dry out completely every day? If not, then you'll cause problems if you keep the soil too wet all the time. It also affects the ph range the plant experiences because soil ph rises as it dries. Keep it moist all the time and you hold it lower.
A good way to know when to water is to lift the container. If it feels inordinately light it's time to water. (If you don't know what too dry feels like, you can withhold water from a mature, vegging plant until its leaves droop. Lift the container to learn what it feels like. Going forward, try not to water until it gets almost that dry. It won't hurt much to let it get so dry the leaves droop. They'll bounce back in 30 minutes after watering. But, it's still a stress and shouldn't be done a lot.).
As far as alternating feed/water, you can also spread the feed across all waterings. For example, instead of 1tsp fertilizer in one watering (followed by plain water the next), you can feed 1/2 tsp each watering. I've never seen a reason to alternate feed/water. Someone said it helps the soil biology recover from synthetic nutrients. But, IMO, giving 50% less synthetic nutrients means there's less to recover from. Should come out to the same thing either way. (If you're concerned about soil biology you should be incorporating organic nutrients to minimize the amount of synthetics used.).
As far as higher P and/or K being "better." You'll have to be more informative. Better for what? What stage of plant growth? As has already been said, some people use 1-1-1 all the way through. Many recommend 3-1-2 in veg, 1-3-2 in flower. Some like PK 1-2 throughout veg and flower. I don't think it matters as much as some people believe. Learn what N, P and K deficiencies look like and let that be your guide.