how do you party,if youve partied for 15 years straight?

I was talking to my buddy about it all day, and my wife is down. I'm pretty sure I"m only gonna be able to do one day, but we really want to make that a show we see.
Gonna be chillin w my buddy,he lives 4hrs southish...might get a hotel in the city a day before so I'm refreshed....hoping my other homie comes so I can get his flyer miles too :-D
Nice. We've got some friends in the city we might stay with, or maybe get a hotel so we can party with our other friends going. If we both make it we'll have to connect. What do you think would be the best of the three days to go if you had to choose? my mind I can't choose.
First day gonna be crazy joyous.2nd gonna be awesome,with the surprises etc,and fireworks..last night gonna be crazy as well,but
I allready teared up twice looking at the flyer.

I'd go 2nd day.
The second day was what I was thinking as well. I thought the third day might have alot of tears, and I really want to be there for the celebration fun part :).
Holy shit, yesterday we watched every room anywhere near soldier field sell out. Prices were actually going up as we shopped. This is gonna be a hoot! I really hadn't planned on buying 6 tickets and pitching on 3 nights in chicago. Wallet diet I guess.
im 36 today.
ive never had a birthday party ever..ive never considered it since,well,lifes a party imo.
so,how shall i celebrate?
ive got 40hits of needlepoint,15hits of amber,2cb,dmt,mushrooms,quaaludes,mdma,mda,ketamine,moonshine,bho,honey oil,and pounds of dank..
any suggestions?(trolls keep your brokeback fantasies to yourself..)..
im really at a loss every year how to celebrate...and no this isnt a pity party:-)..i just never consider how ill celebrate...
Man, I'm 36 next wknd. I'm in a similar quandary to you only without anywhere near as many drugs as you. 8g of some Mexican mushrooms I grew, some Chang and Mandy-1g of each then about an oz of assorted dank. I've been itching to do the shrooms for ages so that's happening, as for the how when and with who- not sure. I think I'll do the shrooms with my best mate and just go out there.
Any time I try to plan shit I'm always let down in some way on my expectations.
Don't plan too hard, cane something and go 'out there'.
Extocaine lines then shrooms then out the door to mess with the world.