Nature Sweet Nothing Seed Shop Yay or Nay?

I'd much rather give my donations to a local Mom And Pop operation than to big business. Hell I'll give them a chance, I still hold some faith in people today. If the beans aren't up to my standards, no harm I'm outdoors, and a couple extra plants in my garden will cost me very little to tend. I don't see what the big deal is.
Tbh. Its probably legit..... but the approach being may or may not work,basically what j see is an attempt to bypass seed bank, but the genetics.... are not official imo. Probably a new breeder, but the scheme may or may not hold, after all the feds are supposed to not be pursuing cannabis criminals. But I guess it depends on how big/many these businesses get.

I would say it's a bold move, ive contemplated finding a non grower to handle a websiterrible in a sin8lar fasion..
Good to he
The grow is being logged right now in a grow journal. Lots of Pictures and high quality. More coming soon. But all 9/9 germinated.

Just found out about this site the other day from GC... I don't know if it is okay to post the link? I don't want to get banned.. But I am logging the Grow right now. So as a grower we have to have patience. You will be able to see what her products look like soon enough and better and better as time continues.

Good to hear you got 100% germ. I'll be following your grow, mine will not start til May.
The grow is being logged right now in a grow journal. Lots of Pictures and high quality. More coming soon. But all 9/9 germinated.

Just found out about this site the other day from GC... I don't know if it is okay to post the link? I don't want to get banned.. But I am logging the Grow right now. So as a grower we have to have patience. You will be able to see what her products look like soon enough and better and better as time continues.

Looking forward to watching bro. Hope those seeds turn into some wicked meds and my intuition tells me they will. I love the Critical Jack autos from one of the big breeders. It's great med and hope yours is too!
I completely understand your concern and agree with that completely... but this has great possibly for a breeder or testing new treatments by cross breeding and creating hybrids, and...
This is for people who can't afford the Nike shoes and are okay with some brand wal-mart shoes... until times get better... They will see you through.

Read a few posts in the link(s) that you provided. Did this gal hook you up with seeds because you have a disability and could not afford to purchase seeds? If so, good on her! That puts a different spin on things for me, and I would actually consider buying some seeds from her just because of this. We could use more good people like her in this business.
Well the price look's great but, the Web Site just doesn't look legit. I would think if someone open's a new seed bank they could afford something more than a free web site. If they won't invest in themselves, I won't invest in them.
I'd much rather give my donations to a local Mom And Pop operation than to big business. Hell I'll give them a chance, I still hold some faith in people today. If the beans aren't up to my standards, no harm I'm outdoors, and a couple extra plants in my garden will cost me very little to tend. I don't see what the big deal is.
These were my thoughts exactly. I'm probably gonna give it a shot, worst case scenario I have some extra bagseed, best case scenario it winds up being great. I probably won't grow it indoors and spend all that electricity and space on them, but why not throw a couple outdoors with my next grow, I can afford $25 on seeds and $25 on soil, and I'm not worried about the legality since I'm a med patient and the beans won't even cross state lines.
There are also a few things that have been stated that are fishy, like the mailman being rough on the mail? or taking 5 months to save up to buy 2 clones(wtf? Isn't she in Cali) and one of them turned out to be male (EVEN MORE WTF?).
Seems odd, but I have a couple packs of Kaliman seeds and he has pretty much the exact same story for the parentage of his Cheese #1, so if I gave him the benefit of the doubt why not give it to her? I'd hate to be a hypocrite.
Ace Yonder never heard Kali Mans method finding the cheese? Care to share would love to hear it... The way I read it is she has a grow house one dank strain of each and than hits them off with a few different males... I'm wondering the selection process is... I think charging for f1's made in that manner is not cool imho..., i LOVE sharing my different pollen chucks and thought out strains especially to med patients , it's just good karma and a great way for a smaller breeder to observe several pheno types and see how they perform in different grow environments.... It's generous of breeders to share their work like that in return for journals or updates and impressions... It's a win win for both parties involved why does money have to become a
Part of it? See what i am trying to convey a bit highly medicated so no intentions of offensive to anyone if any were taken.... Even the this fire x c99 x18 photo I been playing with and have at f2 I still wouldn't feel comfortable charging anyone for them....
Sharing One
Ace Yonder never heard Kali Mans method finding the cheese? Care to share would love to hear it... The way I read it is she has a grow house one dank strain of each and than hits them off with a few different males... I'm wondering the selection process is... I think charging for f1's made in that manner is not cool imho..., i LOVE sharing my different pollen chucks and thought out strains especially to med patients , it's just good karma and a great way for a smaller breeder to observe several pheno types and see how they perform in different grow environments.... It's generous of breeders to share their work like that in return for journals or updates and impressions... It's a win win for both parties involved why does money have to become a
Part of it? See what i am trying to convey a bit highly medicated so no intentions of offensive to anyone if any were taken.... Even the this fire x c99 x18 photo I been playing with and have at f2 I still wouldn't feel comfortable charging anyone for them....
Sharing One
It's been told better than I could tell it here:
and here: (And probably more places), but from what I understand this is the TL;DR: He was getting clones from the original Exodus Cheese mother, and somehow wound up with two males. Not hermies, since the seeds breed true reg 50/50 male/fem ratio, but full males from the female mother. So he BX one of these with the females from the same mother and gets reg seeds that express true Cheese genetics, and that's why he claims Cheese #1 is pure uncrossed Exodus Cheese from seed. From the attitude strain description: "Indistinguishable in taste and high from the original 1989 Uk Exodus Cheese clone. This is 'The Cheese'. Genetics: Pure unhybrised Exodus"(sic). That's the story anyways.
Ace Yonder never heard Kali Mans method finding the cheese? Care to share would love to hear it... The way I read it is she has a grow house one dank strain of each and than hits them off with a few different males... I'm wondering the selection process is... I think charging for f1's made in that manner is not cool imho..., i LOVE sharing my different pollen chucks and thought out strains especially to med patients , it's just good karma and a great way for a smaller breeder to observe several pheno types and see how they perform in different grow environments.... It's generous of breeders to share their work like that in return for journals or updates and impressions... It's a win win for both parties involved why does money have to become a
Part of it? See what i am trying to convey a bit highly medicated so no intentions of offensive to anyone if any were taken.... Even the this fire x c99 x18 photo I been playing with and have at f2 I still wouldn't feel comfortable charging anyone for them....
Sharing One
I agree with you in principal, but at least she is pretty up front with it, and at less than $2 a seed, as long as it's better than your run of the mill bagseed it is a nice option for lower budget growers to have, especially when trying out different grow styles. And who knows, if she has a green thumb and winds up hitting gold it would be nice to have been in on the ground floor when she hits it big, as long as she's willing to kick down a few beans from the stable genetics she eventually breeds to the people who had faith in her at the start but who still might not be able to afford them, you know?
can I get the website addy... I put in nature sweet nothing seed shop and didn't get a valid link...

TIA Earl is her website, and i just got emal from her today..

Hope she likes to be busy? lol cuz just got this email. She either really hates me or really loves me for letting everyone know about her and the great prices..

"Hi Clint!
Sorry it's taken so long for me to reply, you've made me a busy lady!
Hope all is going well on your end!
-Shay" is her website, and i just got emal from her today..

Hope she likes to be busy? lol cuz just got this email. She either really hates me or really loves me for letting everyone know about her and the great prices..

"Hi Clint!
Sorry it's taken so long for me to reply, you've made me a busy lady!
Hope all is going well on your end!

In the stock market we would call it a momo, short for momentum. Kinda like a respected bud gives out a hot stock tip and everyone jumps in all at once and the share price rapidly pops. The. It pops up on others scans and snowballs. In this case you put the story out there and BOOM! I still haven't heard back from her but it's cool. Way to go bro! :-)

BTW. Bookmarked your journal and check it out daily. Not gonna subscribe but using fish tank water I totally get because I remember it contains certain bacteria or whatever for the fish to survive. Good stuff.
Recieved my order today. I little disappointed, I ordered the "Mix" and only got 3 different strains; Blue Fruit, Purple Power, and Hindu Kush, totaling about 30 seeds. Would have been a lot more satisfied with more strains. Five seeds per pack per strain would have been better. Still wondering if ill pop them or just give them away. Sure would have liked more strains. Plus the shipping container was pretty cheap, could easily be crushed. I guess you get what you pay for. I'm not giving her a bad rap, just not quite what I expected. The truth will be in the product. Also I mentioned Clint and did not recieved any extras.
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Recieved my order today. I little disappointed, I ordered the "Mix" and only got 3 different strains; Blue Fruit, Purple Power, and Hindu Kush, totaling about 30 seeds. Would have been a lot more satisfied with more strains. Five seeds per pack per strain would have been better. Still wondering if ill pop them or just give them away. Sure would have liked more strains. Plus the shipping container was pretty cheap, could easily be crushed. I guess you get what you pay for. I'm not giving her a bad rap, just not quite what I expected. The truth will be in the product. Also I mentioned Clint and did not recieved any extras.

So WTF? You gonna try and grow out the cheap looking container? Quichure bellyaching pal. LoL. You sound like my damn wife. :bigjoint:
So WTF? You gonna try and grow out the cheap looking container? Quichure bellyaching pal. LoL. You sound like my damn wife. :bigjoint:

What's up your ass? Wifey problems? Chill out. I just stated what happened and what my thoughts were. What's your horse in this race? You getting kick backs also? Your kinda Schitzo, off your meds or what? Your the type of person that adds nothing to this forum with rants like that. Try being a little more constructive, it'll paid off later in life. And one more thing- Grow The Fuck Up.
What's up your ass? Wifey problems? Chill out. I just stated what happened and what my thoughts were. What's your horse in this race? You getting kick backs also? Your kinda Schitzo, off your meds or what? Your the type of person that adds nothing to this forum with rants like that. Try being a little more constructive, it'll paid off later in life. And one more thing- Grow The Fuck Up.

I emailed her asking about the small variety sample. She immediately got back to me with an acceptable reason for the mishap and said she will be rectifying the situation by sending another order ASAP. As I stated earlier I wasn't giving her a bad rap, just relaying what happened and my thoughts about it. I commend her in her customer service. I know it must be hard trying to start up what she's doing, that's why I emailed her with my feedback. Same as I'm posting here. What some people might see as "bellyaching", I see as constructive feedback.