Who tried the new Barneys Farm Cookies Kush?

Anyone here tried Ayr0n's frosty fudge cookies yet? Working at ayr0n's farm...ermmm I mean being a fan of ayr0n's farm doesn't make me biased or anything, but this strain is something you should really consider purchasing n I really wasn't expecting everyone to just shit all over my company in my own thread aka half ass marketing attempt.


juuuuust kidding :) Sorry barney

Here's a hug.
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LOL there is tn
Anyone here tried Ayr0n's frosty fudge cookies yet? Working at ayr0n's farm...ermmm I mean being a fan of ayr0n's farm doesn't make me biased or anything, but this strain is something you should really consider purchasing n I really wasn't expecting everyone to just shit all over my company in my own thread aka half ass marketing attempt.


juuuuust kidding :) Sorry barney

Here's a hug.
Holy shit son laughing hard
Barney. You still owe me money for running violator kush and LSD. Those were some expensive ass hay seeds! No joke I took about a half pound of barney weed and left it in plain view in a homeless alley. 100% unsellable hay larf.

I never checked but I wouldn't be surprised if the homeless dudes passed it up.

Can you call someone to drive a truck through this thread?
So Barney's is worse than GHS now? :shock:

The liberty haze I've grown turned out pretty decent, did include a runt though, I can imagine getting a few of those gives a 'great' impression.

The tangerine dream and a couple of others they sell in their coffeeshop aren't too bad either. Based on all the negative comments it seems Barney needs a few breeding lessons to turn those clones/phenos they grow into a stable seed line.

The OP claims to be 34 years old, in which case he's not Barney's Barney. It's frankly a little silly to think Barney would bother posting such a thread here. People can crap on the cups all they want, breeders still submit what they think is best. It doesn't matter who wins but the entries still make up a popular list. I'd be more worried about falling for the shameless self-promotion of some of the new popular pollen chuckers. Any idea what one of the most busy coffeeshops in Amsterdam makes in a year... Barney's doesn't need to spam forums.
So Barney's is worse than GHS now? :shock:

The liberty haze I've grown turned out pretty decent, did include a runt though, I can imagine getting a few of those gives a 'great' impression.

The tangerine dream and a couple of others they sell in their coffeeshop aren't too bad either. Based on all the negative comments it seems Barney needs a few breeding lessons to turn those clones/phenos they grow into a stable seed line.

The OP claims to be 34 years old, in which case he's not Barney's Barney. It's frankly a little silly to think Barney would bother posting such a thread here. People can crap on the cups all they want, breeders still submit what they think is best. It doesn't matter who wins but the entries still make up a popular list. I'd be more worried about falling for the shameless self-promotion of some of the new popular pollen chuckers. Any idea what one of the most busy coffeeshops in Amsterdam makes in a year... Barney's doesn't need to spam forums.

Barney's Farm, GHS, where's the difference? Both may have a few strains people get some good results with but there are so many breeders out there that i don't really want to risk it. Maybe in a perfect world where i have a the space to grow all kinds of stuff just for fun.
I don't know if "breeding lessons" would really do the trick. They've had a bad reputation for a while now and still keep doing their thing.

You're right about the cup, the entry list is very interesting. But very few breeders can supply seeds capable of reproducing the cup winning cut if this is possible at all, and some strains are clearly not for beginners. So for experienced growers the cup can be an interesting thing but for beginners it is a bad idea to just use the cup as a shopping list.
Actually, they mentioned somewhere that they suggest to get the feminized version of the cup winners because those are the closest to the winning clone. The fem seeds are basically selfed phenos, which maintains all the genes but spread out over all the seeds in different combinations, unless, that pheno was a result of breeding a strain true, which frankly, very few breeders even seem to understand what it means. Ah fuck, you're getting me started... I feel a rant coming, never mind.

Barney's Farm, GHS, where's the difference?
BF sells regular seeds too. GHS coffeeshop, and their own crap they sell there, unlike BF, sucks. I guess that last part is the main difference for me. I smoked product from both from their own coffeeshops and then the difference is rather obvious. You say they have a bad rep, but Barney's coffeeshop, restaurant-where-you-can-smoke, and the seed+souvenir shops are always packed. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't think that's the reality for them.
The judges are just kids, tourists, people who buy a pass for the entire event, as in every day, essentially get a judge pass. They take a coffeeshop tour and like I said, it isn't that bad if you got the result from the winning pheno itself grown by a large variety of growers. Even GHS Lemon haze.

I guess one could bribe the counters, but bribing judges.... it's not like there are 5 voters.
You say they have a bad rep, but Barney's coffeeshop, restaurant-where-you-can-smoke, and the seed+souvenir shops are always packed. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't think that's the reality for them.

you raise some reasonable points and I am not trying to argue with you. I think we can agree that GHS is universally known as shit. This doesn't mean that they don't move boat loads of seeds. I wouldn't rate a breeder based on popularity or how much product they move, I base my opinion on how the gear turns out. I would honestly say that the difference between Barneys and GHS is negligible and they both suck, like really, really suck.

I honestly don't rate coffe shops highly either. Everyone who has a copy of hightimes can see the full page ads for GHS and BF's. I think many people at the shops are newbs and don't rally know any better. Not to mention, It won High times so it must be amazing..... people have no idea the Hightimes is nothing more than a shitty magazine filled with bullshit.

That's my rant :)

Oh and I am sure that you can get some fire with both breeders, but the vast majority is garbage. Personally, I would appreciate it if someone advised me to spend my money on good genetics and not GHS and BF.
Honestly, at this point gun to head I'd choose a GHS strain over anything from barneys. At least I've seen good looking
SLH plants and I know they have the verified chemdog cut...... So you MAY get something decent.

But Barneys? Home of the tangerine dream? I think not.
I wouldn't rate a breeder based on popularity
Me neither, at least not by itself no. It was in reply to "They've had a bad reputation for a while now and still keep doing their thing." I don't think they experience it like that and are so popular they see no need to do something other than their thing.

Liberty haze;

This was a bud of the runt I mentioned, almost Dr Grinspoon like structure...

So yeah, I know it's not the best, didn't know they're that bad.

I think many people don't realize that before Tangerine Dream there was nothing really like it in Amsterdam, as in with that tangerine/mandarin instead of orange-citral taste. The plant/seeds do have a bad rep here too though. I think that's partly why DNA's Tangie is popular. Many people have waited for a better Tangerine to grow.