bodhi seeds


Well-Known Member
The best part was the dude that flipped over the .5 wanted like an 1/8 for $5 because I recently got an elbow on the low low. Dude hit me up right before work, so I rushed him some weed not thinking, I could have given him more and even offered too lol. Offered to give him his $5 back cause I didn't want him feeling ripped off.....

well dude texts me hope you enjoy having 1 friend left.... lol that's an insult? People think having their fake snake in the grass asses around is a fucking privilege? I'm fucking 30 bro, having 1 friend is just fine with me if that 1 friend is a real person, not some fucking using cunt face bitch that's looking for a reason to flip.

He was the type of dude to smash another dudes girl cause he dated her first, should have know right there.

The majority of people are shit, and sometimes it takes 10-20 years to figure it out :)
Something about turning thirty made me re-evalute my "friends" too. A lot of mofos want to "hang out" with you when you're always sitting on some bud, but once you hit a dry spell those same people won't even spot you a bowlful. Even though I've fronted countless sacks that I never even asked for the money and took them as a write off because it's only weed. I'd do anything for friends and it sucks to learn that some of them don't feel the same way. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like someone is walking the line lol
Eh she is a fantastic woman. Highly accomplished and has stuck around for almost a decade. This year will be an interesting one as she will have a new job soon and relocate. Originally against a long distance relationship, but she has begun taking about the future and her job is only a two year stint. We shall see, hopefully it will work out, if not I'll find someone else.

Not worried about her. I do everything by the book and she, like everyone else has skeletons in her closet as well.

Eta: walking lines is the only way to go. Otherwise one is simply hiding in the corner. Life's too short not to take risks and not do what you want to do. Everyday is a new adventure, and every challenge provides new opportunities.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
The best part was the dude that flipped over the .5 wanted like an 1/8 for $5 because I recently got an elbow on the low low. Dude hit me up right before work, so I rushed him some weed not thinking, I could have given him more and even offered too lol. Offered to give him his $5 back cause I didn't want him feeling ripped off.....

well dude texts me hope you enjoy having 1 friend left.... lol that's an insult? People think having their fake snake in the grass asses around is a fucking privilege? I'm fucking 30 bro, having 1 friend is just fine with me if that 1 friend is a real person, not some fucking using cunt face bitch that's looking for a reason to flip.

He was the type of dude to smash another dudes girl cause he dated her first, should have know right there.

The majority of people are shit, and sometimes it takes 10-20 years to figure it out :)
Back in the day when we were running hashish our price was half the rest of the fellas (we brought it ALL in lmfao), and still we would get hippies coming asking for discounts. We charged five Rand a gram, that translates to at the time less than 75 cents for Freedom of Afghanistan red seal with the crossed AK 47's, other fellas ten. And did cats lose their tempers if our generosity could not be stretched further wow. I was like "screw you cats who wants to do you any favors" and never entered the biz again.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Something about turning thirty made me re-evalute my "friends" too. A lot of mofos want to "hang out" with you when you're always sitting on some bud, but once you hit a dry spell those same people won't even spot you a bowlful. Even though I've fronted countless sacks that I never even asked for the money and took them as a write off because it's only weed. I'd do anything for friends and it sucks to learn that some of them don't feel the same way. Cheers.
My mates stopped visiting when i convinced them I stopped growing. Well the joke and the shame arw both on them. They are sucking dirty bushweed while I am rolling fat phatties of dank on the hour every hour :P


Well-Known Member
Eh she is a fantastic woman. Highly accomplished and has stuck around for almost a decade. This year will be an interesting one as she will have a new job soon and relocate. Originally against a long distance relationship, but she has begun taking about the future and her job is only a two year stint. We shall see, hopefully it will work out, if not I'll find someone else.

Not worried about her. I do everything by the book and she, like everyone else has skeletons in her closet as well.

Eta: walking lines is the only way to go. Otherwise one is simply hiding in the corner. Life's too short not to take risks and not do what you want to do. Everyday is a new adventure, and every challenge provides new opportunities.

Sounds like you have a good woman that you love. I hope you can keep her. Its almost impossible to find 2 women that are keepers in a lifetime. That's why I work hard to keep mine 1. I love her 2. Life isn't about taking the easy road 3. My parents were divorced my whole life and between The both of them I've seen at least 20 boyfriends and girlfriends come and go and I despise that. I think that people that are always swinging around are people that have some sort of problem if they can't stay with one person for a long time so I generally try and stay away from those guys... Not meaning to point fingers or make anyone feel mad I'm just sharing my experience with life so far


Well-Known Member
My mates stopped visiting when i convinced them I stopped growing. Well the joke and the shame arw both on them. They are sucking dirty bushweed while I am rolling fat phatties of dank on the hour every hour :P

I used to try and stick around this guy that talked about suicide and I was trying to be a good influence. So I'd give him like 2 grams for the price of one since I was trying to help his life go a little more easy.

One day while he had some young buddies over and I had some of my best stuff ever and he was said you can give me 3 grams for free or you can leave and I thought the guy was kidding. He ended up being dead serious and was like you drove 30 minutes for nothing since I ain't going to pay you( I guess he was trying to impress his little buddies)
Long story short I started walking to my vehicle after I declined and then the guy followed me out and tried to attack me while I was in my vehicle for not bowing down to him I guess idk. Lesson learned just because you've been friends for 5 plus years doesn't mean your really friends.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have a good woman that you love. I hope you can keep her. Its almost impossible to find 2 women that are keepers in a lifetime. That's why I work hard to keep mine 1. I love her 2. Life isn't about taking the easy road 3. My parents were divorced my whole life and between The both of them I've seen at least 20 boyfriends and girlfriends come and go and I despise that. I think that people that are always swinging around are people that have some sort of problem if they can't stay with one person for a long time so I generally try and stay away from those guys... Not meaning to point fingers or make anyone feel mad I'm just sharing my experience with life so far
Eh, she's not my possession to keep (I get your drift, thought). We've taken breaks before, usually because of stress of her studies and me not being the most understanding of her experience. Something I didn't really get until I was in grad school. She always initiated contact both times, not I. That bugged her but I told her, "if you love something, set it free. If it returns, it's meant to be." I do love her like crazy and despite the hard times and both of us having strong personalities, we do complement one another quite well. I consider myself ambitious but in comparison to her, I am a bum!

She's never given me shit about cannabis, as sadly that would be a deal breaker. I've never lied about it, in fact I try to be honest. I use it for pain management and it's more effective than the scripts I have. How else am I able to work full time, go to school full time and still get shit done? Smoking the herb that's how.

I just need to start my career and be a provider of sorts for myself and bring something to the table. It never has bothered me that she makes way more money than I do, but I at least want to be settled in a career to settle down with her.

Love can be hard and painful. But I've got plenty of love in my life and I can always find more. Just gotta put yourself out there and do you.


Well-Known Member
Eh, she's not my possession to keep (I get your drift, thought). We've taken breaks before, usually because of stress of her studies and me not being the most understanding of her experience. Something I didn't really get until I was in grad school. She always initiated contact both times, not I. That bugged her but I told her, "if you love something, set it free. If it returns, it's meant to be." I do love her like crazy and despite the hard times and both of us having strong personalities, we do complement one another quite well. I consider myself ambitious but in comparison to her, I am a bum!

She's never given me shit about cannabis, as sadly that would be a deal breaker. I've never lied about it, in fact I try to be honest. I use it for pain management and it's more effective than the scripts I have. How else am I able to work full time, go to school full time and still get shit done? Smoking the herb that's how.

I just need to start my career and be a provider of sorts for myself and bring something to the table. It never has bothered me that she makes way more money than I do, but I at least want to be settled in a career to settle down with her.

Love can be hard and painful. But I've got plenty of love in my life and I can always find more. Just gotta put yourself out there and do you.
The amazing thing about women is they sure can motivate you to do all the rithat things if she is the right one that is.


Well-Known Member
This thread got deep over night.

Mr. Head. I feel you bigtime. Are we the same person? ;)

Not letting your wife know you grow? Talk about an unhealthy relationship. I couldn't imagine keeping secrets like that. Completely non-realistic scenario. That's just a risk that 99.9% of us will have to take.


Well-Known Member
This thread got deep over night.

Mr. Head. I feel you bigtime. Are we the same person? ;)

Not letting your wife know you grow? Talk about an unhealthy relationship. I couldn't imagine keeping secrets like that. Completely non-realistic scenario. That's just a risk that 99.9% of us will have to take.
I find secrets can be good, but other times secrets can be very damaging to both oneself and others (significant others/family/friends)


Well-Known Member
I guess my wife and I are different. WE truly are best friends. We only got in 3 arguements in all of 2014. And they were pretty mild. We try not to keep secrets. We do everything together. Definitely not the norm.
That's sounds like a lovely healthy relationship.
Had a couple fights last year but nothing major. Since she switched jobs, her life is so much easier (no more working 70 hours a week!). She actually felt guilty just vegging out on the walking dead! I told her she earned it and to just enjoy doing nothing.

I've always had a rule. Never disrespect someone you love. Don't curse them, don't say things to purposely inflict harm, and if you truly love someone (even friends and family) the goal is to reconcile problems and be respectful. I've found that works pretty well in almost every relationship.

Man I'm excited to chop down blueberry hill. That bitch needs to hurry up! I have a lovely Lucky Charms F2 to take its place any day now. Next up is Maple Leaf Indica and China Yunnan. I'm so impressed by their yields, but not necessarily their appearance. Still got a week or two on both so they could be sleepers that prove to be good smoke. I just have me reservations after the first MLI I harvested (wasn't bad by any means but ive been spoiled by Bodhi gear). Not sure what will take their place. I think sadly that the other Ancient OG is a male. 5 for 5 males is disappointing! I may throw a couple suspected males in the tent in the one gallons just to confirm my suspicions, as I've been fooled before.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
The next time I tripped i realized that life is about 3 things really. Those 3 things are to pass your seed or genetics, forward your species .................. the last thing is......
Numbers one and two seem to conflict w/ Mr Head's keen insight earlier:

The majority of people are shit, and sometimes it takes 10-20 years to figure it out :)
Looks like far too many people have been spreading those 'shit' 'seed's for far too long. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
That's sounds like a lovely healthy relationship.
Had a couple fights last year but nothing major. Since she switched jobs, her life is so much easier (no more working 70 hours a week!). She actually felt guilty just vegging out on the walking dead! I told her she earned it and to just enjoy doing nothing.

I've always had a rule. Never disrespect someone you love. Don't curse them, don't say things to purposely inflict harm, and if you truly love someone (even friends and family) the goal is to reconcile problems and be respectful. I've found that works pretty well in almost every relationship.

Man I'm excited to chop down blueberry hill. That bitch needs to hurry up! I have a lovely Lucky Charms F2 to take its place any day now. Next up is Maple Leaf Indica and China Yunnan. I'm so impressed by their yields, but not necessarily their appearance. Still got a week or two on both so they could be sleepers that prove to be good smoke. I just have me reservations after the first MLI I harvested (wasn't bad by any means but ive been spoiled by Bodhi gear). Not sure what will take their place. I think sadly that the other Ancient OG is a male. 5 for 5 males is disappointing! I may throw a couple suspected males in the tent in the one gallons just to confirm my suspicions, as I've been fooled before.
Cheers man and well said. It definitely took me years of trial and error to figure that all out. Still improving and learning too! :D

mr mustache

Well-Known Member
It's funny. This thread recycles topics about every 100 pages or so. We've had this conversation before. In here. But I'll bite.

My wife was the one who suggested I grow. On the first night we met she said, "you should move into my place, I'll buy all the equipment if you can grow it." totally jokingly. I said, "sounds good to me!"

About 3 weeks later that exact scenario happened. That was 6 years ago :)

My wife is my best friend and I'd prefer hanging out with her over anyone I know.

Regarding friends: I found out who my true friends were when I moved away from my home town. Kinda surprising also. Some I would have sworn I'd see/hear from constantly fell off the face of the earth. Others it seems like I never left. Plus I have a very very cool family on all sides and that's really all you need.

I think Joeshivo said it?...... Dudes who can't keep a relationship for any period of time are a HUGE red flag. Not to be trusted.


Well-Known Member
On an unrelated note to current direction of this thread lol. According to the tracking updates I have a package of Road kill unicorn in my mailbox! Love getting seeds, feels like xmas as a kid. Just glad my addictive personality hasnt picked up on the fun of buying seeds or I would be in massive amounts of debt lol. And they say the smoking its the addictive part... should be a warning on seed packs saying "WARNING: once you plant this seed you will not stop planting"

mr mustache

Well-Known Member
On an unrelated note to current direction of this thread lol. According to the tracking updates I have a package of Road kill unicorn in my mailbox! Love getting seeds, feels like xmas as a kid. Just glad my addictive personality hasnt picked up on the fun of buying seeds or I would be in massive amounts of debt lol. And they say the smoking its the addictive part... should be a warning on seed packs saying "WARNING: once you plant this seed you will not stop planting"
That's odd. I have a pack of black triangle waiting in my mailbox. Tracking numbers rule.


Well-Known Member
On an unrelated note to current direction of this thread lol. According to the tracking updates I have a package of Road kill unicorn in my mailbox! Love getting seeds, feels like xmas as a kid. Just glad my addictive personality hasnt picked up on the fun of buying seeds or I would be in massive amounts of debt lol. And they say the smoking its the addictive part... should be a warning on seed packs saying "WARNING: once you plant this seed you will not stop planting"
I'm telling you it's worse than collecting hockey cards in the late 80's/early 90's. :D

aaaaaaaaaand my tracking shows me my Cannazon package is STILL waiting to clear customs in Richmond. :P