bodhi seeds


Well-Known Member
Just a word of caution, as given by Ed Rosenthal on page one of his marijuana grow book that I read around 1990 [ paraphrasing ]:

'Growing marijuana is illegal, inside or out. As long as it is, never let anyone see your grow. Anyone. Friends, girlfriends, and wives often become former friends, g/fs, and ex-wives.'
You right bro that's the model I live by but my Mrs I would never ever have to worry about if we don't last forever. We have a daughter and we have an understanding that most couples don't have and if it ended everything would still be good. But she's the only women I've ever told and that's cus we've been together 6 years. She accepts all of me and I accept all of her. But your right tho keep everything to yourself just cus its too hard to trust anybody


Well-Known Member
You right bro that's the model I live by but my Mrs I would never ever have to worry about if we don't last forever. We have a daughter and we have an understanding that most couples don't have and if it ended everything would still be good. .

Not that I don't believe you or it isn't true, but how many of the people who have had problems thought the same way?? lol I'm just talking ish, don't mind me...


Well-Known Member
Not that I don't believe you or it isn't true, but how many of the people who have had problems thought the same way?? lol I'm just talking ish, don't mind me...
Oh you ain't talking shit you speaking real the truth. It's a zillion I'm sure but the way I look at it is if she would do me dirty like that then she doesn't love our daughter truly. To be upset about whatever we went through to do that to me and be responsible for me not being in my daughters life is something a real heartless person would do and she's not like that so I never worry about my Mrs. But you also gotta know how people work and don't be blind to the fact of things happening that shows you people's true colors. If a person does you dirty and they're close to you most likely they've done something that could give you an idea what type of person they are. But your right tho. Choose people in your life very wisely


Well-Known Member
Just a word of caution, as given by Ed Rosenthal on page one of his marijuana grow book that I read around 1990 [ paraphrasing ]:

'Growing marijuana is illegal, inside or out. As long as it is, never let anyone see your grow. Anyone. Friends, girlfriends, and wives often become former friends, g/fs, and ex-wives.'
This is so true. Often this rule gets broken, myself included as if one is a consumer let alone a grower of cannabis, it permeates into ones life. I've always treated like a cup of coffee.

Then again the people who know me in real life are family, or family by association with more years being spent with them than not with them. Plus we've been through shit, stayed thick as thieves when needed.

New people are few and far between as in how close they get to know me. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I'm a social creature at times and I can't live my life like a recluse.

But yes, gotta trust the people in your life. Trust is paramount in so many things to begin with.

More women need to be like her fareal :clap::clap: I love my Mrs tho and she supports it. I guess she looks at it like your doing it now so why do we need to move to do it. Iono but I'd feel lot more comfortable being in a legit state but it's all good I know what I do and I accept everything that comes with it. Always have always will
Good thing about a legal or semi legal state is narrowing the opportunity of getting in trouble. Which in my book is always a good thing.

Blue box with the holographic 'export' sticker right?... You might also like Sri Sai Flora. Strong floral with musky tones and a Nag Champa base. Can be a bit potent for indoors but if you like it you wont be able to get enough. All the Sri (name of the manufacturer) stuff is top notch. Burns clean as a whistle as you light it no black smoke at all. Nice fluffy hand rolled sticks not those gross hard compressed ones. Even people with allergies can handle Sri inscences easily. In the end you can tell genuine by the holographic sticker far as nag champ a goes... comes in a few packages but that sticker is the way to tell.
Oh that sounds lovely! One thing I've always love incense even before I smoked as its always put me in a relaxing mood. I shall be on the look out. Thanks.

I'll never under stand people that rat. Police can't make deals with those being held only prosecutors can. Not only that if you play in the dirt you are bound to get dirty. Shit, most people in my life are dirty in one way or another. Even people by all appearance of being clean usually are far from it.


Well-Known Member
2 people know I grow one is family, and knows the health issues I've dealt with in the last couple years and how much marijuana has saved my life. The other is my best friend I've known since the 90's lol.

Either one does me dirty and I'll have lost more then my freedom.

I've lost a lot of $ learning who's real and who's fake. Some dude flipped on me over a .5 of weed, I'm down to 1 friend that's solid. The rest were snakes in the grass and get hit with the mower. A few grand to learn who's real and fake? take that deal over my freedom every single time.


Well-Known Member
The best part was the dude that flipped over the .5 wanted like an 1/8 for $5 because I recently got an elbow on the low low. Dude hit me up right before work, so I rushed him some weed not thinking, I could have given him more and even offered too lol. Offered to give him his $5 back cause I didn't want him feeling ripped off.....

well dude texts me hope you enjoy having 1 friend left.... lol that's an insult? People think having their fake snake in the grass asses around is a fucking privilege? I'm fucking 30 bro, having 1 friend is just fine with me if that 1 friend is a real person, not some fucking using cunt face bitch that's looking for a reason to flip.

He was the type of dude to smash another dudes girl cause he dated her first, should have know right there.

The majority of people are shit, and sometimes it takes 10-20 years to figure it out :)


Well-Known Member
2 people know I grow one is family, and knows the health issues I've dealt with in the last couple years and how much marijuana has saved my life. The other is my best friend I've known since the 90's lol.

Either one does me dirty and I'll have lost more then my freedom.

I've lost a lot of $ learning who's real and who's fake. Some dude flipped on me over a .5 of weed, I'm down to 1 friend that's solid. The rest were snakes in the grass and get hit with the mower. A few grand to learn who's real and fake? take that deal over my freedom every single time.
Over half a gram? Seriously? Even in the states with the harshest dog laws, the punishment is practically a slap on the wrist.

I don't know. My friends who know are friends who have been in situations, one involving me, going above and beyond and helped me in a tight spot. Statute of limitations is gone on that one, but they really did the right thing by me when they did not have to. People of course change, but all in all the values have stayed the same. A brother is a brother.


Well-Known Member
The best part was the dude that flipped over the .5 wanted like an 1/8 for $5 because I recently got an elbow on the low low. Dude hit me up right before work, so I rushed him some weed not thinking, I could have given him more and even offered too lol. Offered to give him his $5 back cause I didn't want him feeling ripped off.....

well dude texts me hope you enjoy having 1 friend left.... lol that's an insult? People think having their fake snake in the grass asses around is a fucking privilege? I'm fucking 30 bro, having 1 friend is just fine with me if that 1 friend is a real person, not some fucking using cunt face bitch that's looking for a reason to flip.

He was the type of dude to smash another dudes girl cause he dated her first, should have know right there.

The majority of people are shit, and sometimes it takes 10-20 years to figure it out :)
Well we are close in age.

That really sucks. The old saying "with friends like that who needs enemies" comes to mind.

Sucks that happened


Well-Known Member
Over half a gram? Seriously? Even in the states with the harshest dog laws, the punishment is practically a slap on the wrist.

I don't know. My friends who know are friends who have been in situations, one involving me, going above and beyond and helped me in a tight spot. Statute of limitations is gone on that one, but they really did the right thing by me when they did not have to. People of course change, but all in all the values have stayed the same. A brother is a brother.
He said it was over some other shit, I was like well what's wrong? dude goes on some bitch shit and won't tell me what's up. So I said fuck it. Cut the loss. Dude was like a fucking bitch without the pussy anyways, always coming over smoking my weed bringing all his retard crack head friend drama over. Glad he's gone, he can go chill with his welfare friends with upteen children and do coke every night.

I am sure that's what it's about, I stopped doing hard drugs and partying with a bunch of retards when I got off the shit every single night I realized that the company I was keeping was horrible so I cut ties with 99% of the old group.

People feel some type of way when you try to improve yourself and they are sitting in a trap house smoking rocks.


Well-Known Member
He said it was over some other shit, I was like well what's wrong? dude goes on some bitch shit and won't tell me what's up. So I said fuck it. Cut the loss. Dude was like a fucking bitch without the pussy anyways, always coming over smoking my weed bringing all his retard crack head friend drama over. Glad he's gone, he can go chill with his welfare friends with upteen children and do coke every night.

I am sure that's what it's about, I stopped doing hard drugs and partying with a bunch of retards when I got off the shit every single night I realized that the company I was keeping was horrible so I cut ties with 99% of the old group.

People feel some type of way when you try to improve yourself and they are sitting in a trap house smoking rocks.
Wow, I knew a guy like that I met in school. First day in a psychology course I struck up a conversation with a guy who looked like a hippie. Had an awesome ganja connect and we hit it off right after class to his pad to use his volcano.

Anyways he was in to drugs of any kind. I watched this crazy mother fucker taking dutra like it was a beer. His friends were weird ravers/want to be musicians. Always taking pills of any kind. Eventually he wanted me to spot him money. I knew he didn't have his shit under control so I went out and found a new connect.

Anyways I lost any form of respect for him when I was trying to help him study. I found out his dad was writing his papers for class for him (he'd never show up or would for part of the class and leave). Instant loss of any respect right there. As someone who believes in academic honesty and the importance of academic integrity, I simply couldn't stand him after that.

Turns out he developed a heroin problem. He gets clean and calls me up, mentioned I'm one of the only people in his life that was a good influence (well I suppose I was the only one he knew that worked full time and went to school full time while his other friends just sold drugs) and wanted us to hang out. Sorry, but I had no respect for him. I wished him the best on his sobriety and changed his phone number to DNA in my phone.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
The majority of people are shit, and sometimes it takes 10-20 years to figure it out :)
After you get the hang of it, you can figure it out after a couple of internet posts. :eyesmoke:

People feel some type of way when you try to improve yourself
Three types, but only two that matter: the ones that respect your efforts and results, and those that feel betrayed and resent your personal betterment. AKA - winners and losers.


Well-Known Member
After you get the hang of it, you can figure it out after a couple of internet posts. :eyesmoke:

Three types, but only two that matter: the ones that respect your efforts and results, and those that feel betrayed and resent your personal betterment. AKA - winners and losers.
I like your style more and more


Well-Known Member
After you get the hang of it, you can figure it out after a couple of internet posts. :eyesmoke:

Three types, but only two that matter: the ones that respect your efforts and results, and those that feel betrayed and resent your personal betterment. AKA - winners and losers.
Your the type of person I would add in my circle.


Well-Known Member
I recently lost my mother in a very unfortunate circumstance and for a long time I've been trying to find the meaning of life and I've tripped shrooms twice trying to figure it out... The first time I was playing around the fire and watching it and the sunset on top of the mountain. I realized as I was staring into The fire that the logs that we used were just so alive and then they die and basically feed the feed the fire. Those logs became ashes and then they are a fertilizer for New life... So I it seems I came up with The thought that sometimes things die in order to provide life for others.

The next time I tripped i realized that life is about 3 things really. Those 3 things are to pass your seed or genetics, forward your species or to contribute in some kind of way(I guess that's why humans become sad and depressed if there is nothing to do for so long) and the last thing is to enjoy life and that's the hard part. You can't just yourself enjoy things lol

So I guess my next trip will be all about how to enjoy life's little moments