Jamaican Lamb's Bread. That is the secret to my happiness. Nothing can make me sad. At $100 per pound grown in the sun naturally? How could I possibly be ever angry? Render to I&I what belongs to I&I. Ceasar can keep the all the money. Give thanks for life.
I friend of mine owns cut flower green houses, all natural light dyring the summer yada yada, last year he spent $100K plus on biological's alone not including heavy pesticides. Good luck with that $100 per lb because there is no overhead involved, they magically grow by themselves, they trim themselves and they dry them selves. Yes no other over head involved not even employees or ceo's lol
What happened to the time you traded away?
That plush berry looks rough. Twiggy and airyHeres some more free advertising
The plushberry is discusting looking. Shameful really. Peter (Chuck) you guys should be ashamed of yourselves
hey Peter, there's a guy on icmag named med-man that's been talking shit about tweed.. I think you need to run over there as fast as possible and give him 100% of your attention