Tolerance break advice

Midwest Weedist

Well-Known Member
Hey guys and ladies, it's long overdue but I'm taking a tolerance break. It's easily been two or more years that I've actually taken a legitimate tolerance break.
I grow my own and occasionally have to source someone else's in between harvests. I'm in that position again and I figured I'd use the opportunity to bump my tolerance down. It's been pretty hard for me to reach the level of medicinal value I need without using entirely too much of my stash as of late, so it's almost necessary.
Now, for the advice bit. I use cannabis for a number of reasons, mainly for insomnia, anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, and an almost complete lack of appetite. Does anyone know of any natural remedies to help with these while I'm on my tbreak?
I use ginger for my stomach with some success and I unfortunately usually have to rely on an antihistamine to put me to sleep. Melatonin does absolutely nothing no matter the dosage whether it's below, at or above the suggested dose. Exercise is damn near impossible since I'm an apartment dweller in the Midwest (sub 0 temps and 4+ inches of snow isn't exactly jogging weather lol).

Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!
I'm in the same boat, I take several 'holidays' per month, abstaining for 2-3 days at a time, rather than the cursed long haul of 2-3 months, 2-3 days is a mid week thing, allowing me to blaze up at week ends, sleep is the worse, preferring wine or herbal teas to get a sleep
taking short small breaks like with the doc saying to those who don't sleep...that its ok, so long as you catch up in the week end, is the same with me and cannabis

as much as I like tokening, I try to ride the tolerance line, as close as possible, that way any toke, is a party maker

good luck
I'm in the same boat, I take several 'holidays' per month, abstaining for 2-3 days at a time, rather than the cursed long haul of 2-3 months, 2-3 days is a mid week thing, allowing me to blaze up at week ends, sleep is the worse, preferring wine or herbal teas to get a sleep
taking short small breaks like with the doc saying to those who don't sleep...that its ok, so long as you catch up in the week end, is the same with me and cannabis

as much as I like tokening, I try to ride the tolerance line, as close as possible, that way any toke, is a party maker

good luck
I like how you think. I might start trying to mimic that. Thanks V!
I find that if I smoke the same strain for 3 days in a row I have trouble getting high from it. So I try to maintain a rotation of a half dozen different strains and by constantly changing up the strain, I can keep getting high with ease. Sorry, no advice for your break. I've got anxiety and insomnia issues too. Just tried taking trazodone for sleep when I took a few weeks off from mj this past fall and it did nothing good for me.
I find that if I smoke the same strain for 3 days in a row I have trouble getting high from it. So I try to maintain a rotation of a half dozen different strains and by constantly changing up the strain, I can keep getting high with ease. Sorry, no advice for your break. I've got anxiety and insomnia issues too. Just tried taking trazodone for sleep when I took a few weeks off from mj this past fall and it did nothing good for me.

I have the same problem with smoking; I'll have to give rotation a try, too.

Trazodone is awful shit, though. The first time I had it, nobody bothered to mention the side effects to me, but I got them anyway. Makes me throw up every time. I guess not everyone experiences that or they wouldn't prescribe it as often. As least, I hope they wouldn't.
I'm on a low/no break myself and I find that what works for myself is just to cut back at first and then try a couple days with very little to no marijuana. Like the first 3 days I might smoke 1 bowl in the morning and then 1 after work and that's it. Then I'll usually drop the morning/night (for me both are hard to give up, but the morning is a bit easier despite it being my fav). After that you can try for some days at 0 with the occasional toke to see how low your tolerance has gotten.
I'm on a low/no break myself and I find that what works for myself is just to cut back at first and then try a couple days with very little to no marijuana. Like the first 3 days I might smoke 1 bowl in the morning and then 1 after work and that's it. Then I'll usually drop the morning/night (for me both are hard to give up, but the morning is a bit easier despite it being my fav). After that you can try for some days at 0 with the occasional toke to see how low your tolerance has gotten.
This is typically the approach I like to take. I'll usually just cut out any smoking before I get home after work. Which helps, but I feel as if having some no smoking days would be the most beneficial. The hardest part for me is strain tolerance. I usually end up with the same strains for months.
I find that if I smoke the same strain for 3 days in a row I have trouble getting high from it. So I try to maintain a rotation of a half dozen different strains and by constantly changing up the strain, I can keep getting high with ease. Sorry, no advice for your break. I've got anxiety and insomnia issues too. Just tried taking trazodone for sleep when I took a few weeks off from mj this past fall and it did nothing good for me.

Thats happen to me but then again, sometimes switching strains is for the worst.

U gotta try different things to see what your body likes and as your grow older, your body changes

Speaking of T breaks, I did a 10 day one a few months back...didn't seem to make much of a difference..maybe cause I'm smoking excellent bud...yeah it takes 3--4 months to get squeaky clean--forget that shit
I did a 7 month T break lol

8 months in my 25th year here on nothing, booze, smoke, pills, sex.....I said F it, I better straighten my ass up before something very bad happens to me--really some chick told me that and I took her advice and straighten myself up just to say I did it....was 8 months to my B Day so that was my goal date....think i did 7 1/2 months, close enough, lol
when i was younger i'd get a bunch of one genetic and the tolerance problem would eventually kick in. these days i never have problems with tolerance as i always have a few genetics. i switch them every day. i can't remember the last time i didn't get high at least once a day.

i'm happily retired and a medical card holder so i can get high when i want which oddly enough is most of the day. i was getting too stoned so i've been reducing the amount i vape.

i started at 1.5 grams a day and am now down to .75. i want to get that down to .5 to make my stash last as long as possible while still not denying myself the pleasure of getting buzzed.

i stumbled on taking a tolerance break thread and now i'm curious. i have a decent stash and i want it to last before i have to lower myself to go to a medical pot dispensary. i have buds and coconut cannabis oil. lots and lots of oil. :)

just out of curiosity, i'm going to stop for 48 hours then start back up slowly with just one toke etc per this dude's approach.

i never get high and drive so when i'd have an appointment at 10 or 11 a.m. i'd be surprised at how high i'd get with my first vape of the day at noonish instead of my usual 5 a.m. wake and vake. not toking for 6 or 7 hours longer than usual gives me a noticeably higher high, so 48 hours ought to be interesting.

now all i have to do is stop for 2 days. this could be a problem. :)
Maybe if I search for max high sure let's try this

But I feel pretty good after smoking a blunt some 30 min ago. I smoke daily bowls blunts or seldom concentrates

Anyway I thought something was off about him too... he's Fucking robotic when he speaks as if he's on his own oxycodone prescription while explaining to a 80 year old first time patient
For Anxiety play video games, for insomnia listen to relaxing music with no words, for gas drink warm tea. If u have a loss of appetite from smoking alot then just wait n that will return