is ambien any good?

I.just need a switch that says "11pm..get sleepy"
I go to bed,but,still awake..thinking.and well,if I'm going to be awake,I'm going to he high..if I'm high,gonna think more,then want to do shit..and then I do.
I got the flu.was up till 4am...not from the sickness.
Kinda alarming now that I think about it...most would have been buried in bed this sick...
I have never found anything better for short term sleeping aids then temazapam. They work quickly, seem to be gone after eight hours and you recall at least some of your dreams.

As we get older we find that falling asleep isnt a problem so much as staying asleep either because of bladder/prostrate issues, curving up beyond rem sleep to wakefulness or just worries. Temazapam will let you wake up if you have to pee (rather than just uncomfortably dreaming of peeing) and then quickly fall back to sleep. Worries dissapear, and even uf you come out of rem, you quickly return.

Of you are into catching a benzo buzz, never use the same chemical you enjoy in order to sleep as you will soon associate the pill with sleep and lose the paradoxical,effects that you have learned to enjoy.

I love all bemzos but decided to let temazapam go for anything but a fine slumber.

The bad news is that temazapam has a long serum half life and its metabolites are also long lasting. This means that doses as low as 30mg will not completely dussapear before your next dose.

It quits working in a week to ten days at proscribed doses and you are wise not to up the dose.

So i try to limit my use to twice a week max. It is also wise to plan your evening around sleep. Get a shower or bath, nice clean sheets, take the pill just after your shower and give yourself nine hours from laying down to your alarm, which you probably will not need.

And, as alway, benzo addiction is a bitch. A real extended sour time not in any way worth the pleasure.
I suffer from bad insomnia(check all my post times,then realize im on the right coast :-D)..I've never taken any..wonder if I took one would it help,as I hate taking pills,and never want to take any untill its an absolute necessity..tried melatonin,but weird dreams left me more tired when I went to bed!
We're there any side effects? Bad dreams,sleeping too long,reoccurring effects after you woke?
I'd wake up a little tired some times but that would go away pretty quickly, one big thing though is that it knocks me out for 8 hours almost to the minute, make sure you don't have shit to wake up for in 6 hours or anything like that, it isn't gonna happen, and take it right when you're crawling into bed, at least for me, I could pass out midstep 10 minutes after taking 10 mg, but I'm a little guy as well
ive never taken these before and i have 60 10mg and 90 5mg pills. how much should i take my first time, and all you are supposed to do is take them and instead of going to bed you stay awake?
dude u don't need ambien, keep it natural smoke some indica before you go to bed, sleep like a baby
dude u don't need ambien, keep it natural smoke some indica before you go to bed, sleep like a baby
Not necessarily..I got 7 indica dom strains I grow,all couchlock/retard weed for the market,but won't knock me out..330 am,3 back to back bongs(im talking full bowls,in one hit.big bowls)and still awake..
Lucky I don't have much of a life in the off season...sleeping till 10am or even 1pm sucks...but,its 20degrees out,and they stil aint blowing snow on the resort yet...that's the only thing to do here in the winter :-D snowboard.
Indicas work for some,for me they just relieve my frustrations of no sleep when im wanting it...
I have never found anything better for short term sleeping aids then temazapam. They work quickly, seem to be gone after eight hours and you recall at least some of your dreams.

As we get older we find that falling asleep isnt a problem so much as staying asleep either because of bladder/prostrate issues, curving up beyond rem sleep to wakefulness or just worries. Temazapam will let you wake up if you have to pee (rather than just uncomfortably dreaming of peeing) and then quickly fall back to sleep. Worries dissapear, and even uf you come out of rem, you quickly return.

Of you are into catching a benzo buzz, never use the same chemical you enjoy in order to sleep as you will soon associate the pill with sleep and lose the paradoxical,effects that you have learned to enjoy.

I love all bemzos but decided to let temazapam go for anything but a fine slumber.

The bad news is that temazapam has a long serum half life and its metabolites are also long lasting. This means that doses as low as 30mg will not completely dussapear before your next dose.

It quits working in a week to ten days at proscribed doses and you are wise not to up the dose.

So i try to limit my use to twice a week max. It is also wise to plan your evening around sleep. Get a shower or bath, nice clean sheets, take the pill just after your shower and give yourself nine hours from laying down to your alarm, which you probably will not need.

And, as alway, benzo addiction is a bitch. A real extended sour time not in any way worth the pleasure.
I believe I need a relaxing vacation...sleep will come in the desert..
Not necessarily..I got 7 indica dom strains I grow,all couchlock/retard weed for the market,but won't knock me out..330 am,3 back to back bongs(im talking full bowls,in one hit.big bowls)and still awake..
Lucky I don't have much of a life in the off season...sleeping till 10am or even 1pm sucks...but,its 20degrees out,and they stil aint blowing snow on the resort yet...that's the only thing to do here in the winter :-D snowboard.
Indicas work for some,for me they just relieve my frustrations of no sleep when im wanting it...

jeez, a fat bong snap of heavy indica is enough to knock me out on the spot lol

and wha u mean retard weed thats almost all i smoke lol
It retards you that straight "duh" high..good for doing not a damn thing if thats what u Wanna get all ready to go out,hit the bong of indica,and a min later im rationalizing scenarios that can keep me home..lazy weed if you will...
I used an outdoor blue dream as "chemical warfare" with the wife..I'd come home to her watching some stupid cheesy uninteresting show(mtv reality type garbage),and couldn't change the after a 14 hour day of running a premier restaurant fulla rich pricks you gotta be nice to,a man wants to come home,get in his seat,blow smoke,maybe watch his show(since,you know,he hasn't in ages)..but,no..some dumb bitch is 16,and pregnant,and stupid enough to film it all for s show,and the wife MUST watch..
Cue the blue dream.if I SMOKE A HIT,out..I slept all the wife,she's a light,I literally would hand her the pipe,come back 5mins later..out...
Remote control secure.:-D
I wish I could have a cut of that for my sleep..I have the original cut,but it doesn't knock me out like this bag of buds did...helps some,but not a homerun everytime..
I have never found anything better for short term sleeping aids then temazapam. They work quickly, seem to be gone after eight hours and you recall at least some of your dreams.

As we get older we find that falling asleep isnt a problem so much as staying asleep either because of bladder/prostrate issues, curving up beyond rem sleep to wakefulness or just worries. Temazapam will let you wake up if you have to pee (rather than just uncomfortably dreaming of peeing) and then quickly fall back to sleep. Worries dissapear, and even uf you come out of rem, you quickly return.

Of you are into catching a benzo buzz, never use the same chemical you enjoy in order to sleep as you will soon associate the pill with sleep and lose the paradoxical,effects that you have learned to enjoy.

I love all bemzos but decided to let temazapam go for anything but a fine slumber.

The bad news is that temazapam has a long serum half life and its metabolites are also long lasting. This means that doses as low as 30mg will not completely dussapear before your next dose.

It quits working in a week to ten days at proscribed doses and you are wise not to up the dose.

So i try to limit my use to twice a week max. It is also wise to plan your evening around sleep. Get a shower or bath, nice clean sheets, take the pill just after your shower and give yourself nine hours from laying down to your alarm, which you probably will not need.

And, as alway, benzo addiction is a bitch. A real extended sour time not in any way worth the pleasure.
You know, I had never heard of temazepam and then I found a prescription of 14/30mg capsules in a trash can(xD) Looked it up, found out what it was, popped 60mg and that stuff is a very neat benzo.

I noticed even at pretty high dosages, the music would sound better, I'd sink into fluffiness more, but I would never feel quite retarded like some other benzos tend to do.
geeze is it ever good. Took it for a few months, tons of food would get eaten and all sorts of packages would arrive from amazon with me having no idea how they got there.
Ha! Now that u mention it I also hit the internet shopping. It's like I felt so good I actually forgot I was broke
The drug you are looking for is Seroquel. Knocks you out fast and no screaming.

I suffer from bad insomnia(check all my post times,then realize im on the right coast :-D)..I've never taken any..wonder if I took one would it help,as I hate taking pills,and never want to take any untill its an absolute necessity..tried melatonin,but weird dreams left me more tired when I went to bed!
We're there any side effects? Bad dreams,sleeping too long,reoccurring effects after you woke?
I agree, Temazepam is the best sleep aid I've found. I have severe insomnia, get about 3-4 hrs if lucky. I have no problem falling asleep. Staying asleep is the problem. With T I can sleep straight for 4-5hrs, which is incredible for me. But as Canndo stated, using them can lead to big problems. I rarely take them, only if I really have to get some rest.
ive never taken these before and i have 60 10mg and 90 5mg pills. how much should i take my first time, and all you are supposed to do is take them and instead of going to bed you stay awake?
hypnotic sleep med its okay good for those who cant go to sleep well but doesnt keep you asleep. zolpidem generic ambien. depends on tolerance and weight but start slow unless like me I'd take 10mg and a full glass of wine
ive never taken these before and i have 60 10mg and 90 5mg pills. how much should i take my first time, and all you are supposed to do is take them and instead of going to bed you stay awake?

I suggest eating all of them in one go, then giving us feed back on the experience.
I didnt say drugs were bad. You dont get fkn high on sleeping pills genius. Go find yourself some ecstasy, speed, coke. Stay away from the pharms from behind the counter

You obviously haven't experienced any of the benzodiazepine based sleeping pills.
Although I may have been a touch late mentioning that since I skim through and notice words like temazapam and hypnotic.