DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

I think they let him keep the drivers and he got 20% back. Best guess
Ya well supra has the room for more projects lol I wish did too. I only want my one light in my closet though. If they try to sway me I'll have to pull they bad feedback fraud card. I was mostly civil in this first email. I hope really though that they have and can send me the right drivers. That would nice.
Yea I hear that. I intended to send them back but they shut me up with a 20% refund, save me the trouble and cost of shipping them. So now I have a big bag of 1250mA drivers I am sure they will come in handy for some project. These are good 1475mA drivers, 89% efficient, power factor corrected. Downside, $15.50 and they ship from China.

Wait a second these come with a cob too. that seems like a really good deal actually! I ordered two 5k 3070s for a veg setup. I can't run them in series w/ these cobs on these drivers or the Orange ones I got here though right? I'd have to get meanwells or equiv?
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Wait a second these come with a cob too. that seems like a really good deal actually! I ordered two 5k 3070s for a veg setup. I can't run them in series w/ these cobs on these drivers or the Orange ones I got here though right? I'd have to get meanwells or equiv?
When you hook them in series the amperage stays the same and the voltage doubles for two. So 35 volts x 2 = 70 volts . You would need a driver that is 70 volts or higher. IF you ran three it would be 35 volts x 3 = 105 volts .

If you were to run 5 cxa3590s @ 77v 1.4a is there a driver that would do all 5?

I dont even know of a driver that will do 2 CXA3590s 77 volt version @ 1400mA . My CXA3590 @ 1400mA has a Vf of 82 volts So you would need a driver that is capable of 410 volts total Vf to run 5 . The HLG meanwell 1400mA have a Vf of 143 volts, so not even enough to run two .
K Perfectsdeal_Us replied back to me with this...

hi my friend,
can you try one of them. I think the sticker is wrong

Supra, didn't this guy already pull these drivers on you? Is he just trying to play me or how can I test these? Do I just hook it up to a kW monitor and compare the original product photo sticker he has on eBay right?
Again, Thanks for all your help guys
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Java, what amperage would work for a multi setup? 4 or 5 3590s on one driver?

You could run 5 off a HLG-185H-C500. But thats only driving them @ 500mA. Data sheet has them @ 71 volts Vf driven @ 500ma 25 C. Looks like you could only get three CXA3590's to run off a HLG-185H-C700. Data sheet has them running about 75 Vf driven @ 700mA 25C. I think it might be better to run 5 cxa3070's @ 1050ma then to run 5 CXA3590s that soft . Pretty sure you will get also more lumens that way. Should be cheaper also if you dont pay more then 42 bucks for 3070 .
How do I test a driver?

Hook it up to a LED or some LEDs depending on the driver. Then measure your voltage and amperage. Voltage is pretty easy but amperage can be tricky if you have never done it before. You have to run one of your driver leads Threw a multi meter to get amps. Anyways Thats how I do it, might be a easyer way. A watt meter will only give you the amount of watts it is putting out . Which helps but is not as good as knowing volts and amps. I would read up on testing Amps and make sure you have the meter hooked up so the leads cant fall off. IF a driver is not hot pluggable it could damage the driver if your trying to hold the leads on by hand. I use one of these meters for testing my LEDs / Drivers But it can also be done with a standard Multi-meter
Ok I
Hook it up to a LED or some LEDs depending on the driver. Then measure your voltage and amperage. Voltage is pretty easy but amperage can be tricky if you have never done it before. You have to run one of your driver leads Threw a multi meter to get amps. Anyways Thats how I do it, might be a easyer way. A watt meter will only give you the amount of watts it is putting out . Which helps but is not as good as knowing volts and amps. I would read up on testing Amps and make sure you have the meter hooked up so the leads cant fall off. IF a driver is not hot pluggable it could damage the driver if your trying to hold the leads on by hand. I use one of these meters for testing my LEDs / Drivers But it can also be done with a standard Multi-meter

Ok I follow, I'll head to RadioShack and get some things. At least I'm learning. I may have more questions. I'll google a few more things too. Just have time period before I can't return these drivers anymore. Thank you java
image.jpg image.jpg Java, I got my crees but I don't want to mess around with them off the heat sink. Can I use any cheap small diod too connect to my driver?
Here is the driver I'm testing.
Sorry for my noobness
Yeah you for sure want to heat sink one before testing. Dont know of anything other then a LED that can be used for testing. It also has to be able to handle that kinda amperage and voltage. Doubt you will find anything like that @ radio shack. If your getting a meter you also want to make sure it has a 10 amp setting, Most have a 1000mA and 10A settings. 1000mA wont cut it for testing a 1350mA driver going to have to use the 10amp socket that you plug your test lead into.
Yeah you for sure want to heat sink one before testing. Dont know of anything other then a LED that can be used for testing. It also has to be able to handle that kinda amperage and voltage. Doubt you will find anything like that @ radio shack. If your getting a meter you also want to make sure it has a 10 amp setting, Most have a 1000mA and 10A settings. 1000mA wont cut it for testing a 1350mA driver going to have to use the 10amp socket that you plug your test lead into.

Ok buddy well my arctic plus's are here so il get some artic silver and a 10A multimeter at RadioShack and report back here. Lol jeez I've got work and 16 credits at school right now, and all my hobbies need a lot of learning too can't wait till my weekend!!!. I'll use one of my 5000k to test. Hopefully these really had "the wrong sticker" thanks so much again.
Ok Java so my multi meter is reading 365-395 mV and
1.95A on AC and bouncing between 1.3A- 1.6A when set in DC.
You need to set it to DC when testing the output of the driver. Should be 30 someodd volts DC on the output side . Bouncing might be due to it pulsing the output. I guess if you do the average it would be 1.45 mA on the output.
lol it's actually 1.25 amps I was doing it wrong didn't get between the circuit... It's stopped jumping around after that solid 1.25 basically I got jipped it looks like.
Yeah that sucks. I would press from them to pay return shipping. Either way you should get your money back if not from them Ebay will give it to you. Takes some pictures of the amp readings with the driver in it, so you have proof.
Yeah that sucks. I would press from them to pay return shipping. Either way you should get your money back if not from them Ebay will give it to you. Takes some pictures of the amp readings with the driver in it, so you have proof.

Yep already done, and sent, pshh. There is probably the wrong sticker on there he says.... This guy. He knew what he was up too. Anyway I'll pull the trigger on the drivers sup pointed out yesterday and will have to wait two weeks.
On the plus side though even at 1.25 that 1 Cxa was sooooo bright had two layers of sun glasses on and just ended up having to put a bowl over the top of the whole unit so I could see my meter These things are meannnnnnn!!!!!!!