quantum engagement


Well-Known Member
this is something iv discovered recently!!!!!

what is going on ????
after seeing the famous " double slit" experiment, im at awe!!

its all very confusing lol :)

all this entanglement and tunneling etc etc makes me wonder how god ACTUALLY was before flesh :)

any views on what this world is really all about ..... Other than getting the stoned ;)
It sure is very confusing. Start by watching these documentaries, if you have seen them, be sure that you really understand them, if not, watch them again.

DMT: The spirit molecule:
The Secret:

These are the fundamental videos for awakening. Quantum is all about the energy wich we don't see at first glance.

I hope this helps you, this is the beginning of your new life ;)

Live well
It sure is very confusing. Start by watching these documentaries, if you have seen them, be sure that you really understand them, if not, watch them again.

DMT: The spirit molecule:
The Secret:

These are the fundamental videos for awakening. Quantum is all about the energy wich we don't see at first glance.

I hope this helps you, this is the beginning of your new life ;)

Live well
i kinda understand quantum physics, but these vids are .... Well ..... Abit hippyfied :)

not to sound rude but ...dmt drugs etc etc

quantum physics has nothing to do with drugs , i don't understand
i kinda understand quantum physics, but these vids are .... Well ..... Abit hippyfied :)

not to sound rude but ...dmt drugs etc etc

quantum physics has nothing to do with drugs , i don't understand

I understand your reaction fully and will therefor try to explain why I linked those specific videos!

Thrive is about the universe and the forces that work around it, scientific proofs of free energy(Quantum Physics), this affects everything from fuel, to electricity to the food we eat. It is also about the human impact on this extremly complex universe, and aims to explain how 1% of our race can thrive while the rest of us either work our selfs to death or starve. Quantum Physics throws ALL we know down the drain. Quantum Physics teach us that each and everyone walking this earth can live a worthy life due to the endless(Well, it ends SOMETIME in a gazillion years) energyflow that universe it self is composed of.

DMT: The spirit molecule is about the molecule in our brains that is also found in EVERY SINGLE LIVING THING on this planet. DMT is produced in our brains and this function is under great studies, these studies have not been done since the 60's, and I guess you know that story. These studies is about finding out why and when DMT is produced, it is believed to be released in noticable amounts during birth, death, extreme pain and deep meditation. It is also believed that a daily small amount of DMT is realised to give humans the common perspective of reality, a kind of "deblur" substance so to speak. This is not confirmed at all and is under studies. The point is, DMT is not to be seen as a recreational drug, it is a spiritual and mental medicin, NOT to be taken as a "tripper"
It has deep roots in humans as well as nature and could answer alot of scientific questions, how this affects Quantum Physics is because it has to do with how humans percept reality and changes, again, pretty much all we know.

The Law of Attraction is just Quantum Physics. I can't really say much more. It is the only thing it is, energy, matter, universal laws.

But this is reality altering and it's very easy to wave of as "hippystuff" ;>

Believe me, I laughed loudly at people talking about this stuff, then I saw scientific proof, then came the spiritual awakening, then came everything and today I feel free no matter what the reality throws at me!

If you want to understand quantum physics you need to understand energy and life. And believe me, when you pass that "looney-tooney" thoughts and start seeing quantum for what is is, the world is AWESOME. So just trust me and have an open mind! :)
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I understand your reaction fully and will therefor try to explain why I linked those specific videos!

Thrive is about the universe and the forces that work around it, scientific proofs of free energy(Quantum Physics), this affects everything from fuel, to electricity to the food we eat. It is also about the human impact on this extremly complex universe, and aims to explain how 1% of our race can thrive while the rest of us either work our selfs to death or starve. Quantum Physics throws ALL we know down the drain. Quantum Physics teach us that each and everyone walking this earth can live a worthy life due to the endless(Well, it ends SOMETIME in a gazillion years) energyflow that universe it self is composed of.

DMT: The spirit molecule is about the molecule in our brains that is also found in EVERY SINGLE LIVING THING on this planet. DMT is produced in our brains and this function is under great studies, these studies have not been done since the 60's, and I guess you know that story. These studies is about finding out why and when DMT is produced, it is believed to be released in noticable amounts during birth, death, extreme pain and deep meditation. It is also believed that a daily small amount of DMT is realised to give humans the common perspective of reality, a kind of "deblur" substance so to speak. This is not confirmed at all and is under studies. The point is, DMT is not to be seen as a recreational drug, it is a spiritual and mental medicin, NOT to be taken as a "tripper"
It has deep roots in humans as well as nature and could answer alot of scientific questions, how this affects Quantum Physics is because it has to do with how humans percept reality and changes, again, pretty much all we know.

The Law of Attraction is just Quantum Physics. I can't really say much more. It is the only thing it is, energy, matter, universal laws.

But this is reality altering and it's very easy to wave of as "hippystuff" ;>

Believe me, I laughed loudly at people talking about this stuff, then I saw scientific proof, then came the spiritual awakening, then came everything and today I feel free no matter what the reality throws at me!

If you want to understand quantum physics you need to understand energy and life. And believe me, when you pass that "looney-tooney" thoughts and start seeing quantum for what is is, the world is AWESOME. So just trust me and have an open mind! :)
i understand all is made of energy ..... This energy is god .
i understand all is made of energy ..... This energy is god .

"This energy is god."

I would say - of God but not God. Most depth-oriented spiritual systems would say that 'He' is not a thing. 'He' is neither energy, nor its slower self, matter. 'His' signature is in there, some say, but is still beyond (or, the cause of) any created thing. You could read that as a form of panentheism, I suppose.
i understand all is made of energy ..... This energy is god .

So, you believe God is omnipresent in all energy or matter? I used to believe the same thing, but now, I am very skeptical of God.

Do you also believe God is omnipotent and/or omniscient?

"This energy is god."

I would say - of God but not God. Most depth-oriented spiritual systems would say that 'He' is not a thing. 'He' is neither energy, nor its slower self, matter. 'His' signature is in there, some say, but is still beyond (or, the cause of) any created thing. You could read that as a form of panentheism, I suppose.
god is everything
everthing is energy
god is the energy

this was before the flesh

the void was just a mass of energy,which evolved into the flesh :)

quantum physics proves this :)
Then what is your question about quantum physics? What is it that you want to know?
there wasnt a question really ...... Just a talk about it , and maybe some deeper understanding :)

which you have provided thank u :)

im going to watch those vids ( ones about 3 hours long lol )

you mentioned that quantum physics teaches us that there is a better life for us all with free energy ...... Is this what they call nuclear fussion ( hadlon colider ) ? Idk
So, you believe God is omnipresent in all energy or matter? I used to believe the same thing, but now, I am very skeptical of God.

Do you also believe God is omnipotent and/or omniscient?

i talk to people George and find it easy because there "ON THE SAME WAVE LENGTH" :)


wise up or shut up George :)
there wasnt a question really ...... Just a talk about it , and maybe some deeper understanding :)

which you have provided thank u :)

im going to watch those vids ( ones about 3 hours long lol )

you mentioned that quantum physics teaches us that there is a better life for us all with free energy ...... Is this what they call nuclear fussion ( hadlon colider ) ? Idk

Ah then I see, my bad!

Actually no, nuclear fusion has to do with particles and atoms and stuff like that. The free energy that QP can provide us with is really just farmingmachines, and what they farm is well, energy. From thin air. This energy is the energy that is believed to make hearts beat, plants breath and life work. This is why you can walk into a room and get weird chills or unexpected feelings of joy, euphoria and lifeforce. Quantum Physics explains that everything vibrates, everything is just a string, vibrating at a certain frequency aka giving it a physical form(String Theory).

It's kind of amazing when you try it for yourself, for example you can see this energy in full force. Humans have very strong energyfields(Our minds is our gift from nature, no claws, no senses, no superstrength, but the mind, we are energy-factories with the power to focus and expand energy as we will.) and therefor they can be seen with the naked eye, to everyone. This takes just a few minutes to achieve and is most helpful to strengthen your beliefs:
Ah then I see, my bad!

Actually no, nuclear fusion has to do with particles and atoms and stuff like that. The free energy that QP can provide us with is really just farmingmachines, and what they farm is well, energy. From thin air. This energy is the energy that is believed to make hearts beat, plants breath and life work. This is why you can walk into a room and get weird chills or unexpected feelings of joy, euphoria and lifeforce. Quantum Physics explains that everything vibrates, everything is just a string, vibrating at a certain frequency aka giving it a physical form(String Theory).

It's kind of amazing when you try it for yourself, for example you can see this energy in full force. Humans have very strong energyfields(Our minds is our gift from nature, no claws, no senses, no superstrength, but the mind, we are energy-factories with the power to focus and expand energy as we will.) and therefor they can be seen with the naked eye, to everyone. This takes just a few minutes to achieve and is most helpful to strengthen your beliefs:
"""this is why you can walk into a room and get weird chills or unexpected feelings of joy, euphoria and lifeforce"""

i get these all the time :)

i know someone who does this energy healing practice with a special camera to see the energy from peoples bodys ........ He can balance the energy with a pressure technique ( idk) and after the procedure the camera shows no unbalanced energy:)..... Incredible really.
Ah then I see, my bad!

Actually no, nuclear fusion has to do with particles and atoms and stuff like that. The free energy that QP can provide us with is really just farmingmachines, and what they farm is well, energy. From thin air. This energy is the energy that is believed to make hearts beat, plants breath and life work. This is why you can walk into a room and get weird chills or unexpected feelings of joy, euphoria and lifeforce. Quantum Physics explains that everything vibrates, everything is just a string, vibrating at a certain frequency aka giving it a physical form(String Theory).

It's kind of amazing when you try it for yourself, for example you can see this energy in full force. Humans have very strong energyfields(Our minds is our gift from nature, no claws, no senses, no superstrength, but the mind, we are energy-factories with the power to focus and expand energy as we will.) and therefor they can be seen with the naked eye, to everyone. This takes just a few minutes to achieve and is most helpful to strengthen your beliefs:
this vid has flaws .... I'll explain :)

when you look at any one point ( like the nose ) and look around the nose , but keep looking at the nose your vision goes funny and gives the illusion of an " ora".......... Iv just tryed it on a wooden spoon , it worked .

but you can use the special camera i mentioned :)
do you know much about the two slit experiment?

i saw a vid where they placed the detector AFTER the slits so the light acted like a wave when it went through the slits and then a particle when detected ..... Is this mechanical detector what collapes the wave and not a conscious obsever?
god is everything
everthing is energy
god is the energy

this was before the flesh

the void was just a mass of energy,which evolved into the flesh :)

quantum physics proves this :)

God is unknowable, you know of energy, so, no. Energy is created by God, but God is not energy alone. Quantum proves connectedness, an aspect of God, same thing.

It's like a fish trying to explain the water it is swimming in, something, something.

edit: energy is a phenomenon, it has an 'appearance' in terms of being able to describe it mathematically, and etc. But the energy that you observe, or feel, are phenomena. They are a thing (or, energy) to experience, just not the thing itself, imo.
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God is unknowable, you know of energy, so, no. Energy is created by God, but God is not energy alone. Quantum proves connectedness, an aspect of God, same thing.

It's like a fish trying to explain the water it is swimming in, something, something.

edit: energy is a phenomenon, it has an 'appearance' in terms of being able to describe it mathematically, and etc. But the energy that you observe, or feel, are phenomena. They are a thing (or, energy) to experience, just not the thing itself, imo.
but god created everything, even the EM spectrum ...... This energy is gods building material for everything.
Correct :)

Building materials.
this energy ( in the void)was the entity before god evolved into flesh ....... Visible energy ( light)

the void was black light ........ Maybe ( not too sure yet) but far far far red ..... A really low frequency almost flat.

this makes sense:)