Peter Tosh Equal Rights
Active Member
Curing??? This is January? The Greenhouse strains were announced... they released 3 ALL IRRADIATED. two are sold out now and they have not introduced any more Greenhouse strains. The secret it out... Would you keep revealing more IRRADIATED strains when the public is waiting and watching? Think about it bad for stock to admit the greenhouse is contaminated. Thus no more releases.Right and I'm a millionaire with a twelve inch cock
If you scroll to the what's curing , harvesting, flowering etc. Section you'd see otherwise.
NBUDS...NBUDS....NBUDS... Why are you continuing to promote this funny story.
Not Cool. For the 3rd time. Here is the Real Cannafarms Menu for everyone to see. Worse than the 12% I was reporting.
This is painful. A whole 7 Percent.. Yes NBuds THC percent isn't everything. But when it is 7% and the price is $10per gram and you are defending them. Then in the same breath you care about the patients getting affordable meds? You must be not understand basic math? Or You are in bed with Cannafarms.. Hahhahahhahahah hahahhahahahahahahahhaha Sorry but come on.. who is that silly to release 7% for $10.. And then you defend the THC percentages saying that that isn't important. The Hippy will love this.