Jihad, Inc. Not a Religion


Well-Known Member
He is lost in the black and white world of false dichotomy
you either agree with bucky or you're the enemy/white supremacist
We had that guilt trip thing you mentioned going on for a long time too. Since WWII we had a similar programming as what UncleBogus became enslaved to. Schools, left politicians (most of them, right was a dirty word even without the extreme prefix), both dutch and hollywood books and movies made us, as teens anyway, have a similar simplistic view. We used to race bait small town folks and kick the shit out of neonazis, hooligan style. Difference besides being real life that we did that with a group of friends from which most didn't even know exactly where their parents came from.

While racism is always such a hot issue in the US, most of us don't see a difference in skin color, don't care about race. It's not just an idea here, we have so much living proof that being from a certain race never implies inferiority. Surinamers (brown) and Antillians (black) are to me as dutch as it gets. So are many of the Turkish Dutch. Many of those non-white dutch would however rather start send some muslims back home instead of stopping or reducing muslim-immigration. That must be incomprehensible to UncleBogus, which side do you choose if they both have colored skin or both aren't white caucasians... which side do you tell are evil nazi racists, which side do you tell is weak and needs to be saved if you can't label one as jew and the other as nazi, or one as white and the other as black...

Nowadays, I hold nothing against the Germans. They too were fooled by a populist who talks and walks very much like UncleBogus, trying to silence the opponents by demonizing them. I actually feel a little sorry for the Germans who are currently protesting against islam-immigration (the amount, of course...). They have a valid point (germany gets most immigrants who merely have to enter any EU country), just like some of the complainers in NL (after all, we're besides a few islands and asian countries the most densely populated country in the world). They recently wanted to open a new asylum centre with 300 male Syrians here in a small town with barely 300 white small-town christians. Every time they complain they have to prefix it with disclaimers like not being racists or having something against muslims, before they point out how absurd the situation is. Now THAT is absurd.

For the Germans it's obviously even harder, yet it was amongst others Merkel (that's the female pm of Germany people...) who said multiculti utterly failed. It's an example of one of the moderate, centric, parties recognizing the problem so it's no longer silenced by extreme left and no longer left to extreme right. The thing the educated Dutch Turkish Muslima in that left-winged TV show suggested too, the radicals on both sides should shut the fuck up, for reasons portrayed so nicely in this thread and many others in this subforum.

We have developed, over the past decades, a form of humor/comedy that targets specifically those stuck in that black and white world of false dichotomy. Similar to ridiculing righ-winged extremist. A sense of humor enjoyed by people from many different races and backgrounds, I mean, what's funnier than a black guy or a muslim comedian reverse race baiting when the outcome is so hardcoded... racist! hitler! :lol:


Well-Known Member
no, you get the correct impression.
The point was I'm not getting any impression about the US from RIU, zero. If it would make up a source of info about the US for me (absurd even writing that) it would however not be that there are just a lot of righties. You also seem to be missing the point a little with that "righties" comment. Not nearly everyone is that far right and that far left. Not everyone became a victim of the polarization yet, not everyone thinks that black and white. Perhaps we just socialize and communicate with people in a different level of society, people have a more developed and evolved sense of ethics and morals than WWII, slavery, blacks, and whites.

The polarization is however accelerated in the US by your limited opposing choices. Especially how they deal with each other, slander each other and indirectly their voters. It creates more people like UncleBogus, and less moderate people who use their head, less people who are willing to see both sides and come with a real solution. Right becomes about being not left, and left becomes about being not right.

there are lot's of righties here..i didn't even think they would smoke weed you know all those conservative tight-assness.
Separately, a valid statement, I probably don't like them either and I know the feeling is mutual. However, if UncleBogus is so retarded to label me a racist or bigot I do have to wonder how many of those right-wingers here ignoring him are actually racists or white supremacists. It's not them who reminds me of Hitler-tendencies, if it were up to UncleBogus he'd stick a white star with the letter R on everyone against him.

It's obvious he's stuck in his routine, but can you not see now there's is more than "left and right", "black and white", and "jews and nazis". Like I said before, meaning no offense, it's like you're 10-15 years behind in the debate. A debate that took place on all levels on all platforms, private and public, a daily topic of conversation, and on none of them, nowhere are people who cry racisms and hitler and fuel polarization welcome anymore. That would be very much like traveling through time, backward.

Yet, it seems it's all you do. We don't care about whether something left or right, as long as it's the right thing to do. And sometimes the right thing to do, is protecting the ability to do the right thing and see right from wrong. Islam = wrong (and so is christianity, religion retards). I never suggested to harm any individual, I suggest to educate them, about what's right and wrong... in western society, well, in the least-fucked up parts of western society anyway. Debrainwash them if you have to, there's a Japanese guy they always call to debrainwash sect members... works every time, he does what some claim jesus did and still does, set people free.


Well-Known Member
More like an incomplete subset. None of the US members here represent the US or the real world to me. Not even the ones I like. I work with people from across the global nearly every day, including the US, decent educated people who would be very much embarrassed by some people here, hoping I don't get the wrong impression.

Well, let's not forget it is a political forum on a "pothead" site; not the AMA, IEEE or any other professional site.

In terms of political leanings, the ratio's maybe skewed, but I don't know if I'd call it an incomplete subset; the extremes are represented quite well and although scarce there are moderates. And of course you can't sample the ones that don't comment.

The most irritating aspect of all these hot button issues is that the dialog quickly becomes about the personalities, and eventually degrades into name calling and the silly. I'm guilty.

It's to bad this concept of "protecting" a fort has taken precedent over thought. A decent discussion with the objective of finding a solution to a problem maybe asking for the impossible here ... unfortunately, similar to so many situations in the real world.


Well-Known Member
UncleBogus is so retarded to label me a racist or bigot
how could i be so stupid to label the guy who says to "outlaw all muslims" because "multiculturalism has failed" and we need to "preserve western civilization" and our "judeo christian ways" as a racist or bigot?

man, i am so fucked up.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3330842 What the fuck is wrong with you guys look they're smiling they're perfectly friendly!?!
Well, that was one of the most chilling things about the Mall Terror in Africa. The Tangos were so calm and smiling, survivors reported and you can see it on the tapes.

And after they drove off the police and after they had murdered a bunch of kids on the roof parking lot, then went back through the mall, in detail hunting people down. But, they let un-wounded children go. And also, killed the wounded ones. They passed out candy and water to the kids that made it, but killed their mothers in front of them. Then they turn and smile at the next group of kids. Then ask some adult if he is Muslim and kill him when he doesn't immediately answer.

Many Muslims were killed that day.


Well-Known Member
Jihad inc?

Lets list some companies who made ridiculous profits from jihad:

Northrop whatever
many others...


Welcome back, I missed your neologisms.