My charges in Texas are costing me....


Well-Known Member
My Charges are:
Class b misdemeanor - For 2 oz or less i had a g... 2500$(Pending Court Date)
Class C misdemeanor - pipe.... 1500$ (there Charging me 400)

its been little more then 2 weeks now sense i have smoked weed my withdraws are gone im now back to sleeping a full 8 still working on getting system clean though bought a home test kit and still failing lol
Good luck!!!! Flush your system and test clean, get a laywer etc.
I'm going to allow them to appoint me one it will draw the court date out longer and give me more time to clean my system thanks i need all the luck i can get its still tempting to pick up my bong and say fuck it all lol
I'm going to allow them to appoint me one it will draw the court date out longer and give me more time to clean my system thanks i need all the luck i can get its still tempting to pick up my bong and say fuck it all lol

Fucked up system but you need to play the game just now.

Get shot of that bong for a bit and enjoy being straight.

Good luck man.
I'm going to allow them to appoint me one it will draw the court date out longer and give me more time to clean my system thanks i need all the luck i can get its still tempting to pick up my bong and say fuck it all lol
Public defender almost got me fucked on my DUI years ago so I payed an actual lawyer. 4 of 5 charges dropped. Year ago I got arrested for assault. Same lawyer got it down to criminal mischief. 10 days instead of 6 months. I trust a PD as much as I trust a med student. Get the lawyer if you can.
Public defender almost got me fucked on my DUI years ago so I payed an actual lawyer. 4 of 5 charges dropped. Year ago I got arrested for assault. Same lawyer got it down to criminal mischief. 10 days instead of 6 months. I trust a PD as much as I trust a med student. Get the lawyer if you can.

The max im looking at is probation and community service.... even a lawyer told me to just get one appointed.

Si amigo a big ass chingowwwwwwwwwwwww
Bro u need to get some cranberryj juice bro keep drinking it belive me it works.

i started taking the azo pills i run/jog 2 miles a day at a inclined and i started taking 3-4 hour hot tube baths with the misses to sweat it out :hump:i also been working 10-14 hour shifts so i'm constantly busy and pulling in more income.
Agreed. And a lot of cucumber as a diet.

Salads and steak is all i been having :lol:

Agree'd Dr. - Op, pack the bong in a box in the attic. Don't look at it, don't even think about it.
My .02 FWIW.
yea its been two weeks i wouldn't be stupid to ruin it and go back to starting over lol.
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The max im looking at is probation and community service.... even a lawyer told me to just get one appointed.

Si amigo a big ass chingowwwwwwwwwwwww

i started taking the azo pills i run/jog 2 miles a day at a inclined and i started taking 3-4 hour hot tube baths with the misses to sweat it out :hump:i also been working 10-14 hour shifts so i'm constantly busy and pulling in more income.

Salads and steak is all i been having :lol:
I had no fines other than court costs and probation fees. No jail time on the DUI. Hard to avoid for the assault. No fines there either. Just the 10 days and probation fees. Cut as much fat off that steak as possible.
Public defender almost got me fucked on my DUI years ago so I payed an actual lawyer. 4 of 5 charges dropped. Year ago I got arrested for assault. Same lawyer got it down to criminal mischief. 10 days instead of 6 months. I trust a PD as much as I trust a med student. Get the lawyer if you can.

Idk. Pd got something to prove if you get a young one. Old one maybe not.

I had one that did just as good one I paid for.
Dammit! My brother is facing 30 to life in San antonio. He had 15-20 Gs stacked but used it to bail his stupid ass chick out and now he has to get a PD on a very serious charge... 1/2 elbow of meff

He and I are like night and day, I'm the stoner and he likes to go fast
Hey if you can get the help for free more power ya know. I have a good lawyer and can afford him so I won't change that.

I use a paid one to. I got locked up and used one until family could find one. He did work and all was good before a paid one could be found.

That why it good to find one and put on retainer if you can.