Nature Sweet Nothing Seed Shop Yay or Nay?

What about the males?
Let me find out what she told me about her male... just a sec.

::::This is why I am talking about her. Letting the world know about her and she is real and legit.. She really helped me out. She understands... A great hearted person too. Because my grow ended up being all males too from a bagseed i had tried :::::

The following is all out copy and pasted straight out my email and from when I talked to her.

"I don't mind sending you extra to help you out, I've been there, I was diagnosed with stage 2 lymphatic cancer 3 years ago and my insurance wouldn't cover treatment, all i had was natural treatments and it was so pricey to buy from dispensaries. It took me 5 months to save up enough money to buy two clones and one ended up being a male =(

I DO ship descreetley to all continental US states with tracking number and an invoice that states the seeds to be for Novelty purposes only.
I also pack them with the care that would go into a plantable seed as well, they're collected in peak freshness, stored in mylar, air tight containers and recycled
every year to keep fresh seeds on hand.

At this time i'm only dealing with at little ad 13 strains, and use my greenhouses to cycle out my strains every year so I've included a list of what strains
I will grow next year and which strains i won't be growing till next year. I have a project each year to try my luck at making new strains, The resulting seeds
from the hybridization are put through tests of heat/cold endurance, light cycle testing, response to fungal spores and of course, smokability.

I DO offer these first run hybridized seeds in packs of 20 for $30 or 40 for $50 ( or $1.25 a seed): a CONSIDERABLE deal for a potential new strain.
Once I go through the work of growing them and making second generation hybrids I usually offer those for a considerable mark up.
I offer this option for those who have purchased from me in exchange for a end-of-grow report on how well it grew, produced, harvested and other
general project notes. It's going to be YOUR time and energy to put these new strains to a test so I offer them up for a considerable discount.

I currently have a project plant from this last year between Buddah's Dream and Northern Light's that i've named "Inner Peace" It creates a really cerebral high,
while maintaining a heavy physical stone, perfect for those seeking sleep or those seeking to reconnect with the world and their fellow man through simple philosophical
conversation. The THC content is moderate but the CBD levels make this more suited for those with auto-immune dissorders. I'm offering these for $3.00 a seed, however
i'm not yet making it available on my website until I collect more feedback from the few testers who purchased it.

2015 Grow strains:
Critical Jack:
(Replentishing Stock) $1.25 a seed
Northern Lights: (LAST YEAR till 2017) $2.50 a seed
Diablo Auto flowering: (*Planning to hybridize) $1.25 a seed
Cotton Candy Kush: (*Planning to hybridize) $1.25 a seed
Inner Peace: (F2 Hybrid plants) *Home created from Buddas dream and Northern lights* $ 3.00 a seed

*** Project for this year is a hybridization between Cotton candy and Diablo to be named Devi's Candy and available 2017
depending on the results I get from their offspring that will be grown and tested in 2016 These should be more drought resistant and more prolific when
introduced to high tempuratures. Parent plants hopefully pass on their deep strong rooting systems, fast growth and stronger stalks while producing large,
fluffy, colorful buds***

2016 Grow Strains:
Blue Fruit: (*Planning to Hybridize) Price To Be Determined
Purple Power:(Replentishing Stock) Price To Be Determined
Hindu Kush:( Replentishing Stock) Price To Be Determined
Amnesia Haze: (Attempting to Feminize) Price To Be Determined
Coco Kush: (*Planning to Hyrbidize)Price To Be Determined

*** Project for this year is a hybridization of Blue Fruit and Coco Kush to be named Black 'n Blue and should be available 2018
depending on the results I get from their offspring that will be grown and tested in 2017 These should be more sett and smooth in flavor but hopefully
produces a good combination of both parent traits giving us a high number of dense STICKY buds. ***""

Just tell Shay that Clint sent you her way and you want to try any of the special projects in her contact form.
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Pollen chucking it sounds and than charging to do test for her? Lol... Never mind the fact that sending seeds in the U.S. is illegal and it sounds sketchy as hell, yea sounds like a bright idea to use your verified PP account and order illegal seeds in the us... Minus just well call the local the authorizes yourself... Buyer beware is all I can say....
Pollen chucking it sounds and than charging to do test for her? Lol... Never mind the fact that sending seeds in the U.S. is illegal and it sounds sketchy as hell, yea sounds like a bright idea to use your verified PP account and order illegal seeds in the us... Minus just well call the local the authorizes yourself... Buyer beware is all I can say....

Don't see much difference in using PP or a CC. Could you please explain why you think using PP will have the authorities called on me. Can you document anyone that has been busted using PP? I'm curious as to why you think this. Thank you.
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That is another good sales pitch!She sounds like a pollen chucker selling run of the mill strains.there is no info on the strains or how she made them or what real breeder they were originally bred by or how many seeds you even get of each strain or what strains come in the mix?I'll stick with breeders I know of and good friends who share their seeds with me.

You sound like the losing competition! lol. Let it go if u ask me. Everything looks legit on her end.
I just don't understand the PP paranoia. I can not find one example of someone actually getting Busted for using PP. Thousands of people use it all the time. I've heard of some marijauna paraphernalia websites (the name of their products obvious in their company name) getting their accounts closed, but that's about it. I've never heard about customers getting busted. I don't know, but I'm the type of person who does not live looking over my shoulder or worrying about things that "might" happen, life is too short and I'm getting too old for that. I worry more about international seed orders getting caught in customs, and even then they don't arrest you, they just snag your product and give you a warning. And If the DEA wants me that bad for a couple seeds, hell they can come and get me.
That's not what I am trying to say, cc payments can be gift cards etc more anonymity imho it's not so much the using of the PP to buy seeds I've done it myself, it's the part of them being located in the usa and she sounds nothing more than a hobby breeder like myself (well from her description that she provided sounded more like pollen chucking or just plain seed ripper) if the strains are still in development etc they should be provided free cost, I would never sell seeds, never mind the strains I've been working on myself, I would be honored to have some one grow them and test them for me, I wouldn't charge... Ya you can't beat the prices but you'd get probably better genetics and strains for FREE by meeting people on these forums who are hobby breeders and do this for nothing more than the true love of the plant, not to make a quick buck and than to boot being in the us the reason I brought up PP is sketchy is cause she is in the usa I would feel much more comfortable with a safe addy and sending cash or something than giving all my more than likely real info (don't know to many ppl with fake PO accoutns, dummy ones to use for purposes like this)
I wish you nothing but the best of luck with your beans brother and looking forward to watching your journal, just saying this entire thread just came across as spam...
Shipping seeds isn't illegal to most states. They contain no THC. Plus the bill that passed last month no longer allows fed funds to be allocated for any legal medical use so problems there. And the shipping for anyone inside the states instead of having to wait 14 days or more, you get it in 2-3 days after your order. Plus it is a novelty collectible item , like a trophy to hang on your shelf and know you have it in case the whole world collapses and you need to have some kinda growable treatment, you know the seeds are viable and good.

What is not to like about that. Most people who ordered from her have now placed 2nd orders because they know the truth... the world will know soon too, and it will be legal everywhere, but I do not know of any laws that make it illegal to possess a seed. You can even grow opium and possess those seeds. It only because illegal when you slice into the bulb and try to start processing the liquid into opium.
That's not what I am trying to say, cc payments can be gift cards etc more anonymity imho it's not so much the using of the PP to buy seeds I've done it myself, it's the part of them being located in the usa and she sounds nothing more than a hobby breeder like myself (well from her description that she provided sounded more like pollen chucking or just plain seed ripper) if the strains are still in development etc they should be provided free cost, I would never sell seeds, never mind the strains I've been working on myself, I would be honored to have some one grow them and test them for me, I wouldn't charge... Ya you can't beat the prices but you'd get probably better genetics and strains for FREE by meeting people on these forums who are hobby breeders and do this for nothing more than the true love of the plant, not to make a quick buck and than to boot being in the us the reason I brought up PP is sketchy is cause she is in the usa I would feel much more comfortable with a safe addy and sending cash or something than giving all my more than likely real info (don't know to many ppl with fake PO accoutns, dummy ones to use for purposes like this)
I wish you nothing but the best of luck with your beans brother and looking forward to watching your journal, just saying this entire thread just came across as spam...

I understand what your saying about your thoughts on the seller, but the way you mentioned PP to me was kinda insulting, maybe it was the way you worded it.
I have a close group of growers that we share clones with, some have been in rotation for 10yrs+. Getting good genetics is not my problem. Like I stated for $25 it's nothing. I have plenty of space to throw out a couple new seeds and test the results. I do it every year. I love variety and experimenting with a couple different strains on the side every year. Your post just came across as offensive, sorry if I didn't follow your logic.
It appears this company delivers their beans, that's no doubt. It's not the $25 that most people worry about. It's the potential time and space wasted in the grow room. Majority of us have rooms far smaller than we would love to have and every single plant matters. Some peoples health and well being is very dependent on this as well. Can't afford to waste 1 or more spots for plants on what could be bunk. It's a huge gamble when there isn't a single grow log out there or even a picture of a live plant or dried flower for that matter. For all we know those could be straight up hemp seeds that were grown for protein or hempseed oil. I pray for your sake they are not but that is the fact.

There are also a few things that have been stated that are fishy, like the mailman being rough on the mail? or taking 5 months to save up to buy 2 clones(wtf? Isn't she in Cali) and one of them turned out to be male (EVEN MORE WTF?). Not to mention with a couple new members pushing this brand hard on a couple forums, all of a sudden out of nowhere. None of this is reassuring to the people, nor does it seem professional on any scale.

In the end Yoda is right. You can get potentially better or just as good beans for free and not be paying someone to test out their beans.

I hope all works out of you. Time will tell.
Shipping seeds isn't illegal to most states. They contain no THC. Plus the bill that passed last month no longer allows fed funds to be allocated for any legal medical use so problems there. And the shipping for anyone inside the states instead of having to wait 14 days or more, you get it in 2-3 days after your order. Plus it is a novelty collectible item , like a trophy to hang on your shelf and know you have it in case the whole world collapses and you need to have some kinda growable treatment, you know the seeds are viable and good.

What is not to like about that. Most people who ordered from her have now placed 2nd orders because they know the truth... the world will know soon too, and it will be legal everywhere, but I do not know of any laws that make it illegal to possess a seed. You can even grow opium and possess those seeds. It only because illegal when you slice into the bulb and try to start processing the liquid into opium.

The thread went all sideways and crazy bru. But, I for one appreciate you bringing the info. The others seem a bit like a buncha stoners who just need someone to talk to. Or argue with I dunno. lol it's all good even when it doesn't make much sense.. Peace world. ;-) thanks again OP.
It's not the $25 that most people worry about. It's the potential time and space wasted in the grow room.


When I grow out a bunk pack of seeds it's never the $50, or $100 I spent that chaps my ass. It's the 4 months of my time, and the 10 spots in my garden that those plants occupy that are valuable to me.

When I grow out a bunk pack of seeds it's never the $50, or $100 I spent that chaps my ass. It's the 4 months of my time, and the 10 spots in my garden that those plants occupy that are valuable to me.

I completely understand your concern and agree with that completely... but this has great possibly for a breeder or testing new treatments by cross breeding and creating hybrids, and...
This is for people who can't afford the Nike shoes and are okay with some brand wal-mart shoes... until times get better... They will see you through.
I completely understand your concern and agree with that completely... but this has great possibly as a breeder, and...
This is for people who can't afford the the Nike shoes and are okay with some brand wal-mart shoes... until times get better.

I can understand too. Gotta start somewhere to build some cred. You should encourage peeps to report back experience with these seeds. Build some rep ya know. I personally don't fear the reaper. Doubt anyone would want to stick their neck out too far with this audience. These guys act like they been tweaking for a week with no sleep or food or something I dunno. INCOMING! DUCK! lol. ;-)
I completely understand your concern and agree with that completely... but this has great possibly as a breeder, and...
This is for people who can't afford the the Nike shoes and are okay with some brand wal-mart shoes... until times get better.

I'm not bitching about what she's doing. More power to her. At least her prices are fair for untested seeds.

IMO you'd do her more of a favor by growing out some of her plants and showing off some pictures as opposed to just trying to steer traffic to her site without any documented grows. You have to understand that with you being a brand new member here and not having any pics you will be met with skepticism. It's nothing personal, just the nature of weed-forums.
I'm not bitching about what she's doing. More power to her. At least her prices are fair for untested seeds.

IMO you'd do her more of a favor by growing out some of her plants and showing off some pictures as opposed to just trying to steer traffic to her site without any documented grows. You have to understand that with you being a brand new member here and not having any pics you will be met with skepticism. It's nothing personal, just the nature of weed-forums.

Hey man. I reluctantly kinda agree with you. No offense though man. Just sayin ya know. I really AGREE man. Don't take it the wrong way cause I'm on your side and agree with ya dude. Yeah man. Copacetic brah. For real. ;-)
The grow is being logged right now in a grow journal. Lots of Pictures and high quality. More coming soon. But all 9/9 germinated.

Just found out about this site the other day from GC... I don't know if it is okay to post the link? I don't want to get banned.. But I am logging the Grow right now. So as a grower we have to have patience. You will be able to see what her products look like soon enough and better and better as time continues.