what is a middle man in a drug deal?

I anit no fucking cop im just not trying to get played
well if you need an explanation on what the middle man is then it may happen to you more than a couple times. middle men serve their purpose though, someone has to make the easy money. besides, if you knew where to ditch your product fast you'd have already done that. everyone makes a cut, don't stress unless the price isn't fair. next deal go for a bigger cut and don't be afraid to walk away from the deal to see how far you can push the bottom line.
Middle men have nothing but a desire.
you probably should not bring anyone to your dealer.

You negotiate with both parties

Worse job in the world
Christ, everyone's definition sucks. At best, editorializing.

The definition of a middleman is anyone in the distribution chain who isn't involved in either the creation or direct consumption of the product or service.

In this business, a middleman is someone who buys product from the grower- or, perhaps a bigger distributor up the line- and resells it at a higher price to others. Often, they take larger quantities and break then down, making a markup along the way. Not all are scrupulous- and not all are scammers.

How much you pay them and how it works between you is your call, but everyone needs to make a fair return on their time and effort.

I'm not interested in retail so I don't do retail- and therefore, don't make the retail dollar. Someone else can handle that brain damage!
middle men are ppl who used to fucking rip me off when the bud is overpriced anyways ffs. wish i wasn't so stupid back then with my money
Let say I grow 3 pounds, sell them for 24 a piece. My guy then sells them as singles for 34. Those guys then sell qps for 1000. Then those guys sell an oz for 300. Then you buy a gram for 20.

Those are middle men.
a middle man here is different.

hes the guy who gets fronted say...an ounce, and he has to sell it for so much because he owes the grower 240, so he usually sells it all gram by gram for 280 , so that he can make 40 $ off the product