Club 600

here is the new Seedling's they are so cute at this age.

Its hard to see the top 2 but they are there. they was last 2 to come up yesterday.
like I said what works for one may not work for others.. I would never let my plants sit in water and I always water my plants till the water comes out the bottom each time so I don't get salt build ups.. Course I am also the type of person that thinks flushing is insane, you can't poss. Flush all the nutrients out of the soil let alone the plant. I just do what works for me as well as reading what others are doing and if it sounds good I may give it a try..
I try to go from cup to 5 gallon for as many as I can then do the remainder in 3 liter , water every 2 -3 days until they sex then either up pot to 5 gallon as they show their hairs, usually done by 2 weeks into 12/12, seeing good response to this method as space in a tent is at a premium.
I have a few idea/theories as far as breeding is concerned. I am preparing a proper experiment. Should have a thread up soon, I would love to to have some 600 scientists' input. I should be as scientific as possible. Adam Savage from mythbusters put it best when he said "the only difference between science and messing around, is writing it down"
I dont flush i dotn even make it rain. I am gonna see how they drink it. I changed drip pans from 4 of my plants each is holding 1 inch of water will see how they are in am. if still water left I will dump extra water out. I am not gonna up pot this late. I know I should have planned it better. But I didnt and have to jsut do what i can. yes i have allot to learn on indoor growing. I am used to outdoor but for the past year am learning pots ect. I know plants now to get it done right. looks like 7 gal pots win so far. and even they get watered every other day max been a couple days pots are light after 1 day. thirsty plants. I know why they are drinking so much. I got my room dialed in. I will know soon enough when they get hung and dried. Till then I wont know.
I love outdoor growing myself. The 600 helped me convert with some great advice. But damn thats a jungle you have going. Very nice!