The UK Growers Thread!


Here's my ladies not much to look at now like but gonna be some bonnie lasses these are....I've made bho a couple of times but whipped it into budder this time I'm just gonna let it sit on a griddle until I've got honeycomb/wax hopefully lol we'll see how it goes anyway
They look sweet as fuck to me G, my Cheesels are are looking a bit fucked today after moving them, transplanting to big pots, trimming bottoms, LST'ing, cracking a few gangly stems and topping em...
My stuff arrived for doing a bit of me own wax today so gonna have a go tomorrow night, I'll be playing with a few ideas running through the old nut...


Well-Known Member
morning all, lambo the terps im usin is the green planet? one, u rec u could get the formulation for it?


Well-Known Member
im doing silver haze m8 5weeks into flower now looking good not that tall tho mite of been cause i cut all shit of then put them in to 12/12 the 2 weeks later cut more shit of but i dont no only about 2.5ft veg for 6weeks but i have got about 6 tops on each plant that could be why also may be longer veg as i was training them


Well-Known Member
im doing silver haze m8 5weeks into flower now looking good not that tall tho mite of been cause i cut all shit of then put them in to 12/12 the 2 weeks later cut more shit of but i dont no only about 2.5ft veg for 6weeks but i have got about 6 tops on each plant that could be why also may be longer veg as i was training them
u grow in soil?


Well-Known Member
Morning all....I had some ssh once it tasted like Cocacola and dank lol some of the nicest weed I've blasting tube and slick pad have arrived this morning just waiting on me tane and thermometer now then its time to get soupy


Well-Known Member
nah coco m8
this photo was 10 days ago nugets are bigger now ill take some more when lights come on at 6

only grow in coco because thats the way i was first shown but to be fair the guy (old work m8) who said he would help me never lol didnt explain the air exchange or anything so ive just been reading a lot while kids at school birds at work and all the stuff you guys have told me i now know alot more so my next grow should have less problems in any


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Good afternoon lads, Zedd yeah I reckon I already know what they're on with it but its like owt else innit, to make me own I'd be buying bulk liquids, tubs, working 24/7, neglecting the plants but I am always curious pal! Thats not bi-curious chaps... Ghetto go safe with the Butane my son and as I'm off today I might play about wi mine... then do some wax!


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Fuck me just posted that and seen it, it takes up about 500 jiggawatts on the cloud shit!!!!!! Reeto the fat lads away down to't farm with a chicken n mushroom pot noodle... now then wheres me fuckin soya sauce sachet?