Lsd - what to expect?

Shoot.. Give me some acid and all the laundry will be done in a cpl hours and any tv show/movie produced within the past 25 years almost makes me sick..
What to expect out of LSD. Well, first off they probably lied to you about the potency so you probably won't actually be eating 300-400ug. Now, if in fact that is the dosage first you will feel a little strange. Then it will get stranger. The walls will breath and melt, the floor will crawl, you might see faces in the woodwork and then you will really start to come on. Pretty soon everwhere you look, everything will be overlaid with this interlocking crystal undulating pattern with all sorts of colors. Any movement will cause tracers that will seem to last for a minute. If you close your eyes there will be bright patterns similar to what you see with your eyes open but a hundred times more vivid. You might even forget your eyes are closed and think you have gone to a different dimension. Then shit will start getting wierd, you will start freaking out thinking it's going to last forever. Your brain will fuck with you worse than that bully that used to beat you up in sixth grade. You will be totally insane, you will be god, you will be the walrus. You will be unable to stand up, sit down or pee and probably will feel like you have to take a shit but you can't. The toilet will scare you, were do the turds really go. Will I ever be able to shit again? Who else used this toilet?

First time, who fucking knows. All I can say is if you're doing 300-400ug for the first time you should have a sitter and not think about going out until after you have peaked. Nothing worse than taking a big dose away from safety and finding you have nowhere to hide when you come on harder, much harder than you want.

I have all manner of psychological issues. LSD brought that right to the surface, shoved it in my face and slapped me around. I rolled on the ground, cried and hid in the bathroom and dealt with it. Best thing that ever happened to me. If there would have been a pistol handy I might have shot myself to make it stop. LSD is predictable, your brain on LSD is not.
What to expect out of LSD. Well, first off they probably lied to you about the potency so you probably won't actually be eating 300-400ug. Now, if in fact that is the dosage first you will feel a little strange. Then it will get stranger. The walls will breath and melt, the floor will crawl, you might see faces in the woodwork and then you will really start to come on. Pretty soon everwhere you look, everything will be overlaid with this interlocking crystal undulating pattern with all sorts of colors. Any movement will cause tracers that will seem to last for a minute. If you close your eyes there will be bright patterns similar to what you see with your eyes open but a hundred times more vivid. You might even forget your eyes are closed and think you have gone to a different dimension. Then shit will start getting wierd, you will start freaking out thinking it's going to last forever. Your brain will fuck with you worse than that bully that used to beat you up in sixth grade. You will be totally insane, you will be god, you will be the walrus. You will be unable to stand up, sit down or pee and probably will feel like you have to take a shit but you can't. The toilet will scare you, were do the turds really go. Will I ever be able to shit again? Who else used this toilet?

First time, who fucking knows. All I can say is if you're doing 300-400ug for the first time you should have a sitter and not think about going out until after you have peaked. Nothing worse than taking a big dose away from safety and finding you have nowhere to hide when you come on harder, much harder than you want.

I have all manner of psychological issues. LSD brought that right to the surface, shoved it in my face and slapped me around. I rolled on the ground, cried and hid in the bathroom and dealt with it. Best thing that ever happened to me. If there would have been a pistol handy I might have shot myself to make it stop. LSD is predictable, your brain on LSD is not.

fuck man i hope i don't go into that state, not sure if i should take 1 or 2 hits at once now lol somehow i can imagine how awful that'd be
Well then, why are you taking LSD. Is it to see what's in there, or to have fun. You wanna know what LSD really does, eat 300-400ug. You wanna stay up all night, laugh and watch the walls breath eat 120ug. Is there scary shit in your brain you can't let out? Are you not sure if there is scary shit in your brain you can't let out. Most people don't go insane from LSD. A small percentage of people have a classical bad trip. Not sure why. Fucks some of them up pretty good. My theory is that they were pussies to begin with, but thats just my theory.

When in doubt about a drug. Try a lesser amount. Wait for the tolerance period to elapse, try larger dose. Slowly working up your dosage seems to be the responsible thing to do in many cases.
well im pretty sure i got ptsd (not from warfare) and i got anxiety and bitta depression, hope its not gonna make me have flashbacks like after a bong sesh that one time
I ventured out my first time,but with the "babysitter"..I only got in and out of the car at the stops to get a friend and to get her home..out one house and into another..and once stationary,stayed there till it was come down time.
Expect panic,fear,exhilaration,'ll get sensations in your body,your mind will wander or focus on one thing,one or the other..questions will arise you want answered,but you'll forget an before they're answered,that sorta focus..things will heavily morph,and breath..the walls or curtains may seem very much alive,swirling and gyrating in crazy patterns..nothing you focus on visually will be crisp and clean,at best it will look fuzzy,dimensions will be off in your sight,you will heavily trail(multiple images following behind identical images)..look up fear and loathing in las Vegas and the arrival af the hotel scene..pretty much sums it up...
Lots of energy,wide eyes,loss of motor skills,time distortion,disparity at the distortion,dont start asking how long will this last every 2 hours,it's really only been 10 mins,and its gonna feel like eternity if you get anxious over the trip receding slower than you'd might have preferred,and regardless if you ask it every 5 mins,you still will be tripping,and annoying others at that point.suck it up,you payed for this dammit.
Depending on quality,your jaws may clench,or not..back may feel sore like you moved a house full of furniture,or might tense up like a long spasm..might get chilly from blood pressure fluctuation,your eyes will be big as saucers,black huge pupils..sleep will be hard,I didn't sleep till 2am,I took it at 7am the day before..mind you I didn't trip that whole time,but come up/down and residual effects kept me awake long after I felt like the trip as gone(maybe,remember the time distortion? :-D)..
All this or none of this can happen..depends on your quality,and ultimately you..some people are different,and trip differently/affected differently by different drugs,so it is very much a "gamble" your first time as to what's gonna happen...
Stay home,music,low lights,trip toys(lasers,glowsticks,led gloves),liquid refreshments,maybe a few friends to help around the house in case it gets hectic,a little chill area/room,lots of pot(lots),and maybe some booze to take the edge off a quick come up or after a crazy can and will effect your emotions,so stay away from that "kill your mother" "she left me and took the kids" stuff either..
I could go on all day,but nothing's really gonna prepare ya,but I hope this helps..good luck,stay safe...
Oh..and no phones..bad idea! :-D
This is a good description of a what happens to the inexperienced on a heavy dose (and 300+ug is a heavy dose for a new user)
Also please note that Rory stated to stay in and chill first, in all caps with exclamations. The guy who talks about how awesome it is using a chainsaw on doses like that because of the rainbow sawdust. There will probably be moments of oh shit what did I do and moments of this is the best thing I've ever done. Moments where you feel you have a complete understanding of reality and moments of utter confusion.
Didn't mind the flashbacks. The spinning lights in the periphery made work in the dark room interesting. HPPD risk increases with frequency and dosage. My effects were mostly gone after stopping for 5years. Then again I abused it for awhile.
I've got some mild open eyed visuals that I think are here to stay. Stuff like wood grain moves a bit and my brain fills in details on plain colors especially plain white. Good weed will kick it up a notch and make patterns brighter.
Didn't mind the flashbacks. The spinning lights in the periphery made work in the dark room interesting. HPPD risk increases with frequency and dosage. My effects were mostly gone after stopping for 5years. Then again I abused it for awhile.
You mean "freebies":-D
I've got some mild open eyed visuals that I think are here to stay. Stuff like wood grain moves a bit and my brain fills in details on plain colors especially plain white. Good weed will kick it up a notch and make patterns brighter.
If I look at shit,it moves.period..
I've had the flu for 2 days,last night during the hallucination part of the sickness,the edge of my dresser had split in half lengthwise and was resting on my bed..that coupled with the texture pattern of the mattress cloth swirling patterns of a flashback was cool..untill I went back into convulsion land....
What to expect out of LSD. Well, first off they probably lied to you about the potency so you probably won't actually be eating 300-400ug. Now, if in fact that is the dosage first you will feel a little strange. Then it will get stranger. The walls will breath and melt, the floor will crawl, you might see faces in the woodwork and then you will really start to come on. Pretty soon everwhere you look, everything will be overlaid with this interlocking crystal undulating pattern with all sorts of colors. Any movement will cause tracers that will seem to last for a minute. If you close your eyes there will be bright patterns similar to what you see with your eyes open but a hundred times more vivid. You might even forget your eyes are closed and think you have gone to a different dimension. Then shit will start getting wierd, you will start freaking out thinking it's going to last forever. Your brain will fuck with you worse than that bully that used to beat you up in sixth grade. You will be totally insane, you will be god, you will be the walrus. You will be unable to stand up, sit down or pee and probably will feel like you have to take a shit but you can't. The toilet will scare you, were do the turds really go. Will I ever be able to shit again? Who else used this toilet?

First time, who fucking knows. All I can say is if you're doing 300-400ug for the first time you should have a sitter and not think about going out until after you have peaked. Nothing worse than taking a big dose away from safety and finding you have nowhere to hide when you come on harder, much harder than you want.

I have all manner of psychological issues. LSD brought that right to the surface, shoved it in my face and slapped me around. I rolled on the ground, cried and hid in the bathroom and dealt with it. Best thing that ever happened to me. If there would have been a pistol handy I might have shot myself to make it stop. LSD is predictable, your brain on LSD is not.
Some just can't admit they're wrong...let's just assume u are,cause I'm assuming I KNOW what on this kids squares.....
Newfoundland is no where near Spain...
Well then, why are you taking LSD. Is it to see what's in there, or to have fun. You wanna know what LSD really does, eat 300-400ug. You wanna stay up all night, laugh and watch the walls breath eat 120ug. Is there scary shit in your brain you can't let out? Are you not sure if there is scary shit in your brain you can't let out. Most people don't go insane from LSD. A small percentage of people have a classical bad trip. Not sure why. Fucks some of them up pretty good. My theory is that they were pussies to begin with, but thats just my theory.

When in doubt about a drug. Try a lesser amount. Wait for the tolerance period to elapse, try larger dose. Slowly working up your dosage seems to be the responsible thing to do in many cases.
Read the correlation.
well im pretty sure i got ptsd (not from warfare) and i got anxiety and bitta depression, hope its not gonna make me have flashbacks like after a bong sesh that one time
LSD often helps people look at things in a new light and make positive changes especially when taken in a setting where you feel comfortable discussing things of that nature.
I think it's the over-amplification of life while on lsd.."if I can handle that,well this day to day insignificant bother in life isn't worth the focus..."
Only after crying your eyes out for a couple hours,examining everything that led up to this..

Repression is a heavy thing to reverse...
I've got some mild open eyed visuals that I think are here to stay. Stuff like wood grain moves a bit and my brain fills in details on plain colors especially plain white. Good weed will kick it up a notch and make patterns brighter.
this video can simulate the visuals you can expect from lsd. stare at the video without blinking, then look at a picture on the wall. that's where you will see the distortions. its very cool, and very close to the real thing

EDIT:watch it in full screen, not sure if it works with a phone. may need a monitor