Jihad, Inc. Not a Religion

I read that some of the larger Muslim communities in other countries are not subject to that country's laws but police themselves. Is this exemption as cut and dried as it sounds? If yes, then THAT I would have a problem with (with ANY group). If you can't abide by the laws of the country you live in then don't live there.
Worse, they also influence the laws of the country, bit by bit, that's the democratic way after all. They don't always have to abide by the laws of the country either, because potato.. errr, because freedom of religion. It's not just about laws though. People nowadays take for granted how many people fought, bled, and died for western civilization, a result of jewish-christian society, and it's downright stupid to think islam fits in.

I thank god for being born in a jewish-christian society and I'm an atheist... that's how grateful I am. For me, and all women in this country, except for those from inbred religious christians (we got a few of those villages, they too are anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-black kind of like white muslims but less aggressive and fortunately a small minority.)

It's an accepted fact, across the political spectrum in Europe, that multiculturalism failed. And that's not because of the Russian or asian immigrants. It's not a mystery or secret why it failed, it's not doable if one culture's ideologies conflict so much with the rest. Islam is a rotten apple and the fact that's even under debate proves the intelligence of mankind peaked and idiocracy... Unfortunately people don't figure it out until it's too late. Which creates a shitload of misery for decades, if not longer.

Western civilization should stop building mosques, stop adjusting (more and more) to islam demands, But WWII, holocaust, slavery and racism (zero relevance) are implicitly and by some explicitly brought up as arguments.

I miss them too, the good old days after the war. Everything was much simpler back then. If someone was against anything non-white, it was the enemy. (Hence, my thanks to Hitler comment...). It's that simplistic line of thinking that stands actual solutions in the way. Obviously have to recognize the problem before being able to implement a solution. Underestimating the problem and crying racism (with the similar effect of crying wolf) only makes it worse.

If we still had as many jews in the Netherlands as we had before the war and WWII never happened... man, as we would have tolerated any of it back then. Now jews are literally fleeing neighborhoods in the Hague to Amsterdam and even Israel because of the increasing anti-semitism amongst the muslim population. Many of the orthodox moved to Antwerp (belgium) already cause it's just not safe here anymore. Guess what, bad guys can have a different skin-color than white too. Although the craziest fuckers are the white guys that turn islam.
Western civilization should stop building mosques, stop adjusting (more and more) to islam demands, But WWII, holocaust, slavery and racism (zero relevance) are implicitly and by some explicitly brought up as arguments.

Is the following still true for immigration applicants?

As of March 15, 2006, the application process was enhanced to include an examination to evaluate immigrants’ Dutch language comprehension. The test also gauges immigrants’ familiarity with Dutch culture and includes film footage of gay men kissing and of a bare-breasted women coming out of the sea. The goal of this film, according to then Justice Minister Rita Verdonk, is to inform newcomers about what they can expect when coming to the Netherlands and serves to emphasize how Dutch values as “a free society” might conflict with “the values of immigrants.”

That's some funny shit, right there. Very out-of-the-box thinking.
But it is true...if someone is offended by such things, then stay the hell out of the Netherlands
. :lol:
Thanks for keeping at least an open mind to research, (you found Muslims that spoke of living peacefully with non-Muslims)

But then why start this inflammatory thread? You're citing some fringe publication which is like an anti-Christian posting a thread laughing at The Watchtower. (Jehovah Witness publication)
Now you're taking two steps backwards.

I *think* the point you are making is that by pluralistic you mean that any religious group should follow the laws of the land they live in right? On face value I would agree with that statement I guess. For example, Christians who disagree with abortion or capital punishment must still live in a country where it's legal. Any bombing or killing of ppl associated with those groups would be against Christian beliefs.

Am I correct?

I read that some of the larger Muslim communities in other countries are not subject to that country's laws but police themselves. Is this exemption as cut and dried as it sounds? If yes, then THAT I would have a problem with (with ANY group). If you can't abide by the laws of the country you live in then don't live there.

Which reminds me of the case in my state where a Sikh boy was allowed to bring his dagger to school (middle school I think) b/c his beliefs dictated that all Sikh men must wear it, even though the school had expelled kids for far less according to the school's zero tolerance violence policy.

Why are your trying to stifle my speech? Inflammatory thread? I don't even know what means, except perhaps you are Canadian, where they have curtailed Speech. I am not taking sides. Do you think we are debating something?

Negative to your understanding of pluralism. We can have a country here, that is attacked by inner Jihad. Many think it already is in Dearborn, MI and other places. So, no. Plurality means you don't go into another country over hundreds of years and pretend to obey their laws. It mean you have Doctrine that allows other Faiths. If you don't have a Plural view, you are in a dangerous cult and cannot be allowed to form enclaves that have their own courts, like in France and England.

It is being pressurized over the next few generations to have it here in the USA. So, we fight a war cult, that promotes anti-blasphemy and other Sharia middle-ages madness. Many want it to be a religion of peace. But, the leadership of Sunni is not Peaceful.

Sh'ia and Dervish Islam, are much less crazy by the numbers. And they are not our enemies.
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Is the following still true for immigration applicants?

As of March 15, 2006, the application process was enhanced to include an examination to evaluate immigrants’ Dutch language comprehension. The test also gauges immigrants’ familiarity with Dutch culture and includes film footage of gay men kissing and of a bare-breasted women coming out of the sea. The goal of this film, according to then Justice Minister Rita Verdonk, is to inform newcomers about what they can expect when coming to the Netherlands and serves to emphasize how Dutch values as “a free society” might conflict with “the values of immigrants.”

That's some funny shit, right there. Very out-of-the-box thinking.
But it is true...if someone is offended by such things, then stay the hell out of the Netherlands
. :lol:

world domination knows no boundaries to jihad joe.
Why are your trying to stifle my speech? Inflammatory thread? I don't even know what means, except perhaps you are Canadian, where they have curtailed Speech. I am not taking sides. Do you think we are debating something?

Negative to your understanding pluralism. We can have a country here, there is attacked by inner Jihad. Many think it already is in Dearborn, MI and other places. So, no. Pluraity means you don't go into another country over hundreds of years and pretend to obey their laws. It mean you have Doctrine that allows other Faiths. If you don't have a Plural view, you are in a dangerous cult and cannot be allowed to form enclaves that have their own courts, like in France and England.

It is being pressurized over the next few generations to have it here in the USA. So, we fight a war cult, that promotes anti-blasphemy and other Sharia middle-ages madness. Many want it to be a religion of peace. But, the leadership o Sunni is not Peaceful.

Sh'ia and Dervish Islam, much more so. And they are not our enemies.

I'm not trying to stifle your speech. Post away if you want. I'm asking why bring up some fringe group rag as a representative of an entire people?

The rest of your comment I couldn't decipher. Who went into who's country over hundreds of years? The Muslims in Dearborn? And I thought I stated in my last post that it isn't okay for a group or individuals to expect to move somewhere else and NOT obey that region's laws. Sooooo what is your point exactly?
Is the following still true for immigration applicants?

As of March 15, 2006, the application process was enhanced to include an examination to evaluate immigrants’ Dutch language comprehension. The test also gauges immigrants’ familiarity with Dutch culture and includes film footage of gay men kissing and of a bare-breasted women coming out of the sea. The goal of this film, according to then Justice Minister Rita Verdonk, is to inform newcomers about what they can expect when coming to the Netherlands and serves to emphasize how Dutch values as “a free society” might conflict with “the values of immigrants.”

That's some funny shit, right there. Very out-of-the-box thinking.
But it is true...if someone is offended by such things, then stay the hell out of the Netherlands
. :lol:

Didn't know that or wasn't special enough to remember. Gay men kissing and topless women coming out of the sea are after all normal. Well, at least still in areas with relatively few muslims. Gay couples are fleeing out of neighborhoods because they get harassed daily by muslim kids with islam 'values'. Some beach areas aren't the safest place to run around half naked...

That was actually the start of moving to a more american immigration system, including ceremony where immigrants become dutch and supposedly feel proud about it. The test has to be taken in their home country nowadays (when possible, like when importing de-clitted wives) so I'm not so sure about the video of gay men kissing being shown in all those countries.

Rita Verdonk later split off from the liberal party to her own more-right party, didn't turn out very well. Statistically she did a good job when she was minister of immigration. Similar with Pim Fortuyn (intelligent gay man assassinated by a lefty, would have been our prime minister, now that would have been some funny shit) and Geert Wilders. The latter is a racist in any sense of the word, backed by jews, jewish wife too. Very anti-muslim. Exists and is popular solely because of the too left social-democrat labor parties that talk similar to UncleBuck. Polarizing and demonizing while closing their eyes for the truth. People got tired of that obvious fact around here, sure as hell doesn't solve anything.
I'm not trying to stifle your speech. Post away if you want. I'm asking why bring up some fringe group rag as a representative of an entire people?

The rest of your comment I couldn't decipher. Who went into who's country over hundreds of years? The Muslims in Dearborn? And I thought I stated in my last post that it isn't okay for a group or individuals to expect to move somewhere else and NOT obey that region's laws. Sooooo what is your point exactly?

Why in the world would your brain warp into this lying smear "representative of an entire people? " You are not thinking. I didn't say that. It is your racist nose int the air that said the Freudian slip. Muslims are not a People. It is suppose to be a Religion and you defend it as such. So, which is it? You are lost in the logic. That is the point. You are just race baiting.

The Muslim Enclave is not obeying the equal in the eyes of the laws in Dearborn but, your own political correctness, sways the Council in fear and has the cops turn a blind eye, while you apologize. This is the blueprint called Inner Jihad. That is my point exactly. Sooooooooo......

Even Buck is not so crass to say, Skinheads are representative of an entire people. They have their little fringe magazines and you seem self trolled, and don't get the inside, shoe gum we are speaking in.

Am I right about Canadian? :)
Didn't know that or wasn't special enough to remember. Gay men kissing and topless women coming out of the sea are after all normal. Well, at least still in areas with relatively few muslims. Gay couples are fleeing out of neighborhoods because they get harassed daily by muslim kids with islam 'values'. Some beach areas aren't the safest place to run around half naked...
Kids can be cruel...nowadays it seems to extend into their late teens.

Rita Verdonk later split off from the liberal party to her own more-right party, didn't turn out very well. Statistically she did a good job when she was minister of immigration. Similar with Pim Fortuyn (intelligent gay man assassinated by a lefty, would have been our prime minister, now that would have been some funny shit) and Geert Wilders. The latter is a racist in any sense of the word, backed by jews, jewish wife too. Very anti-muslim. Exists and is popular solely because of the too left social-democrat labor parties that talk similar to UncleBuck. Polarizing and demonizing while closing their eyes for the truth. People got tired of that obvious fact around here, sure as hell doesn't solve anything.
Yah I've seen Geert's name come up quite a bit along with the 'racist' aspect of his platform. He's also made the rounds on our Neo-liberal/Neo-Con news stations. However, I haven't seen/read much about him.
I was also just watching Machiel de Graaf's speech (same party as Wilders?) where he echoes some of the things you mentioned earlier. He certainly makes no bones about a 'solution': close all mosques.
It seems to me when the parliament is discussing these types of matters, it must be serious. I don't believe we've had this type of discussion in the Canadian House of Commons, even in the wake of the Ottawa shootout.
I hope we don't need to, either. But considering our PM is a Neo-Con lite, and is actively sending military contingents to battle those dipshits in Iraq/Syria, I wonder if it will come back to bite us...

Worse, they also influence the laws of the country, bit by bit, that's the democratic way after all. They don't always have to abide by the laws of the country either, because potato.. errr, because freedom of religion. It's not just about laws though. People nowadays take for granted how many people fought, bled, and died for western civilization, a result of jewish-christian society, and it's downright stupid to think islam fits in.

I thank god for being born in a jewish-christian society and I'm an atheist... that's how grateful I am. For me, and all women in this country, except for those from inbred religious christians (we got a few of those villages, they too are anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-black kind of like white muslims but less aggressive and fortunately a small minority.)

It's an accepted fact, across the political spectrum in Europe, that multiculturalism failed. And that's not because of the Russian or asian immigrants. It's not a mystery or secret why it failed, it's not doable if one culture's ideologies conflict so much with the rest. Islam is a rotten apple and the fact that's even under debate proves the intelligence of mankind peaked and idiocracy... Unfortunately people don't figure it out until it's too late. Which creates a shitload of misery for decades, if not longer.

Western civilization should stop building mosques, stop adjusting (more and more) to islam demands, But WWII, holocaust, slavery and racism (zero relevance) are implicitly and by some explicitly brought up as arguments.

I miss them too, the good old days after the war. Everything was much simpler back then. If someone was against anything non-white, it was the enemy. (Hence, my thanks to Hitler comment...). It's that simplistic line of thinking that stands actual solutions in the way. Obviously have to recognize the problem before being able to implement a solution. Underestimating the problem and crying racism (with the similar effect of crying wolf) only makes it worse.

If we still had as many jews in the Netherlands as we had before the war and WWII never happened... man, as we would have tolerated any of it back then. Now jews are literally fleeing neighborhoods in the Hague to Amsterdam and even Israel because of the increasing anti-semitism amongst the muslim population. Many of the orthodox moved to Antwerp (belgium) already cause it's just not safe here anymore. Guess what, bad guys can have a different skin-color than white too. Although the craziest fuckers are the white guys that turn islam.

let's see.

"multiculturalism has failed", "thank goodness for judeo christian society", "preserve western civilization", "get rid of mosques"...

yep. you sound exactly like kkkynes.
Why are your trying to stifle my speech? Inflammatory thread? I don't even know what means, except perhaps you are Canadian, where they have curtailed Speech. I am not taking sides. Do you think we are debating something?

Negative to your understanding of pluralism. We can have a country here, that is attacked by inner Jihad. Many think it already is in Dearborn, MI and other places. So, no. Plurality means you don't go into another country over hundreds of years and pretend to obey their laws. It mean you have Doctrine that allows other Faiths. If you don't have a Plural view, you are in a dangerous cult and cannot be allowed to form enclaves that have their own courts, like in France and England.

It is being pressurized over the next few generations to have it here in the USA. So, we fight a war cult, that promotes anti-blasphemy and other Sharia middle-ages madness. Many want it to be a religion of peace. But, the leadership of Sunni is not Peaceful.

Sh'ia and Dervish Islam, are much less crazy by the numbers. And they are not our enemies.

i guess freedom of religion means you get to kick gays and blacks out of your store and deny birth control to women but nothing else really.

does freedom of religion only apply to you vanilla-faces?
Didn't know that or wasn't special enough to remember. Gay men kissing and topless women coming out of the sea are after all normal. Well, at least still in areas with relatively few muslims. Gay couples are fleeing out of neighborhoods because they get harassed daily by muslim kids with islam 'values'. Some beach areas aren't the safest place to run around half naked...

That was actually the start of moving to a more american immigration system, including ceremony where immigrants become dutch and supposedly feel proud about it. The test has to be taken in their home country nowadays (when possible, like when importing de-clitted wives) so I'm not so sure about the video of gay men kissing being shown in all those countries.

Rita Verdonk later split off from the liberal party to her own more-right party, didn't turn out very well. Statistically she did a good job when she was minister of immigration. Similar with Pim Fortuyn (intelligent gay man assassinated by a lefty, would have been our prime minister, now that would have been some funny shit) and Geert Wilders. The latter is a racist in any sense of the word, backed by jews, jewish wife too. Very anti-muslim. Exists and is popular solely because of the too left social-democrat labor parties that talk similar to UncleBuck. Polarizing and demonizing while closing their eyes for the truth. People got tired of that obvious fact around here, sure as hell doesn't solve anything.

idiots like you are always babbling about "the truth" as if only you can divine it.

get over yourself, bigot.
Is the following still true for immigration applicants?

As of March 15, 2006, the application process was enhanced to include an examination to evaluate immigrants’ Dutch language comprehension. The test also gauges immigrants’ familiarity with Dutch culture and includes film footage of gay men kissing and of a bare-breasted women coming out of the sea. The goal of this film, according to then Justice Minister Rita Verdonk, is to inform newcomers about what they can expect when coming to the Netherlands and serves to emphasize how Dutch values as “a free society” might conflict with “the values of immigrants.”

That's some funny shit, right there. Very out-of-the-box thinking.
But it is true...if someone is offended by such things, then stay the hell out of the Netherlands
. :lol:

keep the netherlands dutch?

reminds me of a certain motto that one group had a while ago in our nation.


what is it with this pervasive anti-muslim shit among you pasty-faces lately?
Why in the world would your brain warp into this lying smear "representative of an entire people? "

Ok, excuse me, not a people a RELIGION. Fine.

. It is your racist nose int the air that said the Freudian slip

Freudian slip? What? saying race of people instead of religion?

You are just race baiting.

Race baiting WHO??!!! Muslims? the people on this thread? I'm totally confused.

The Muslim Enclave is not obeying the equal in the eyes of the laws in Dearborn but, your own political correctness, sways the Council in fear and has the cops turn a blind eye, while you apologize.

How would you know WHAT my political views are on Muslims in Dearborn? And If I would try and sway a city council to let a religious group self govern? I said in my earlier post that any group should have to follow the laws of the land without religious exemption or live somewhere else. Did you not see my comment on the Sikh kid with the knife? I thought I was clear.

Even Buck is not so crass to say, Skinheads are representative of an entire people. They have their little fringe magazines and you seem self trolled, and don't get the inside, shoe gum we are speaking in.

As I said before, my bad… didn't mean to imply all Middle Eastern people are Muslim or vice versa… I think you know I wasn't intentionally being crass.

Am I right about Canadian? :)

Nope. American born and raised. Why the smiley face? Do you typically add that after tearing someone a new asshole? I'm sorry for my apparent in articulation, but truthfully Doer, I don't understand most of your post I just parced out. Don't bother clarifying. I can see now that it is no use to try and understand each other.

After all, in your eyes I'm a
lost in logic,
self trolling
race baiter
…Oh but I have good abs though so….

WTF is shoe gum and all that crap in the last sentence?
Kids can be cruel...nowadays it seems to extend into their late teens.
Yeah just some uneducated kids as a result from bad parenting. That's what we were supposed to say and think too for a decade or so, it's just a small group of kids that make the rest look bad, saying anything else would result in the typical labeling and nonsense from people programmed to respond in a certain manner.

I was also just watching Machiel de Graaf's speech (same party as Wilders?)
Same party, total nutjobs. Most of the voters are the typical dumb racists, "stupid farmers" as we tend to call them.., but the ignorance of the left that ruled for decades is pushing more voters towards them. People that are fed up with the far left crying racisme as soon as someone points out the huge fucking dinosaur in the room. They are the largest in the polls though. Which means something different here with 15+ parties, no other party will give them an actual ruling majority, as in forming a cabinet in which they rule. If it were up to Wilders, he'd actually deport people. He's a populist with some hitler-like tendencies. We may need Canada again to liberate us again in a few decades, Wilders is making friends in Europe, even more extreme right parties he used to refuse to talk to.
let's see.

"multiculturalism has failed", "thank goodness for judeo christian society", "preserve western civilization", "get rid of mosques"...

yep. you sound exactly like kkkynes.

That's just too stupid and predictable... How could you understand anyway... everything is black and white to you. Reread my posts above and get a clue. You're not helping anything or anyone with raping the meaning of racism. And you're so barking up the wrong tree... yet call me an idiot.

Sometimes I wonder if that's exactly your goal, just cry racism long enough till people become deaf for it. Guess what, it's working, people have been doing it here for years.

You are enjoying the fruits of western civilization yet you don't want to preserve it? You really lost it haven't you...
And I didn't say get rid of mosques, I said stop building them. A typical example of how you operate. If I would have said stop muslim immigration you would have interpreted it as deporting muslims. So predictable.

It's that lumping together of anyone with criticism on islam under one label that gives power to people like Wilders (and rapes the label in the process). That phenomena is like the global warming issue here... common sense. It's what made matters only worse over the past decades, left asshats crying racism.