Blacks Patrolling neighborhoods with guns

Im here voluntarily. If I don't like it I can move
Don't like it here Rob?

You are combining two distinctly separate things.

"Here" is a place, earth, rocks, trees etc. I really like lots of PLACES in the USA.

The plantation system that you take as a given and accept, however is the other thing.

Also, because one plantation might treat their slaves better than another in some ways, doesn't mean the system is based in anything morally consistent or valid does it/
St. Genevieve
then Shubert
out to the burbs
Lake park west
then Marmion Military academy

And rather than dropping out you could of tried Lane Tech

I just did a google search. Harrison closed its doors as a high school in 1983. No great loss, it was a shit hole. Plamondon is still there, and looking at the photo albums on their web site,!albumREC_ID=75381&s=0, it looks similar to when I went there.

I couldn't go to Lane Tech. I wasn't zoned for it. There was a different tech high school on the south side of Chicago they wanted me to go to, Lindblom. It was as much a shit hole as Harrison.
I just did a google search. Harrison closed its doors as a high school in 1983. No great loss, it was a shit hole. Plamondon is still there, and looking at the photo albums on their web site,!albumREC_ID=75381&s=0, it looks similar to when I went there.

I couldn't go to Lane Tech. I wasn't zoned for it. There was a different tech high school on the south side of Chicago they wanted me to go to, Lindblom. It was as much a shit hole as Harrison.
Sox Fan?
Not really into any sports but I lived close to Comiskey field and I even attended a few games there. Oddly, my mother was a big baseball fan and often watched baseball games on TV, the Sox and Cubs in particular.
Just asking. Because your on the south side
I grew up on the north side so by default I was a cubs fan
I am a product of the Chicago Public Schools. I learned the basics of reading and writing and arithmetic in elementary school, and became skilled by reading and writing and cyphering.

There is almost no need to visit the library anymore because of the internet, though some still use it.
You can read different newspapers that you would have to pay a subscription online for...same for magazines. Lets not speak about all the books. You must not have children. One day when you have nothing to do,, go visit your library. You might be in for a surprise.
Just asking. Because your on the south side
I grew up on the north side so by default I was a cubs fan

Yeah, I know. Lots of people who grew up with me are baseball fans, Sox naturally, and they have grudgingly become Cubs fans because that is what is on TV.
i guarantee you've been paid with that stolen money at some point in your life, making you an accomplice.

Thank you for acknowledging the theft. That's unusual of you to make an admission like that without some idiotic and irrelevant side comment.

I guarantee any crimes I've committed were not as shitty as what you did that time you polished the floor with fecal wax.
You can read different newspapers that you would have to pay a subscription online for...same for magazines. Lets not speak about all the books. You must not have children. One day when you have nothing to do,, go visit your library. You might be in for a surprise.

Oh, I have visited my public library so I know what is available. I used to go to Chicago's main public library with my mother when I was just a wee tyke. It was a magnificent, grand place. I grew up reading.

My point about the internet is that a google search will do in milliseconds what used to take hours in a library. I think printed books might be an amusement to kids in 100 years, sort of like 8 track tape players are to kids now days. Heck, kids can barely write long-hand these days but they can all type 90 words a minute.
Yeah, I know. Lots of people who grew up with me are baseball fans, Sox naturally, and they have grudgingly become Cubs fans because that is what is on TV.
Funny you should mention that.
Because we had more black hawk fans in our neighborhood than baseball fans. And the reason for that was. They used to televise the games on tv
do you even like roads ?

Is this the part where you claim that without a coercive funding mechanism roads couldn't exist and then I point out how they could and then you run from your original statement like you did on your government not being based in force statement?

I like my road, I built most of it myself.

Do you like the idea that people are jailed for a plant or killed for simply being in a place where your government decides to drop a bomb? Do you like being forced to pay for all that? If you're NOT forced, why do you pay for that?
Is this the part where you claim that without a coercive funding mechanism roads couldn't exist and then I point out how they could and then you run from your original statement like you did on your government not being based in force statement?

I like my road, I built most of it myself.

Do you like the idea that people are jailed for a plant or killed for simply being in a place where your government decides to drop a bomb? Do you like being forced to pay for all that? If you're NOT forced, why do you pay for that?
a driveway is not a road
Oh, I have visited my public library so I know what is available. I used to go to Chicago's main public library with my mother when I was just a wee tyke. It was a magnificent, grand place. I grew up reading.

My point about the internet is that a google search will do in milliseconds what used to take hours in a library. I think printed books might be an amusement to kids in 100 years, sort of like 8 track tape players are to kids now days. Heck, kids can barely write long-hand these days but they can all type 90 words a minute.
Nothing takes the place of a good book.
Is this the part where you claim that without a coercive funding mechanism roads couldn't exist and then I point out how they could and then you run from your original statement like you did on your government not being based in force statement?

I like my road, I built most of it myself.

Do you like the idea that people are jailed for a plant or killed for simply being in a place where your government decides to drop a bomb? Do you like being forced to pay for all that? If you're NOT forced, why do you pay for that?
You are really becoming a joke now. What about any bridges you crossed. You build those too ?
a driveway is not a road

I didn't say or mean driveway. I have a private road, that I maintain or it doesn't happen.

Roads are useful and I would happily pay to use roads I don't own if that can be unbound from things I do not endorse and don't use. Like the DEA, the bombs for babies and many other heinous things.

In any kind of a free society that unbinding would occur. In your beloved government, they combine goods and services with bads and disservices and you have no way to unbind them do you slave? How do you feel about being part of killing innocent and real people? I am horrified by those things.

Oh look there's a circus and they're throwing bread into the crowd!
I didn't say or mean driveway. I have a private road, that I maintain or it doesn't happen.

Roads are useful and I would happily pay to use roads I don't own if that can be unbound from things I do not endorse and don't use. Like the DEA, the bombs for babies and many other heinous things.

In any kind of a free society that unbinding would occur. In your beloved government, they combine goods and services with bads and disservices and you have no way to unbind them do you slave? How do you feel about being part of killing innocent and real people? I am horrified by those things.

Oh look there's a circus and they're throwing bread into the crowd!
If it is a private road it is on your private property essentially a driveway