Do you regulars in Politics actually even smoke weed?

A local brewery makes a Hefeweizen that smells magnificently of cannabis, the hops is just exploding out of the glass. Nice flowery crisp flavor nothing overpowering, a perfect wheat beer.

I want to take that and add cannabis now. You sir have motivated me into trying something new.
I would actually not use this type for your experiment. Wheat beers are more of a light less bitter flavor and less hopped. Usually only about 1-2 oz of hops, but I would most certainly add some orange peel or coriander. Makes for the most refreshing spring/summer time drink.
I would actually not use this type for your experiment. Wheat beers are more of a light less bitter flavor and less hopped. Usually only about 1-2 oz of hops, but I would most certainly add some orange peel or coriander. Makes for the most refreshing spring/summer time drink.

IMO, a Pilsner is best for summer because they are so incredibly light bodied. Anything with orange peel or coriander in it screams Belgian to me.. best for a winter brew.

I started extract brewing, but my hobby lead me to all-grain which makes a much better product. IMO

I started with partial grain. All grain is the way to go, especially when it comes to color. When I made the switch I was used to a soft boil for hops. One brew day, a German Brewmaster noticed I was soft boiling a full grain batch and corrected me. "Zoo need uh more vigorous boil for all grain!"

And he was right. Good times.

Whats your favorite style? Like most homebrewers, it didn't take long for me to become a hop head. IPA FTW!

Edit: btw, you should consider tossing a 1/4lb of wheat in your recipe for head retention. I always do.
Whats your favorite style? Like most homebrewers, it didn't take long for me to become a hop head. IPA FTW!

Edit: btw, you should consider tossing a 1/4lb of wheat in your recipe for head retention. I always do.
I'm going to remember that 1/4lb wheat.
My favorite style would be stout of those it would be oatmeal or sweet style. I do enjoy a nice lager too, but not that American shit.
I'm going to remember that 1/4lb wheat.
My favorite style would be stout of those it would be oatmeal or sweet style. I do enjoy a nice lager too, but not that American shit.

Good Stouts are hard to find. Definitely a holy grail for homebrewers. I love a really complex Stout.

Couldn't agree more with you on American Lagers. They are few and far between when it comes to anything decent. Americans know jack shit about beer. I can't stand the whole "Ice cold beer" campaign that Budweiser has. The colder a beer is, the less you taste it. And they know it. If you can't stomach a beer at 52F (the proper temp), then it's a shitty beer.
Good Stouts are hard to find. Definitely a holy grail for homebrewers. I love a really complex Stout.

Couldn't agree more with you on American Lagers. They are few and far between when it comes to anything decent. Americans know jack shit about beer. I can't stand the whole "Ice cold beer" campaign that Budweiser has. The colder a beer is, the less you taste it. And they know it. If you can't stomach a beer at 52F (the proper temp), then it's a shitty beer.
and that is why you make your own :D
I do enjoy an nice cold beer. its just that Budweiser and shit like it have no fucking taste. You taste more carbonation then anything else. Most American beers strive for that Pilsner taste but fail. Now a dark or even a bock, those gives you taste of a real lager. Hell even a nice amber is better then the lights. IMO
and that is why you make your own :D
I do enjoy an nice cold beer. its just that Budweiser and shit like it have no fucking taste. You taste more carbonation then anything else. Most American beers strive for that Pilsner taste but fail. Now a dark or even a bock, those gives you taste of a real lager. Hell even a nice amber is better then the lights. IMO

Amen to that.

I enjoy a cold beer, too. But if you really want the flavor, you gotta let it warm up a bit. If you do that with a bud, it tastes like vomit.
Yes i do. Thanks for asking. Like i was saying john jones got that super strenght from his ready rock preperations just before the fight. That should b considered a form of PED.
and that is why you make your own :D
I do enjoy an nice cold beer. its just that Budweiser and shit like it have no fucking taste. You taste more carbonation then anything else. Most American beers strive for that Pilsner taste but fail. Now a dark or even a bock, those gives you taste of a real lager. Hell even a nice amber is better then the lights. IMO
Yep, American beers have no taste. My brother was here over X-Mas and left some Coors light in my fridge, it will still be there the next time he visits this summer. I would rather drink water than that skunk urine.
As far as Pilsners go, I do enjoy Beck's St Pauli Girl lager from a flute glass. I think all beers (except mass US ones) taste better when poured into a glass of the correct shape and allowed to develop a head.
No worries. I wasn't asking to be an asshole. It was a serious question. I partake, but only for pain mgmtn, relaxation, and recreation. When I am baked I don't think I'd EVER wade over here.
No, I couldn't even hold a thought long enough to try and post anything coherent in this forum. (yes, go ahead…airhead jokes welcome as I know I just walked right into that one)
You sound like me, in that I also smoke for all the reasons you mentioned (soul mate?) I also like it in that when I smoke Really Good Herb, I can close my eyes while popping my significant other ( my worn out hag wife), and dream of Angela, or anybody else for that matter. It makes being married tolerable.