Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Your back peddling to childish behavior is the most amusing thing about the shit that you say. But the actual content will make your IQ level drop if your not careful.
Oh really? You've done strain reviews? Posted pictures of grows? Help identify problems?

Wow, you are a tad delusional on top of being stupid. Any chance you ate paint chips as a child?
I have done all of theses things. The first problem I identified was you and your boyfriend chuck estevez ranting about how you shouldn't flush.
I got a great idea... Why don't you take all this talk about flushing, posting dumb ass pics, and insulting eachother to the harvesting and curing section and quit with all this bullshit back and forth that nobody here gives a shit about. Just a thought and a reminder that this thread is to discuss gage green genetics. Just a thought. Happy Friday.
I got a great idea... Why don't you take all this talk about flushing, posting dumb ass pics, and insulting eachother to the harvesting and curing section and quit with all this bullshit back and forth that nobody here gives a shit about. Just a thought and a reminder that this thread is to discuss gage green genetics. Just a thought. Happy Friday.

Not the worst idea. Sorry was just having a little fun. I'd enjoy the regularly scheduled program. That's why I stop by in the first place.
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