NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

Yesterday, I talked with a MUFON Field Investigator.

This woman that I talked to from MUFON said that the being that I saw could have been military or an alien, she doesn't know.

She also said that the government is working on invisibility technology.


Lol! For those that can't make it into the TSA or McDonalds, there's MUFON. MUFON - The Black Hole of Intellectual Activity...
why do you need an injection, do you normally forget/refuse daily oral medication ?

No, its a long story but I will try and explain:

In the year 2012, I went to a mental hospital, and a few days before I left said mental hospital, I got a flu shot. That flu shot made Me sick, and because I was paranoid I would make other people sick if I went to see My psychaitrist, I didn't go see My psychaitrist to get My refills on My medications. I was smoking herb back then, and I guess I was paranoid that I was going to make other people sick too. So, I didn't get My refill on My medication, but I had extra k-pins, so I was taking extra anxiety meds.

To make a long story short, I got sent to the same mental hospital again a couple of months later: and because I wasn't taking My medication as prescribed, I believe thats why My doctor put Me on haldol injections?

I don't have a problem getting a shot once every three weeks, its not a big deal to Me. I would rather get the shot than relapse and feel uncomfortable in My skin.

I am now trying to wean off of the haldol, but I am very slowly decreasing the injected dose, as prescribed by My psychairtrist. I have never been diagnosed with schizophrenia, so I don't know why they put Me on that medication in the first place: but I used to be psychotic. I have been diagnosed with bipolar since the year 2008, but I don't believe I am bipolar, because I don't get manic depressive. But, for the first 4 years that I was diagnosed with bipolar, I was smoking marijuana, and the cannabis would make Me manic, and I was also very depressed.

So, I believe the marijuana induced the bipolar side of Me, and I believe I was wrongly diagnosed. If anything, I have PTSD and social anxiety from trama when I was a child: if I had to diagnose Myself. But, I could see how the doctors would diagnose Me with bipolar while I was stoned all the time, claiming to be Jesus, and the Prophet, etc..

So, I believe that because I used to be psychotic- stoned on marijuana, and because I stopped taking My medication for about a month, I believe thats why I was prescribed haldol injection.

No, its a long story but I will try and explain:

In the year 2012, I went to a mental hospital, and a few days before I left said mental hospital, I got a flu shot. That flu shot made Me sick, and because I was paranoid I would make other people sick if I went to see My psychaitrist, I didn't go see My psychaitrist to get My refills on My medications. I was smoking herb back then, and I guess I was paranoid that I was going to make other people sick too. So, I didn't get My refill on My medication, but I had extra k-pins, so I was taking extra anxiety meds.

To make a long story short, I got sent to the same mental hospital again a couple of months later: and because I wasn't taking My medication as prescribed, I believe thats why My doctor put Me on haldol injections?

I don't have a problem getting a shot once every three weeks, its not a big deal to Me. I would rather get the shot than relapse and feel uncomfortable in My skin.

I am now trying to wean off of the haldol, but I am very slowly decreasing the injected dose, as prescribed by My psychairtrist. I have never been diagnosed with schizophrenia, so I don't know why they put Me on that medication in the first place: but I used to be psychotic. I have been diagnosed with bipolar since the year 2008, but I don't believe I am bipolar, because I don't get manic depressive. But, for the first 4 years that I was diagnosed with bipolar, I was smoking marijuana, and the cannabis would make Me manic, and I was also very depressed.

So, I believe the marijuana induced the bipolar side of Me, and I believe I was wrongly diagnosed. If anything, I have PTSD and social anxiety from trama when I was a child: if I had to diagnose Myself. But, I could see how the doctors would diagnose Me with bipolar while I was stoned all the time, claiming to be Jesus, and the Prophet, etc..

So, I believe that because I used to be psychotic- stoned on marijuana, and because I stopped taking My medication for about a month, I believe thats why I was prescribed haldol injection.

Wasnt that the same year that u saw this harry aliendownloadfile-1.jpegdownloadfile-1.jpeg
Wasnt that the same year that u saw this harry alienView attachment 3327651View attachment 3327651

It was the year 2012 that I saw that translucent being, but I wasn't looking in the mirror at Myself: I was looking out of a window to My neighbors roof.

Pretty much, since the year 2008, I have been going to a mental hospital at least once per year. The first few times I went to a mental hospital, it was because I was telling My family (a lot) that I am "Jesus", and they got sick of hearing it, and sent Me to a mental hospital to help with My delusion, or whatever.

But, the last few times I went to the mental hospital, it was because I wanted to take a vacation, and no one forced Me to go. All you have to do is say that you are "suicidal", and you can take a vacation for a few weeks.

I am not sure if I am going to take a vacation to the mental hospital this winter, but I might. The mental hospital isn't that bad: you get good food 3 times a day, plus snack time in between meals: there are usually good people to converse with: you can sleep all morning, and take as many naps as you want: the staff basically wait on you all day long, and they are usually cool too: its like a vacation to Me.

I have had sex a few times at the mental hospital, and I got blow jobs at a mental hospital: not to mention that I fingered a girl, and felt up another girl. Its not that bad.

I always make a lot of cool friends when I go to the mental hospital, and some of the food is great.

developing mental disorder

i think it has gone past the developing stage with George having monthly injections of antipsychotic drugs

the men in black image is quite appropriate if George gets out of hand ... they can zap him with ECT !

Yehaa. I guess i know what ur implying but he could be in the low end of it all too but yhea i know..:-?

I used to get a 100mg injection, and I am 6 foot 1 inch at 220 pounds or so. 100mg is about the normal dose for an injection, depending on how much you weigh.

Now, I am getting 75mg injection of haldol, every 3 weeks, so I am trying to wean off of the medication, but it has to be a slow process.

I would rather get a shot, compared to taking a pill every night, and I'm sure that would be worse on My liver.

I wish I could get a shot for My sleeping pill- melatonin, but it doesn't work that way, because you need to take melatonin before you go to bed.

But, just because I need to take medication, it doesn't make Me a bad person or stupid. It just means that I had a chemical imbalace, and its probably because I was psychotic from smoking too much marijuana. I could almost guarantee that everyone in the USA knows someone that takes medication, for whatever reason.

I am not alone... I bet some of the people reading this thread is on medication, even if they are self medicating on marijuana.

But, just because I need to take medication, it doesn't make Me a bad person or stupid. It just means that I had a chemical imbalace, and its probably because I was psychotic from smoking too much marijuana. I could almost guarantee that everyone in the USA knows someone that takes medication, for whatever reason.

Of course your chemical imbalance doesn't make you bad or stupid, but it does skew your perception and view of reality. If I had a known chemical imbalance, I would take that into account when assessing reality. Instead of thinking extraordinary or supernatural things were consistently happening to me, I may take a step back and admit to myself that it may be my chemical imbalance that is bending my perception, and that these things are probably not occurring in reality...
Of course your chemical imbalance doesn't make you bad or stupid, but it does skew your perception and view of reality. If I had a known chemical imbalance, I would take that into account when assessing reality. Instead of thinking extraordinary or supernatural things were consistently happening to me, I may take a step back and admit to myself that it may be my chemical imbalance that is bending my perception, and that these things are probably not occurring in reality...

Wow! Bro thats harsh!o_O
Of course your chemical imbalance doesn't make you bad or stupid, but it does skew your perception and view of reality. If I had a known chemical imbalance, I would take that into account when assessing reality. Instead of thinking extraordinary or supernatural things were consistently happening to me, I may take a step back and admit to myself that it may be my chemical imbalance that is bending my perception, and that these things are probably not occurring in reality...

i think in the moment , it is not always possible for some people to distinguish reality , they believe what their senses are telling them, which could be auditory /visual hallucinations
paranoid thinking etc,
its possible to lesson the effects of this with some kind of "thought control" but i know during relapses many of these folks have no way of knowing reality from hallucinations
Wow! Bro thats harsh!o_O

Nah, I was just being honest. No malice intended in that particular post...

i think in the moment , it is not always possible for some people to distinguish reality , they believe what their senses are telling them, which could be auditory /visual hallucinations
paranoid thinking etc,
its possible to lesson the effects of this with some kind of "thought control" but i know during relapses many of these folks have no way of knowing reality from hallucinations

You're right, of course. I've had friends and relatives with mental illness, and most of the time they are stuck in their delusions. But they have stretches of lucidity where they can be more objective and see the difference between reality and their skewed perception of it. I'm hoping to appeal to George when he is one of these lucid states. I have no way of knowing when those may pop up, so I just keep plugging away in hopes that I'll eventually get lucky ;)

When am I not in a "lucid state"?

I have learned from you, Tyler, even though sometimes you act cantankerous towards Me, but I take heed none the less.

You are more astute in science and logic compared to Me, but you don't know everything.

I have learned from you not to call that being I saw as an alien, because it also could have been some very advanced terrestrial technology.

But, regardless what I saw, I saw something very vivid that was alien-like. You did not see what I saw, so you can only use your best discernment from what I type, or what I said in My videos of Myself.

I would be skeptical also, if I didn't see that being for Myself, with My own two eyes. Of course I believed in aliens before I saw that being, but I never ever imagined that I would witness a translucent alien-like being on My neighbors roof. I did not prepare for My encounter, otherwise, I would have made sure I had a video camera, so I could have evidence, and share My encounter.

But they have stretches of lucidity where they can be more objective and see the difference between reality and their skewed perception of it. I'm hoping to appeal to George when he is one of these lucid states. I have no way of knowing when those may pop up, so I just keep plugging away in hopes that I'll eventually get lucky ;)

yeh that's spot on, ^^ they have two worlds / realities .. both seem equally real when they occur
i knew a woman that had this thing about stick insects she was diagnosed with bi-polar rather than schizophrenia
she would on occasion have bad relapses with hallucinations
she drove her car into a tree and attacked someone who tried to help her because she believed at the time they were "stick insects" trying to attack her
^^^When am I not in a "lucid state"?

George your revelation about your monthly injections and subsequent mental illness ..

it is perfectly reasonable to assume sometimes reality could be distorted and your ability to think rationally could be impaired due to this altered reality you are living in (to you it seems normal)
I thought you were an alien George?

Yes, I am an alien...

I would be considered an alien if I went to a foreign country.

I would be considered an alien compared to an extraterrestrial race.

Other than those couple of things, I am a 100% human terrestrial.

Alien also means foreigner.
