Gage Green Group Info Thread

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This again is just a minor discrepancy in your argument with applepoop.
I wonder why nothing gets done sometimes then I get into a debate and I see why we are still stuck with 20th century practices. Is there even an insight to future progression or just arguments about what we did wrong. I love a good banter and intellectual casual debate but we all agree and know the same thing. It has it's place but not in things that require action based on facts. Like eliminated poisons from our food and medicine. But time will tell. Please for the love of all the marijuana users out there, anyone that reads this you must flush your plants. If you do not then you are taking an unnecessary risk with your health and the health of anyone that uses your products. I careless what you think you know. It is not about ego. We are exposed to enough radiation,chemicals,pollution,poisons,toxins,germs,diseases,viruses and pathogens than ever before because of over population of the planet. But that doesn't mean we should stop trying to keep ourselves healthy. Again flush your weed, if you never did it try it and you will probably love it.When your plants turn colors and get super funky smells because they developed fully and had autumn season conditions with the end life cycle of the plant,cold weather and soil levels depleted so it has to force out more frosty trichomes to protect itself from this stress. Flush and fully enjoy your reward of all your months of laboring over your plants. Wen your plants are done then flush. This way you always go that extra week you didn't think you needed. Bam you are set for the best weed of your life! Flush it good, with pure water in my opinion. So will you flush please?
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I've flushed. It's silly and doesn't do shit unless you are fixing a mistake.

Everything is a poison, it's simply dose dependent. And agriculture has evolved so much in just a 100 years. In fact, part of GMO technology has even saved potential crops like papaya from being eradicated by fungi. Agriculture studies and advancements are the only reason we can continue to support the world's population.
I'm really not a breeder and have crossed a few strains, some by accident and some on purpose. Even though I am not a breeder I think if you buy a seed from a company like GGG and you get a male you should flower it out when it's pretty small just to find out if it is the plant you were looking for. It will have pollen you can collect and hopefully viable seeds you can grow then you find the female seed from that batch to be closer to that phenotype you desire. Is it possible you people throw away your males thinking the females are the only keepers? Most likely. I think basic knowledge is overlooked in this strain race. This is all just what works for me if I am searching for my keeper strains. So if I get a male mendo montage f2 you think I will kill it? No. It might be the one out the pack that is the keeper!
I've flushed. It's silly and doesn't do shit unless you are fixing a mistake.

Everything is a poison, it's simply dose dependent. And agriculture has evolved so much in just a 100 years. In fact, part of GMO technology has even saved potential crops like papaya from being eradicated by fungi. Agriculture studies and advancements are the only reason we can continue to support the world's population.
GMO can actually be good, I hate to say it. That is my opinion and the opinion of a lot of people that have a lot more knowledge about that topic. Now if you say Monsanto then I might get worried.So I agree with you there. But you are a fail at growing if your plants can't handle a flush. Do whatever you want. Darwinism at it's best if it does kill you. I guess we don't need people that think or act like you.
Yet another person who uses the term darwinism wrong.

I'm not a fan of Monsanto, I don't like the idea of genes being patented, farmers being forced to pay them what amounts to extortion if Monsanto genes are in their crops. I'm also not a fan of using pesticides simply for the fact they can, not because they need to.

But keep flushing, a great waste of water.
Yet another person who uses the term darwinism wrong.

I'm not a fan of Monsanto, I don't like the idea of genes being patented, farmers being forced to pay them what amounts to extortion if Monsanto genes are in their crops. I'm also not a fan of using pesticides simply for the fact they can, not because they need to.

But keep flushing, a great waste of water.
Weeding out the unnecessary species characteristics like stupidity in a gene pool is what I thought. I think will will all evolve a lot better as a species without people like you and your negative impact and outlook. Hence my use of the terminology. Fuck you and telling me I waste water when you use R/O. I use the water for a sensible purpose you asshole. You need to shut the fuck up.
Weeding out the unnecessary species characteristics like stupidity in a gene pool is what I thought. I think will will all evolve a lot better as a species without people like you and your negative impact and outlook. Hence my use of the terminology. Fuck you and telling me I waste water when you use R/O. I use the water for a sensible purpose you asshole. You need to shut the fuck up.

I've yet to call you a name, but you are a fucking moron. I don't use RO water. My outlook isn't negative, I'm not naive and willfully ignorant, also known as being a dumbass like yourself.

Yet you still don't get what Darwin was talking about.

I can certainly be an asshole, no doubt. I'd rather be an asshole at times than a moron. Then again I hear ignorance is bliss.

This is a GGG forum and they promote flushing. If you disagree GTFO.

Been here longer than you, and I'm not going anywhere.
I've yet to call you a name, but you are a fuckinge moron. I don't use RO water. My outlook isn't negative, I'm not naive and willfully ignorant, also known as being a dumbass like yourself.

Yet you still don't get what Darwin was talking about.

I cam certainly be an asshole, no doubt. I'd rather be an asshole at times than a moron. Then again I hear ignorance is bliss.

Been here longer than you, and I'm not going anywhere.
You will be here long after I am gone. You will be smoking unflushed weed. You can hide behind your name calling by saying it in a round about way, that is a pussy if you ask me. Does the way I said that sound familiar? Anyway either I hold my tongue or say what I got to say. You on the other hand give people shitty information like it's gospel. Go fly a kite. Was that a nicer way of telling you to fuck off? Millions of years from now people like you won't exist according to Darwinism. I sincerely hope we evolve as a species to not have egos that make us blind to reality.
You are a doss cunt. You have a wrong understanding of Darwin's work, you think flushing makes a difference (it's the dry and cure), and you can't even attribute correct posts to me.

I'll fly a kite, you can go pound sand.
I think cannabis and evolution are very closely linked. They did a study on rats where they removed cannabis receptors in the brain and let them swim in a tank of water with a clear glass submerged platform in one corner. They put rats with the receptors removed and rats with the receptors still in the brain. When the rats all swam around and found the platform 100% of the rats survived. Then they moved the platform,sent all the rats back in and they all swam back to where the platform was originally and it wasn't there. The rats with cannabis receptors swam around there for a minute then decided to swim somewhere else to try to survive and they found the new location of the platform. The rats without cannabis receptors swam in the same spot until they got tired and drowned. Even if you take the rats to the new platform they swim back to the old platform and die. Does cannabis have anything to do with brain function and creative reaction and thought process? People without theses receptors activated in their brains function on a basis of fear and are locked into that fear and primal function of the lower brain to fight, flight or freeze. But the cerebral part of the brain or cerebrum or the upper brain allows more realistic cognitive critical thinking and this is accessed by the middle brain, I believe the cerebellum, that has the cannabinoid receptors. This signals you to be more open minded. That may sound cliche but it is just the reality and no other way to put it. I think you have a blockage in your receptors from all the chemicals you smoke if you are that closed minded and really think that you don't have to flush. Keep using you brain stem there tonightyou, I on the other hand will focus on my cerebrum and continue to flush my plants.
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