how do you party,if youve partied for 15 years straight?


Well-Known Member
Yea,I smoked with chong at the WHEE3 fest there..
Back when shit was off the chain,I went there,and at the main cross roads of the camp,on the corner,Fats was holding a ten-pack (maybe more)of dancing condoms in plain sight,pitching loudly "whatever you want,I got it..if I don't,MY BOY DOES!!"..
I drank a big gulp cup of shroom tea as I left that was right after Woodstock 2...
Long time ago..I partied there so much,we have a special hotel room at a local mom and pop hotel...
Great venue,sound,staff,dead played there,didn't know the jubilee had moved tho..
GET A BAG OF DUMPSTER. I promise you there will be no disappointment.
The quarry is cooler imo/e..your kids would love it..
You'll do great with your glass too..btw,p.m. me,I wanna commission you to blow a bong for my buddy's up front too.:-D

Maybe I'll go too...


Well-Known Member

going to this in the spring. High hopes of Lockn' too, although that is way furthur and my kids are now old enough to be jealous of us when we go.
And,if this is that venue where 70 runs beside it(I think that's the interstate) ive been to see dso there...awesome place..they let you fish the pond,or did when I went there..
Solidified,im there.
thanks! A BUNCH!


Staff member
Who says he isnt enjoying life ? You ?

From his posts i see in HS it seems to me like he enjoys the shit out of life , instead of plopping his ass in front of the tv or computer for entertainment like most people he grabs life by the balls & likes to trip balls .

Even if he does require drugs to enjoy life does that make him less a person than you are because you chose to abstain , you obviously smoke & grow pot which is a drug many many people deem as a wasted life , how is your drug use any different than his just because you chose not to use daily .

Some guys can handle their drugs while others cant , then another group preaches to both groups , all hypocrites .
this post shouldnt be taken into offense because i like the hs guys and gals
but theres a huge difference between hard drugs and weed...
just saying

hope you had a good birthday tho dude


Well-Known Member
Yes, hard drugs are much more likely to fuck up someone's life than cannabis. However the psychedelics are pretty much the next tier of safety.


Staff member
Yes, hard drugs are much more likely to fuck up someone's life than cannabis. However the psychedelics are pretty much the next tier of safety.
debatable i suppose..they are definitely not meant for someone with any mental health problems.

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
im 36 today.
ive never had a birthday party ever..ive never considered it since,well,lifes a party imo.
so,how shall i celebrate?
ive got 40hits of needlepoint,15hits of amber,2cb,dmt,mushrooms,quaaludes,mdma,mda,ketamine,moonshine,bho,honey oil,and pounds of dank..
any suggestions?(trolls keep your brokeback fantasies to yourself..)..
im really at a loss every year how to celebrate...and no this isnt a pity party:-)..i just never consider how ill celebrate...
Very carefully since i think ur liver is on its last leg


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've got all the party favors........I'm extremely jealous.........have a great time..... You're certainly well on your way.....there's no party like the one you throw for your self....hold some money back for bail
You'll need it !!!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've got all the party favors........I'm extremely jealous.........have a great time..... You're certainly well on your way.....there's no party like the one you throw for your self....hold some money back for bail
You'll need it !!!
Yea,party was over in October this point im planning the next one :-D


Well-Known Member
Very carefully since i think ur liver is on its last leg
Lol,my liver cant stand,legs are useless..:-D

Only liver danger in that list is ketamine,and moonshine...haven't drank in almost a year,and the line of k that shuts down your liver,you won't be able to reach! (One of the beauties of ketamine,self regulatory buzz..too much,and you're UNABLE to do more:-D)
Thanks for the concern tho,ill save you a nervous breakdown by not telling you what I consumed since then,or on NYE ;-)


Well-Known Member
debatable i suppose..they are definitely not meant for someone with any mental health problems.
Pretty much any metric of harm has psychedelics well below most other drugs of abuse. Hell the dependence liability is higher for cannabis than for most psychedelics.
Psychedelics have also shown tremendous promise assisting psychotherapy for a number of disorders.


Staff member
Pretty much any metric of harm has psychedelics well below most other drugs of abuse. Hell the dependence liability is higher for cannabis than for most psychedelics.
Psychedelics have also shown tremendous promise assisting psychotherapy for a number of disorders.
in what 1947? :p


Well-Known Member
"mental health problems" is such a broad phrase. everybody is a little different with different problems. sometimes a psychedelic could be the cure, sometimes it could make things worse.... It's on an individual basis. Plus, each psychedelic drug is different and can be used for different purposes.


Staff member
"mental health problems" is such a broad phrase. everybody is a little different with different problems. sometimes a psychedelic could be the cure, sometimes it could make things worse.... It's on an individual basis. Plus, each psychedelic drug is different and can be used for different purposes.
i used that because mental illness is technically not the correct term anymore.


Well-Known Member
in what 1947? :p
...why people still think youll grow gills if you eat lsd,or become a glass of Orange juice in your head..
Sunni,of all people here I would have expected YOU to have thrown out general consensus on this subject and find facts...I mean,you work in a library for peats sake!
But,I have found study usually never changes preconceived notions fully,even with facts on paper in front of you..especially if you have zero interest in the subject studied.
I'd read up,just vaguely,on this..Might help in conversation one day should the topic change to psychedelics,or mental health,or history...


Staff member
...why people still think youll grow gills if you eat lsd,or become a glass of Orange juice in your head..
Sunni,of all people here I would have expected YOU to have thrown out general consensus on this subject and find facts...I mean,you work in a library for peats sake!
But,I have found study usually never changes preconceived notions fully,even with facts on paper in front of you..especially if you have zero interest in the subject studied.
I'd read up,just vaguely,on this..Might help in conversation one day should the topic change to psychedelics,or mental health,or history...
i definitely dont think you will grow gills or become a glass of orange juice
i actually used to part take in many drugs , and it was a huge interest in my life, i also study heavily on mental illness ,addictions and substance abuse
i would say im probably quite informed on the subject.
not that you would know because i post very little about my actual life on here
and i continue to state that psychedelics and mental illnesses dont mix.