#TERPINATOR Zedd Irish Rolex Wisdom Hydro and Ghetto etc I wrote an article for a magazine regards the terpene experiment I did last year. My writings a bit crap but you might like it. I mised the first few paragraphs out cos it were like reading a bible!
The decision was to try and mirror a typical plants terp contents blending D3C myc limo Cary etc with coconut fat 100/1 to emulsify the oils, as POB#20 is food grade I reckoned on it been right. My main reasons for trying it out were the Big Bud strain was fuckin rubbish! I flowered it twice and both times produced huge massive yields, minimal odour but average - low potency smoke, so I fucked it off. I have read lots about the Myc in Mango juice being drunk before a smoke, apparently helping the stone and people vaping terps before a joint etc
Personally I fucking hate terpenes, bear in mind I work in a lab full of the cunts... but there had to be something in this theory worth pursuing... So I decided to flower the mother plant but try 'pseudo' upping the poor high (no doubt due to low low THC levels in her) using the terps. The previous crop was 50% amber which seemed to be best and did get a few peeps asking for more... but the gear in general wasn't great... so on with the testing!
My Big Bud mother was in 60 litres of coco/pebbles.under a single 600 in a 1.2 x 1.2 it was a fucking proper sight and having been chopped, cropped, broken, fixed, broken, fixed again and sat in a mega wide tub 6 months the fucker looked like Augustus Gloop!
I fed the liquid at a constant 1 ml/l. 0.1% from pure stock at every hand watering and looked grand, in fact the oil didn't seem to affect the EC or PH stability whatsoever and the dosage showed to only push the EC from 1.2 to 1.3 then 1.5 to 1.6 and 1.8 to 2 max. PH of the liquid terpenes was 5 so adding it to the nutrients gave a PH of 5.9 BONUS!!! So thinking it was looking the bees nuts for the final phase and I am buzzin round expecting these fuckers to really start stinking... The result was the biggest fucking hermie in the entire world, very little odour and the excess oils caused the non - seeded calyx's to grow thick and spongey bit like a nigs afro... The buds were usable but needed curing in buckets and the oils really came out after a month or so of curing with the 62% hygro bags I got off the Yankee ponce on eBay.
Fuck me it stunk so bad when you opened them lids it made you a bit heady just on the smell. All in all I saw my experiment as a failure but maybe these guys really have it right? I can't start fucking around too much at work as people are gonna wonder what the fuck I'm doing lol.
I have decided to bin my plans for a big grow and just concentrate on 4 big mother fuckers under 1.2k this time but I will put an extra BF Bluey in and try the Terpinator on it with the new LED... maybe I can start my own blend and call it Terpwinator 2 lol once I see what they've done to get it so cheap... This picture is one of the lower Hermie buds which didn't mature the seeds fully and you can see the oil on the leaves. The tops looked like corn cobs, if I can find the pix I will post them! Anyway day off for the Lambo and after a bit of work in the garden of Weeden its a day on the River with Lambo junior!