Blacks Patrolling neighborhoods with guns


Well-Known Member
I endorse a persons right to use self defense against those that aggress against them.

Is it racist for people to not want blacks to be able to defend themselves with guns if need be? I wonder what Poopy Pants has to say about this. Maybe someone should ax him the question?

Poopy Pants yoo hoo, you out there?
I endorse a persons right to use self defense against those that aggress against them.

Is it racist for people to not want blacks to be able to defend themselves with guns if need be? I wonder what Poopy Pants has to say about this. Maybe someone should ax him the question?

Poopy Pants yoo hoo, you out there?

that's totally not telling at all.
that's totally not telling at all.

I commend your quick reply, you were like a gush of diarrhea in your responsiveness. The "ax" part was trolling you, as in a cutting instrument used to fell trees etc. What did you think I meant?

Should blacks be able to defend themselves using guns if they need to? I say yes. What do you say?
i'm sure it was.

just the same as the rest of the racial slurs you used before i was even on this site.

not racist, just trolling me (sometimes years in advance).

i believe that.

I said blacks have the right to defend themselves. (all people do)

Why do you think they don't? Are you a racist?
It looks intimidating. However, if they are in an open carry state they do have the right to carry weapons so there is no real issue here.

I do find the fact that the camera man feels the need to wear a mask disturbing.

People should have the right to protect their homes and communities no matter what color they are. It is simply common sense.
It looks intimidating. However, if they are in an open carry state they do have the right to carry weapons so there is no real issue here.

I do find the fact that the camera man feels the need to wear a mask disturbing.

People should have the right to protect their homes and communities no matter what color they are. It is simply common sense.
Why does it look intimidating ? Does this look intimidating as well ?
images duhh.jpg