breaking the first and second rule of growing

heya everyone I have received enormous benefit from reading this site over the years. since moving to a legal state I finally feel comfortable enough to post on the internet. hopefully I can contribute to people here and hand down the wisdom that was given to me over the past few years. I have been an underground grower since I was 12. @ 14 I started growing indoors. I have never spoken to anyone about growing MJ before now, I always just told people I had a steady connect LOL. this is a very odd experience for me because I have seen many people get taken down because they had big mouths.
right on. I spent last year building and tweeking my grow house so now I just want to post some pics on a journal LOL. its an odd setup but I like it I grew a few test plants in there and got a pre98 bubba OG to produce over 4oz a couple of old school growers from back in the day hooked me up with a couple of awesome strains. pre 98 bubba OG and a very nice 91 chem dog
I have never spoken to anyone about growing MJ before now.

old school growers from back in the day hooked me up with a couple of awesome strains

How is that even possible?
No one knows you grow, you speak to no one about growing but you know multiple "old school growers" that randomly hook you up w/ clones/seeds?

Not a jab - just curious. :cool:
I smoke and know friends that grow. I didn't isolate myself in a bubble. just because I grew my own doesn't mean I never had a crop go south and had to buy from another grower. and it was not "randomly" once I moved to CO. I let it get out that I was looking to grow. I grow for my own rec use now and since I am way under the legal plant count I don't have to be the DL basket case I used to be
I smoke and know friends that grow. I didn't isolate myself in a bubble. just because I grew my own doesn't mean I never had a crop go south and had to buy from another grower. and it was not "randomly" once I moved to CO. I let it get out that I was looking to grow. I grow for my own rec use now and since I am way under the legal plant count I don't have to be the DL basket case I used to be

Ok - was just having trouble getting my head around that.
it's totally cool man, you gotta understand 1 thing I'm turning 40 this year. I am from the era of zero tolerance. where a big mouth could get you 25 years. granted I was still a minor back then but that stigma stays with you. I was crazy nuts about security starting out.
always Jesus. i am often shocked by the cavalier attitudes of stoner err i mean cannasuers, smoking in public walking around malls with blunts sticking out from behind one ear. when i was 14 my best friend got busted with 1/2 an ounce and got 11 months in juvenile hall and probation for 2 years. jeeze Nancy Regan was still spitting out her bulls!@t from the whitehouse. people seriously though they were saving lives by busting kids.