watering with sugar last two weeks?


Active Member
ir ead that if you add sugar to the water the last two weeks of flowering it will plump up the buds.

but how much sugar do i add to how much water?

and will it make the bud smell and taste sweet?
ir ead that if you add sugar to the water the last two weeks of flowering it will plump up the buds.

but how much sugar do i add to how much water?

and will it make the bud smell and taste sweet?
Not regular sugar!! I would use molasses or better yet wood ashes for the last week of flowering before harvest.
Plain old molasses..in the grocery store with the pancake syrop.... $1.79.....1 teaspoon per gallon during flower...
i've been using brown sugar at about 2 tbs per gal of water starting at 2 weeks into flower and every other watering. it has plumped up the buds a good deal i also went and tried using no sugar side by side same plant "clones" and the brown sugar ones win.i dont tast any difference that stays the same but try it you'll see the difference the first grow you do with it. i think i read somewhere that the plant uses different carbs in the sugar and we all know what carbs do
ir ead that if you add sugar to the water the last two weeks of flowering it will plump up the buds.

but how much sugar do i add to how much water?

and will it make the bud smell and taste sweet?

I just read this out of a high times grow guide if i grew id give it a try "
BUds Swell about 20% when sugar is added to irrigation water during the last four weeks of flower." it also says you can use one tblspn per gallon or one tblspn per quart. and that most growers use the 1/per gallon rule so it doesnt attract ants and other shit, make sure you mix it with room temperature water so it dissolves
I just read this out of a high times grow guide if i grew id give it a try "
BUds Swell about 20% when sugar is added to irrigation water during the last four weeks of flower." it also says you can use one tblspn per gallon or one tblspn per quart. and that most growers use the 1/per gallon rule so it doesnt attract ants and other shit, make sure you mix it with room temperature water so it dissolves

"Sugar in the mud=Sugar on the bud"

Was there any information on what about why it adds budswell?
Blackstrap molasses sulfate free and organic is what I have used in the past. Mainly it was uaed to feed the microbial life present in the soil. Perhaps it also Adds some K. There are other formulated products that supply the "sugar" Like soil sweet, Trinity, etc. I currently use Trinity adding it to my nutes with some inoculates to feed them. The microbes love it and really colonize the solution creating a frothy substance on top of the mix.

On another note:
I also utilize Roots HPK which boosts the PK levels. Its like a bloom booster on an organic level, except the nutrients are broken down in the order that the plants need which when a Budswell occurs, science now supports that the plant need K more than P and chemical crack bloom boosters formulas with insane P do not currently reflect. Even though many nute companies are offering these boosters, but the market of the masses are hooked on these high P crack formulas(even Advanced nutrients). One of which I'm using on a comparison grow currently.

That said I haven't used molasses in years because I'm experimenting with alternatives.All of my current core base nutes from roots organics contain molasses and humic/fulvic acids in every part. Very interesting stable line that's producing some very healthy colonies, soil and ultimately plant.
i mixed flawless finish + brown sugar + lil bit b52 + c02 dissolved tablet + water 2 hours aerating with air pump ph 7.5 i ll give it to my last week plants...

This is one week before flush::
i've been using brown sugar at about 2 tbs per gal of water starting at 2 weeks into flower and every other watering. it has plumped up the buds a good deal i also went and tried using no sugar side by side same plant "clones" and the brown sugar ones win.i dont tast any difference that stays the same but try it you'll see the difference the first grow you do with it. i think i read somewhere that the plant uses different carbs in the sugar and we all know what carbs do

What medium are you using?
I use regular sugar with my flush, on a regular basis. I do a half a cup as an amendment and water over it in the last 2 weeks of flush, I do this twice and alternate every other watering during flush I've found it adds to the flavor and smell as well as gives it a stickiness greater than not using it. I've also used agave nectar during flower and in flush before with similar results. I firmly believe that whatever you feed your plants goes directly into the plant, so giving them say molar would give them a underlying profile of molasses, and I hate the taste of molasses, so I used alternatives. I use coco/peat/perlite mix with Fox farm liquids and powders. It wouldn't hurt to try it, especially if you are flushing, just don't give it sugar and harvest water it down that's why I alternate. My joints burn clean and never run, strictly white ash, and always a great flavor.